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Bah,sleep patterns aren't so great. Look at us, half this thhread keeps odd hours for wherever they are, and the worst we have is rampaging showgirls, violent puppet armies, and herbie...

Maybe sleep is good, after all!

I have visions of someone in the british museum staring at a Mayan carved prophesy now, wondering who the man with the spiked tool and tiny pig is...

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Oo, another demo game? It's all going well there then?

Sigh, I wish I'd finished my warping. But then again, his head is nearly sorted, then just half a body and some hair, and he's done. So it's not too bad! Wow, actually when I think about it I'm pretty close to finished on GJ.

*runs around thread cheering and waving hands until he sees the row of showgirl heads peering round the tarp*

I'd best stop, they don't need any encouragement.

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~sneaks up to the tarp and tries to take a peek behind it but is shoo#d away by the Girls~

Dammit, they're meant to be working for me, not carrying out their own agendas. I shall have to speak will Colette about this!

So then, how is everyone else tonight? Anyone got plans for late day Gencon orders?

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That's a good point, he's not been around in ages. Hope nothing too unpleasant happened!

Everyone having a fun evening? I've just seen how much I've been on here in the last few weeks, it's amazing how little else I seem to have going on!

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Just played Evil Baby Orphanage tonight...holy crap that game is fun! Later on, turns into this crazy game of chicken, trying to keep the person next in line from winning and then hoping they can kill the person you're sending all the babies to! We had one game with a combination of a Big Red Button and a Bad Toy that sent the nearly winning player's babies all away, two spin cycles, and a set of musical chairs! Ah, what a blast.

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Really wanted to try the demo while at gencon. Everytime I wandered past on Thursday it was busy. Hopefully next year I can stay for more then one day.

Yeah, Thursday is crazy busy. Even today it would sometimes take a while to get into a demo. Sticking around a day or two would be a ton of fun. There really is a LOT going on for just one day.

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