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Hah. I get that.


Made me chuckle:


  1. They are not ones to make small talk at the supermarket check-out. Or in general, really.
  2. In fact, Germans hate small talk. Words without purpose are wasted words.
  3. This is because Germans are generally extremely direct people. They do not see a need for conversational subtext. They say it as they see it, while keeping you at the appropriate arm’s length distance. Directness and distance are valued social commodities.
  4. Apropos, Germans will always try and shake your hand, even if you feel you’ve reached the status of hugging.
  5. But when you crash through those notorious barriers, you have a German pal for life.
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MD!! You're alive!! 


... which means my ninjas have failed me


Ninja's?! Just one more thing you American's can't do right! ;)


Yes I am alive and well just raging that my order from GenCon hasn't even turned up yet. My order no was in the 3100 ball park. I've seen people on facebook with people in the 5000's and they have had theirs! RAGE RAGE RAGE!!! 


Also.. Hello guys!

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MD! My man! How are you!?


I got a shipping notice yesterday for #3141 MD. 


I'm good thanks mate. How's life in Finland?


:angry: I've still had nothing and I'm #3169. I've decided that officially Wyrd hate English people. That's why I'm being forced to endure such boolsheet waiting times on my orders. *nods confidently*

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I'm good thanks mate. How's life in Finland?


:angry: I've still had nothing and I'm #3169. I've decided that officially Wyrd hate English people. That's why I'm being forced to endure such boolsheet waiting times on my orders. *nods confidently*



Thought you no had internets at work? :P

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This is just another Disaster you are a Master in.

Yeah pretty much! I'm probably just gonna wait for new Malifaux stuff to be released in the UK in the future. All this waiting is a royal pain!

Thought you no had internets at work? :P

I have Internet, it's just monitored by this bullshit modem. My phone's 3G isn't though! ;)
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