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I don't know what that means, but I want to make a character who has a monstrous mount with that name that I can summon by shouting it.

It's a traditional German swear word. Roughly "Heaven, Ass, and Twine".

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So...to try to play catch-up:

If you're gonna research SDE for your dungeon crawl, you might as well give Arcadia Quest a go. Neither are really dungeon crawls, anyway- SDE is more like Gauntlet the board game, and AQ is like if Gauntlet had full PvP as well.

Did Kingdom Death's game ever get released? It's been how long?

Best of luck to you Victoria. My girlfriend is about 95% unlikely to be able to have children (it would take a ton of fertility drugs and who knows if those would do other terrible things to her?). So if I want kids, I have to adopt or leave her.

As for vacations- Rome, if you want to.

Texas pretty much is a separate country. I'd let them secede as long as we get a small swathe of land that includes Austin and enough territory to connect it to the rest of the US. They'd better not tax the hell out of my chili powder, either ;)

100+ degrees sucks. It happens a few days a year here. I can't imagine how rough that would be in a place that's not used to it (hell, we're not really used to it).

Taylor Swift may not have a large interest in her royalties, but songwriters certainly do. If you pirate music, the big stars will be fine, but if there were any other songwriters, composers, or arrangers involved, they are getting screwed. Most songwriters are nowhere near rich, so don't be a jerk and get it legally.

She's absolutely right about making sure artists get their fair share via streaming services, because right now a fairly successful indie artist seems to average about $20 a year or some nonsense. That is something to be ashamed of.

Wait...someone is actually whining about how unrepresentative Malifaux is? Granted, sure, a larger woman is a good addition to the mix (my girlfriend will want one of those, as do I). But good gravy, Malifaux is one of the most representative minigames out there. Plenty of races, species, half the masters are female (and many of them are among the best in the game)- what more could one want? Honestly, other than a gender-fluid Master or Henchperson (which I think will happen- it's a matter of fitting such a character into the lore properly instead of shoehorned in, and arguably the Doppelganger counts, but there's no male or indeterminate gender model for it), they've covered a much wider variety of ground than just about anyone. There's even Hoffman, who doesn't let his disability stop him from being a badass.

The overtime law wouldn't apply to me. I make just over the limit, which is rough where Crush lives, but I can live pretty comfortably on it here.

Yes, the state of American labor laws sucks. I live in a right-to-work state; while that means I can quit for any reason at any time, it also means that an employer can fire me on the flimsiest of pretenses. No argument from me on that one.

I almost went a lot darker yesterday than I did. Gone Home hit hard for some reason. I'm not nearly the person I thought I'd be by now. Of course, at the time I also thought I'd either be famous or dead by my current age, so there ya go.

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Ah, American labor laws...stupid things that they are. I'm also in a right to work state and it really becomes a thing that employers use as an axe over your head to get compliance, especially in places like Erie which are going through another downturn. Anyway...


Sounds like an interesting idea, Crush. Going to post it when you're done?

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Seriously? Makes me glad I got mine a long time ago, may not be playing Malifaux much right now but I'll get back to it eventually and I know I'll want the Blessed...


Fair enough on the story thing. Done much fiction writing before, or is this a new interest?

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Heh, I know what you mean, honestly. I've had similar problems before. After doing some short fiction stuff since my last major attempt, I've got a handle on writing structure a bit better and some new tricks to play with, so I'm hoping to not run into the same issues. If you're up for checking out a podcast, look up Writing Excuses. It's a podcast done by established writers (Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler and Mary Robinette-Kowal) and it's to help out other writers, especially new ones. Episodes are pretty short, but there's a lot of good content. They're doing a Writing Excuses 'Master Class' this year where they're starting right from the beginning of idea generation and going all the way through to finishing a book.

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Wait...someone is actually whining about how unrepresentative Malifaux is? Granted, sure, a larger woman is a good addition to the mix (my girlfriend will want one of those, as do I). But good gravy, Malifaux is one of the most representative minigames out there.

This is a really common argument against any calls to create wider representation (in any form of media, not just miniature games), but it's fundamentally flawed. Just because one property is a bit better than the others doesn't mean we can't strive to make it better still, or even that it meets "minimum standard".

I mean, if the cultural norm was that everyone had to eat a bowl of cold dogshit for dinner, but you could choose to have a bowl of sand instead, would you be like "OMG sand is the best, it's so much better than dogshit!" or would you be like "Hey, is there a reason we have to eat this stuff? How about some real food?"

I'll never understand why so many people, when they hear someone say "I'd like to see more variety/better representation/characters I can identify with in here," feel like "Hey, it's better than the alternative, so shut up" is a better response than "Fair enough, why not?"


Plenty of races, species, half the masters are female (and many of them are among the best in the game)- what more could one want?

A variety of female body types other than "catwalk model". More characters of colour. Diverse genders and sexualities represented in the fluff. Women wearing actual clothing rather than fetish outfits, and posed to look tough rather than sexy. Representation of non-Western cultures without resorting to stereotype. There are lots more ways that the game could be improved.

Don't get me wrong - Wyrd has made huge strides in these areas and they absolutely should be lauded for that. However, that doesn't mean that they should stop making progress, and I think people who point out where they feel Wyrd is going wrong in that process should be encouraged.

Ironsides alone meets a number of the above criteria (which is why she's my most-wanted Master at the moment) but that's kind of the point - she's alone. I assume you've heard of tokenism. Sybelle is another that comes up - just because one counter-example exists doesn't mean that the rest of the models in the game get a free pass.

When you see people complain, try not to dismiss them out of hand as "whinging" and tell them how good they've got it. Instead, get some perspective and try to understand why they feel that way, then decide whether you still want to shout them down.

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