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Off Topic Playground

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Well thanks guys. :D


Say we're incorrect. I dare you.



Strange and bizarre things happen to you with alarming frequency. You are the one with whom demons will stop and chat. Magic items with disturbing properties will find their way to you. The only talking dog on 20th-century Earth will come to you with his problems. Dimensional gates sealed for centuries will crack open just so that you can be bathed in the energies released...or perhaps the entities on the other side will invite you to tea. Nothing lethal will happen to you, at least not immediately, and occasionally some weirdness will be beneficial. But most of the time it will be terribly, terribly inconvenient.
"Weirdness Magnet" disadvantage, GURPS



Ahahahaha! I know some people like that.

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Huh. And someone just said the bit about AoS that's been bugging me but I couldn't put into words over on Bell.


GW may have some balance down the road, but are tight lipped about it, why?

Also this 'just have fun' mentality for not including a way to even sides makes no sense. I can just have fun with my models anyways. Its now the customers job to be racking their brain to fix the game, thats insane to think that is okay... I don't buy a microwave and then get home and have to fix it because it comes broken since company thinks its fun to fix machinery before you use it. You just spent $125 to do homework to make a game vs your friend fair. Xwing would have tanked if they did this, 'buy starter, but if your friend buys 10 more tie fighters, he can still go against your one x wing because its fun'.


This makes me appreciate the balance in Malifaux and WM/H (yes, I know there are issues, but nowhere near 40k and WHFB) even more. Hell, even with a 'for fun' primary ruleset, I've got the Robotech Tactics game. They outright state in the rules they were trying to recreate the cinematic feel of the show, and they pulled it off, which means Zentraedi players get to look forward to being slaughtered every game...but they have a chance at winning through sheer numbers. There were so many different ways to do this...


Anyway. That's my last post about AoS for a while, lol. :P

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Well, Spectre's new anti-soapbox taught me that we can rate other users. Never noticed that. How is the rating done? Is it a mean? By how many people? Always the last?


Also, I don't know anything about AoS and have no interest in it all. But I get confused because the guy arguing that Izamu may be killed before he strikes and is sacrificed calls himself AoS as well, and I always think you want to talk about him.

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The new Kings of War rules will be available to download for free tomorrow, so you can check them out for yourself instead of wondering. Needless to say, if you wanna push blocks of troops around, I recommend it. I might be a bit biased ;)
PD, I know it's easier said than done, but don't be too hard on yourself. Hit me up if you ever need to talk- I've been doing the empathetic ear thing since I was in high school. We've got your back.
Exercise doesn't have to be at the gym; take a medium paced walk 30 minutes every weekday if you're not sure about it. I'd also consider looking into yoga for two reasons- one, you get some basic meditation along with your exercise, and two, lots of girls take it (and if you're into dudes, most of them that take yoga are of the lean, handsome persuasion, not a tiny ogre like myself).
If you want the strength and flexibility benefits of yoga, but think the meditative parts are too hippie, or you don't want to work out with other people, go get DDP Yoga.

Well then now that we are in the subject. What is the point of let's play videos?

I can think of three reasons to watch them: if a game's rules are really dense, or they are difficult to understand or poorly written, or if you learn better by watching than reading. Try reading the rules for Hordes of the Things, then try having someone who knows the game teach it to you. It's not even funny how much easier the latter is.

"Size doesn't matter"
"I've only been with like two other guys"
"Oh, he's just a friend"


And no one else thought of this after reading the last line above?

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Is it supposed to be satire?


Not really. Biz Markie is an old-school rapper but he does not take himself seriously. He knows he can't sing, but he also knows that most people that hear him sing think it's hilarious.


He once covered the Elton John song "Benny and the Jets," and he was so terrible it was actually very entertaining.

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Not really. Biz Markie is an old-school rapper but he does not take himself seriously. He knows he can't sing, but he also knows that most people that hear him sing think it's hilarious.


He once covered the Elton John song "Benny and the Jets," and he was so terrible it was actually very entertaining.


Ah. I don't know enough about rap to make any judgement beyond "I think Eminem is a pretty cool guy".


When I saw PD wrote something in the anti-soapbox, I secretly hoped he'd praise us for our multi-people bromance. Instead, he'll probably go on a rating spree through the forum.

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Huh. Forums are quiet today... weird.


Yeah... With Crush having less time, MD being under supervision, zFiend weirded out by our genocide talk, PD unmotivated and Vic recovering from surgery, it seems even the Off Topic is quiet. The rest of the forums is still reeling from the soapbox battleground, and rules questions don't crop up with regularity.

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