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Off Topic Playground

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If we have a secret sign, we should become an organized (or at least semi-organized) syndicate of legless orphan pickpocketers! :D


Our sign could be putting cthulhu tentacles on our faces using out hands and going "Booga booga booga bums!" before flailing our "face-tentacles" into each other like two or more octopi wrassling!


~Lil Kalki

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Our sign could be putting cthulhu tentacles on our faces using out hands and going "Booga booga booga bums!" before flailing our "face-tentacles" into each other like two or more octopi wrassling!


That would totally be practicable if this wasn't the internet.


Seriously..i am away from the thread for a few days and it descends into anarchy.

I am stopping your pocket money and no tv after eight!


Hey Absolution Black. Look, Aaron chased the other stooges away. It's eerily silent. On the bright side, he joined us in the Off Topic Thread. We're legitimate now.

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So i do actual work at my job all morning and this is what i come back to? I expected way more insanity than this...


Well, we got ... rightfully ... stomped. It's a little morose for the time being, but I think we'll recover.

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I think the trick to forming a pantsless warrior army is to get them on your side first, then remove pants... if you just start recruiting them with your pants already off, you may lose more converts than you wanted...


NOW you're telling us!

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Well it's easy being the Captain Hindsight.

We had a good plan and a good run my friend. There was nothing else we could've done.

We were like the french revolution. Lots of chaos, and in the end Napoleon was in power.

Morning all.

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