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Age of Sigmar seems pretty heavily focused on big damn heroes single-handedly smashing/blasting through legions of enemy mooks. It's a really simple set of rules to put some models on the table, throw some dice and see what happens, but doesn't have much in the way of depth or strategy. It also has no way to construct "balanced" forces (just slap down whatever models you have), so currently it's pure guesswork on what would make a fair game.


There are also troll rules, e.g. a character is known for his magnificent moustache, so you get to reroll the dice if you (the player) have a bigger moustache than your opponent. There's a ton of stuff like that.

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By all accounts it has divided people.


Some are saying its the end of everything, whilst others are praising a bold new direction.


Everyone seems to be of the opinion that this is not the new edition of Fantasy though, just a stand alone game you can use Fantasy minis in.


I will try and get a look this week...

I can't get my head around the scrolls, just doesn't look right and what is with this melee ranges? Is this basically Warmachine with GW miniatures?

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I see this as GW clutching at straws, and rather than admit their rules failures are to blame, they go the stupid route and make another failure game. Dreadfleet anyone? Nothing like a failed revival of a formerly supported product ;)

Stop it I am out of likes, Dreadfleet is a great game and I am so glad that I purchased it to play against.....no one

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ZEE!!!  Bwahahahahahahaha!!!


Oy. Good luck. On the other hand, you will have fun, because Zee are all about the shenanigans.


Anyone looked into the Age of Sigmar rules yet?


I did. They are very simplistic overall- I think we could've come up with something comparable over about a month or so. For the most part, they don't look too bad for quick and dirty throwdowns, but there are two big problems:

1) a warscroll (unit choice) has a minimum, but non-heroes have a minimum but no maximum. You don't think beardy gits aren't going to abuse that?

2) There is one objective- kill stuff. Even Kings of War v1 had a non-kill-based game option out of the box. While, yes, it's not that hard for players to come up with their own scenarios, their target market is newbies and as such, there should be at least four scenario types.


Long story short, if you want a warband-sized game, you're better off with Saga or Wrath of Kings. Both are better developed.

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Age of Sigmar seems pretty heavily focused on big damn heroes single-handedly smashing/blasting through legions of enemy mooks. It's a really simple set of rules to put some models on the table, throw some dice and see what happens, but doesn't have much in the way of depth or strategy. It also has no way to construct "balanced" forces (just slap down whatever models you have), so currently it's pure guesswork on what would make a fair game.


There are also troll rules, e.g. a character is known for his magnificent moustache, so you get to reroll the dice if you (the player) have a bigger moustache than your opponent. There's a ton of stuff like that.


I just realized...it's Dynasty Warriors: Warhammer! :P

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The market strategy behind their releases is this: We need new products on a regular basis to force people to buy our merchandise. 


Their specialist games - not 40k or Fantasy - have a "only need to buy once" framework. I buy one Blood Bowl team of 10 models, I am done forever, unless I want to buy another team of 10 models. 


I look at DreadBall, and I see Blood Bowl 40k. Someone else picked up the fumble, literally and figuratively. 

Let's play Dreadball then! :D

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The decline of Specialist Games is what started my road to leaving GW. The moment when I realized I wasn't enjoying anything about the then-current 40k is what made it permanent- Malifaux had a part in that.


I do buy GW licensed stuff sometimes, like Blood Bowl Chaos Edition on PC and some of the Fantasy Flight games (Blood Bowl Team Manager is great). It would take an overhaul of the company's philosophy for me to consider coming back in earnest.


It's nice to know I'm not the only one who sees this as an experiment and potential gateway drug. If it sells lots of models and is a hit, great. If there's too much backlash, they can say "oh, this was just something to tide you over until Warhammer 9th is done."

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We can't get people to show up to draft Battletech and you want to start a new game?!


Dreadball is also a lot easier than Battletech. As soon as I see the admittedly spiffy schematic sheets with all of those little circles for heat sinks to fill in, my eyes glaze over. Or did you mean something else?

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I can't say I'm terribly excited to give Monty Python's Fantasy Battles a try, but my friends will want to, so I'm sure I will.


I kinda wanted to start a off-topic topic of what-if Malifaux, Age of Seamus abilities that would be on cards.


All showgirls have +1 mv while you are wearing a tutu.


Copycat killer has  :+fate to hit per tophat you are wearing, no maximum.


If you are wearing a teddy, the first Teddy in your crew is free.


Speaking and moving your mouth like a badly dubbed Kung Fu movie gives all models that are part of the Ten Thunders faction in your crew +1 Df. 

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Have you tried Dreadball xtreme? Holy shit that's fun :P


I haven't even tried dreadball yet!  But I do have my team all painted up and ready to go tonight!


Painted them in my favorite hockey team's colors.

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I can't say I'm terribly excited to give Monty Python's Fantasy Battles a try, but my friends will want to, so I'm sure I will.


I kinda wanted to start a off-topic topic of what-if Malifaux, Age of Seamus abilities that would be on cards.


All showgirls have +1 mv while you are wearing a tutu.


Copycat killer has  :+fate to hit per tophat you are wearing, no maximum.


If you are wearing a teddy, the first Teddy in your crew is free.


Speaking and moving your mouth like a badly dubbed Kung Fu movie gives all models that are part of the Ten Thunders faction in your crew +1 Df. 


















*rips hurting*

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