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Evenin all, good to see some quality TV being discussed!

I can't decide whether to be bummed out or not, Eric has said there'll be more gremlin parody crews it seems, so I guess my green justice is a bit pointless now! Aside from me enjoying doing it, I mean. (back in the day I'd have held out the crazy hope that they'd look at taking it on, but with the digital thing now...).

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...Gundam Wing, Blood+, current one is Naruto (holy crap the title character is annoying, but some of the others are fun plays on tropes).

Bleah, Gundam Wing aka Emo Gundam. Watch the older series- the original, 08th MS Team, War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory...much better. I have friends who won't touch the anime but like the Naruto manga a lot. I wonder when the Rock Lee spinoff is coming out?

I loved Esteban and the Mysterious Cities of Gold. We had one called Spartacus that was good too, though apparently it was something else everywhere but North America. I need to track down Galaxy Rangers and Visionaries, too- the latter was quite good for a toy-pusher cartoon.

Game night- might try the new Firestorm rules, but I think I'll be playing Alkemy unless I get distracted by my shiny new copy of Tooth and Nail: Factions...

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08th MS Team was great. Gundam annoyed the crap out of me because I hated the main character, lol. Same with Gundam Seed. Whiny teenagers aren't very interesting characters. I'd call Seed much more emo than Gundam Wing. Wing had a lot of the 'Cloud Strife' trope types, which is annoying in and of itself, but eh. At the end of the day, 08th MS Team trumps all.

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Never been a Gundam fan myself, but then I've never been a fan of any Mecha anime. I'm weird like that and it's got me some very odd looks and comments form other anime fans over the years. Visionaries was quite fun, shame it was short lived and cancelled so quickly :(

How about Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors? I loved that one as well!

Thundercats, Tranformers and Scooby-Doo have always been my favourites though.

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Welcome to the conversation! *grin* People are always welcome to join in on conversations in here. What's TTGL? Don't know that one. Code Geass is one that started out good, but I missed a couple episodes and lost track of the whole show because of it, lol. The problem with long animes is they take forever, the problem with short ones is every episode is vital.

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Anime huh?

Closest thing I got to "mecha anime" was probably GunXSword. But I like stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Last Exile, .Hack, Noein, Otogi Zoshi, Ghost in the Shell, etc. I don't class myself as an "anime fanboy". There was an anime society at my university, I know this because a very annoying girl spoke often (and loudly) about it, and I never felt compelled to explore it further (I have similar feelings to this hobby too). All you really need is Studio Ghibli anyway (almost got the complete collection).

And we all know what the best anime ever is...

Panda-Go-Panda of course! =D

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When I look at all the anime I have watched my favourites would have to be Ah! My Goddess, Elfen Lied, Urusei Yatsura and Chrno Crusade. Quite a eclectic mix whenyou think about it, but there is a romance at the heart of them all.

As for anime features, Laputa and Urusei yatsura: Remember My Love always steal the show for me!

Anime I have the biggest problem with is just about anything by Gainax, they over complicate threadbare plots to make them seem more interesting when all they do is bore me (This Ugly Yet Beautiful World and Evangelion are prime examples of that).

Edited by LonelyPath
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Oo, a new sacrifice! I mean, hi. Don't mind me, I had my head in a toxic fume hood today fixing it.

Taking a while to get the shots, but new photos should be up soon. Light started to go while I was sculpting, but there's enough...

How's everyone?

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Technically, I'm a biochemist. But the chamber has a small airlock to put stuff in, about 18" wide and two foot long. And the inner door fell off, so several off us had to work through the airlock and in the big rubber gloves attached to the front wall of the chamber to fix it. It's used for work involving toluene and such, so having my arms in the airlock meant my face was a bit close. That stuff reeks something evil!

And I agree, howls moving castle is epic. Although totoro is still one of my top three characters in any of them!

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Welcome to the conversation! *grin* People are always welcome to join in on conversations in here. What's TTGL? Don't know that one. Code Geass is one that started out good, but I missed a couple episodes and lost track of the whole show because of it, lol. The problem with long animes is they take forever, the problem with short ones is every episode is vital.

TTGL is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, our just Gurren Lagann for short. Is a mech/gag manga with a great story (imo) and I agree, if I had not watched every episode ode CG I would have given up like I did with the non-anime series lost and heroes. The ending was truly fantastic though.

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Yeah, I lost my way in code geass. Should really try again.

That's good news path, did your baby serve you well in spending your bank balance online? Or does it come with the 'are you sure this is wise' software? I wish that existed...

Yah, toluene reeks. Took hours for me to stop stinking of it! But on the other hand, I'm now uploading photos! Only three days after I said I would, but meh, they're much more awesome than Monday's would have been.

What's on the cards tonight for people?

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