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Luckily I play no games he does anymore, lol. And I'm okay with it staying that way. So far it's looking like the heavy competitive people are snubbing Malifaux so I have serious hopes about being able to build a healthy community now.


off the topic, managed to get 600 words or so written today. \o/ Trying to get back into the habit of a daily word count, so pretty happy with that. Hopefully I can add to it later.


I don't get that many words written per day, but at least I am making progress on my story :D I don't think I can conclude it today, but I hope to post another part later today.

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The two bits of advice I have for that- set a minimum word count of something small. Even 50 words a day will build momentum and should cover a paragraph. And the second is stop in the middle of a scene, not the end. If you're in the midst of something, it'll be easier to get momentum back than trying to start up fresh on a new bit.

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Honestly, I always thought you'd need a huge daily word count to get anywhere on something like a novel. An author on his blog changed my mind when he said that 300 words a day, five days a week, is 78,000 words a year, which puts it into the novel range depending on genre.

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The two bits of advice I have for that- set a minimum word count of something small. Even 50 words a day will build momentum and should cover a paragraph. And the second is stop in the middle of a scene, not the end. If you're in the midst of something, it'll be easier to get momentum back than trying to start up fresh on a new bit.

Thanks for the advice. Hadn't thought about the "middle of the scene" stop, but I will see if that works for me.

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I live...

Ahhh! Kill it with fire, quick!




morning crush, how goes? I got your PM, I'll have to check really quick on the 10T brothers and see what shape they're in. I either have a blister of two NiB and one partially painted or a blister of three NiB.

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Left work with flu-like symptoms: cold, shivering, weak. Get to train, migraine starts. And nausea. My 54 minute trip home took 3.5 hours. Get home, delerious with pain and nausea. Try sleeping, insane pain all over, wake up this morning a little sore but okay. 



Sounds like you have a good immune system. And that you did eat something wrong.

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They look good but the older non Sigmar stuff was better for malifaux! I'm hopefully getting a couple of the forests (since faux uses sensible terrain rules the forests work better for faux than in Warhammer!)

Work is boring and I spent my morning lunch crying in the bathroom, I would think its not normal but I've been reassured from most of my crazy friends that it is normal sometimes. o.O

So Crush how are you now? Remember to keep a sample to engineer a doomsday virus!!

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Crush, all of those symptoms are in fact common in migraine attacks.

If you suffer from them regularly I'm sure you know that though.  I suffer regular attacks triggered by muscular stiffness usually and bad posture.  I get cold, shivers, weakness, then tiredness then the splitting headache followed by nausea starts.  Not fun.


Then the next day I am usually a lot better.



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That is quite serious.


On another hand, I finished more intrigue for the story. Hope you like it so far. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Edgardo Vino didn’t turn around when he heard the bookcases moving. He did remember his surprise at the secret ways that his visitor did use to move around when he was just named Professor, and the foolish action of attempting to seal away the passages. There were too many of those in the High City. He wondered if even his visitor knew them all.


“You are late.”


“Ah, my bad, great engineer, my bad.” He heard the cheerful, gnarled voice saying behind him, “ I had some other errands to run first.”


“Don’t apologize when I inconvenience you. Please, sit down, and take a glass.”


“Always so hospitable” Grimwald said as he seated himself in the assigned chair.  “Oho, What is this? One of Du Guire’s? You flatter me, great engineer. One of his 600’s as well, if I am not mistaken.”


Edgardo nodded approvingly. “Indeed. It is good to see somebody who appreciates it.”


“Well, if we couldn’t appreciate the small joys in life, where would be eh?”


“In any case, time for business. It is what you came here for, isn’t it.”


“Ever so quick to the point, great engineer, ever so hasty.” Grimwald laughed. “It did indeed appear that they didn’t appreciate their gifts. Well, that is a problem easily solved. I just need a snap of my fingers..”


Edgardo put up his hands as Grimwald moved his fingers close to each other.


“No violence, please! Violence, disappearances and similar occurrences will put the Academy in bad light, it will draw attention which is something we cannot have!” He leaned a bit closer “Surely, there must be other, more clean solutions.”


“Certainly, great engineer, certainly! However, such solutions are a little more…. pricey. In fact, I already have an idea in mind. Now listen…”


---- ------ ----


Selva looked around in the lavishly decorated room Grimwald did bring her in. It was a far cry from the dripping tunnels she was traversing a few minutes ago. She must have been led to the High City from the looks of it. She wondered whose guest she was at the moment. This room didn’t seem like it belonged to someone like Grimwald. It must belong to one of those “Friends in high places” he did mention, she concluded.


She was studying a tapestry with a rendition of the Night of Madness when the doors flew open.


“Ah, Lady Selva. Please come in.” A soft, yet commanding voice called to her.

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