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Forum Awards?

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Now this may be a rather silly and possibly even, impossible to do idea, but I was thinking for a bit of fun we could do some sort of recognition for certain posters on here. I was thinking that maybe we could as a community, choose say 5 categories relevant to posting on here, such as 'Most helpful poster' or 'biggest nutter' etc etc. and then collect nominations for those categories.

Then each candidate could be voted for in the respective category in a closed poll for a period of time. The candidate with the most votes would win the prize.

Now I am happy to purchase the awards and even post them (though I may regret this if all winners are US or further afield!) I was thinking something simple like this:


Now the company offer free engraving to a certain limit (though it may depend on the cost of the award purchsed lol. You may just receive a blank one, or with a peelable sticker on it!), so categories would have to be short and sweet!

But I am not very good with the whole setting up of polls or even the admin side of these things, so advice or help would be appreciated!

Winners would be announced, i would get their address details, and post the trophies! Then if they are willing, the winners could post a pic of them with the trophy and maybe a simple speech?

So am I taking too much on? Is anyone prepared to offer advice or shoot me down?

And head honchos, is this something you wouldn't want to see? Fair enough if you don't, I just think it may be fun! And if it goes successfully, I may be tempted to make it an annual thing?

Comments, suggestions welcome, either in this post or by PM. I am on here mon to fri 9- 5 (working hours! :) ) so you should get responses then!

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So are you saying leave it to you guys to organise, or that you may help? :)

Either way, that sounds cool. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do, and I don't mind being heavily involved in it as long as I had some guidance!

But yeah, hippieshopper, that kind of thing, though I was trying to keep the awards positive, so Smart-arse may be out! Though then again!

And I wouldn't want to bankrupt myself, so If i did get a go ahead, and was responsible for the awards, I was hoping 5 or 6. 10 at tops?

Anyway, I'll leave it up to the powers that be to decide how/if it moves on.

Still, no harm in suggesting categories though!

Edited by Absolution Black
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What's the point? We all know that Ratty's going to take full-house of those awards anyway.. :D

Not necessarily. There could be a limit on how many awards one can be nominated for? But yes, he would probably feature in a few!!

On the plus side, If I had to mail trophies, its not far from me to Cambridge!! ;)

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So, I'm seeing some good ideas for categories.....

Maybe we could have four or five serious awards (ie 'Most helpful', or 'For services to Malifaux' (employees excluded obviously!)) and then some more off the wall awards like those mentioned.

I really do think this could be a good idea if done well.

I don't want to step on Wyrd's toes if they are planning their own at some point, but perhaps I could do an 'alternative' awards? Kinda like the Golden Globes to the Oscars!!

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