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Off Topic Playground

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It's rant mode. In the train, there's this hippo of a lady. Coughing with not even the slightest effort to cover it up. Yeah, it's quite clear from the shape she's gotten herself in that she gives absolutely zero fucks about her own health, but there should be some common courtesy to care about other people's health and not do that in public transport. But then again it seems that her living habits and manners do seem more suited to a zoo like environment. Ffs.

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Oh I see another genius. There's a guy wearing suspenders, only they are hanging outside of his pants down to his knees. Same level where his pants are, you guessed that right. Now what the fuck is the point of wearing suspenders if you are hanging them out along with the pants they are made to hold up. It's like wearing a belt to your fucking chest and pants down the ankles.

The fuck is wrong with people?

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I think eye for an eye should be the system? "oh you raped someone? Well you get raped too." "oh you beat up someone? Get beaten up" "oh you shagged a sheep? Here get shagged by a bull" shit like that.

Or simply take away the object or part you are using wrong. Rape = dong cut off. Etc.

The world would be a brutal but a just place.



I am very much in favor of stricter punishment as deterrent. Also, if you are sentenced to the death penalty, you should have the option to participate in Roman style gladiator games, which would be televised, and admission and pay-per-view be charged. Suddenly prisons pay for themselves, and since it's volunteer basis, no one can say it's inhumane. 


I can't express enough how much I am opposed to this. Behave like a barbarian and we'll behave like that too? Disgusting. Seriously. Especially so since harsh punishments don't lower crime rates. They never have, they never will.

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What's the McCabe pain train?


Not really anything specific. We just need a Master that we all share, and McCabe is a good candidate, I gather.


McCabe doesn't interest me in the slightest.


Because you have no class.


You do enough to help already. :)


You know you can talk to us, but from a professional perspective, I must advise you to seek professional help. It's not a bad thing. Psychologists don't ask about your mother anymore, and it might just help to have someone you can talk to without worrying about hurting their feelings.


/professional advice


Just be sure you don't have to tackle depression alone, friend.

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Not really anything specific. We just need a Master that we all share, and McCabe is a good candidate, I gather.



Because you have no class.


I thought McMourning would be a good Master to share among us :D


And yes, I have no class. Tell me something new.



You know you can talk to us, but from a professional perspective, I must advise you to seek professional help. It's not a bad thing. Psychologists don't ask about your mother anymore, and it might just help to have someone you can talk to without worrying about hurting their feelings.


/professional advice


Just be sure you don't have to tackle depression alone, friend.


I agree on this. Councilling is also an option.

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Given the Resser vs Guild pantomime you all seem to have going on, McMourning does look like an obvious choice. :P


I've had plenty of depression counselling over the years, it's helped me get through some real rough patches. Highly recommended.

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Morning all. 


Wow what a couple of days I've had. Been busy as hell at work the last few days then yesterday I wasn't in work for more than 30 minutes before I had to rush off to the hospital. Turns out the Mrs was in a car crash whilst on her way to work. Some dozy twat didn't even try to stop and just slammed right into the back of her mums car on their way to work and I had to spend 4 hours at A&E with her worrying my ass off and hoping there was no serious damage. Thankfully it was just a nasty whiplash that caused some pretty bad neck strain and lots of pain but no bone breaks or major injuries all things considered. All she was worried about was being able to walk on our wedding day! Says it all :D


Hopefully things have been good here?

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McMourning? PD asked which Master to buy next. Don't you have McM already, PD?


I was more talking about the Master that could connect us all :D 


Still looking at which crew box to get (and yes, I already have McM ;) )




Morning all. 


Wow what a couple of days I've had. Been busy as hell at work the last few days then yesterday I wasn't in work for more than 30 minutes before I had to rush off to the hospital. Turns out the Mrs was in a car crash whilst on her way to work. Some dozy twat didn't even try to stop and just slammed right into the back of her mums car on their way to work and I had to spend 4 hours at A&E with her worrying my ass off and hoping there was no serious damage. Thankfully it was just a nasty whiplash that caused some pretty bad neck strain and lots of pain but no bone breaks or major injuries all things considered. All she was worried about was being able to walk on our wedding day! Says it all :D


Hopefully things have been good here?


Wow. that something.


Glad it goes well with her. It would be a shame if she would miss the austringer.

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Wow, MD, so happy to hear that nothing serious happened to her. My wife and I decided against skiing before the wedding because we didn't want any broken ankles disturbing our dance....


Good thing we prepare something that will cheer her up!


Hopefully things have been good here?


Reasonably so. ZFiend is a bit under the weather.

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Wow, MD, so happy to hear that nothing serious happened to her. My wife and I decided against skiing before the wedding because we didn't want any broken ankles disturbing our dance....


Good thing we prepare something that will cheer her up!



Reasonably so. ZFiend is a bit under the weather.


Thanks D. Thankfully we live in a climate where skiing isn't really an option unless we go to an artificial ski slope. Still, she wont be getting upto much the over the next few days. Her neck is in a lot of pain. 


The Austringer will not cheer her up I assure you. She's already stressing out quite a lot and I don't really want to add to that by telling her about the Austringer. She just wants the day to be perfect which I'm sure it will be. 


I suspect zFiend might be having Gym withdrawal symptoms since he hurt his wrist and can't lift any weights? That or perhaps he's been snogging the local trolls again and caught some nasty illness from them?

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