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So you're tapped to write and direct the Malifaux movie...

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Viktoria's and Seamus.

Like the audience, Viktoria is and outsider looking into the world of Malifaux, plus the destiny undertones and subplot with the twin would be neat.

Seamus would be a delightfully twisted bad guy, plus you could add Molly as a way of engaging him and Killjoy as a henchman for the Viks to fight before moving on to the main antagonist.

He'd have his hookers with him as a bodyguard, although some more generic undead (punk zombies!) would be needed for the Viks to fight through.

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Rathnard, you make a good case. I really like your thinking! I bet Jackie Earle Haley would play a good Seamus. But I'm at a loss on a Victoria.

But that's not the best Malifaux movie there is. The best would have to be...

Perdita vs. Lilith. I think that would be truly classic. Western gunslingers vs. monsters. That sums up Malifaux quit nicely. I'd want Selma Hayek as Perdita and Carrie Ann Moss as Lilith.

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Guild, being the central antagonist, would almost be a must for any first film. You still have a lot of choices though:

Sonnia vs. Ramos

Lady Justice vs. Seamus

Perdita vs. Lilith

C. Hoffman vs. Leveticus

Out of all of those, you'd think my choice would be Perdita vs. Lilith, and it totally would, but I can't help think that Seamus vs. Lady Justice would better. With it, we get:


Lady Justice

Death Marshals


The Judge, Zombie Hookers, Sybelle, Philip Tombers, and maybe even a Rogue Necromancy.

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Like some said, have the guild as the main characters in the movie, fighting against the resser,

(I would want to see Lady J. against Seamus, or even, Lucius against Kirai)

-Side note: I think it would be difficult to pull off Lady J, since she is blind-folded and the character couldn't see "well"

Or even do mercenaries POV. see how the malifaux is set up through their eyes.

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If we're working from established cannon, I'd go with Victoria's story. It puts her in contact with most of the important characters in the setting.

In a lot of ways, I'd prefer to take Criid or Perdita and run her up against a mystery that allows her to defeat the minions of her antagonist; setting up for a sequel where the antagonist goes down. That would allow for enough character development and provide plenty of opportunity for other important characters to be introduced. Potentially that would establish a franchise that can explore other stories.

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It would be simple actually,there are plenty of sheer fabrics that appear solid but you can see through quite well. not to mention the fact that two eyeslots could be cut and then digitally added in the wrap up.

Sonnia vs Ramos. Just because i think it would make for a great movie with some seriously awesome special effects. It would bounce between the labor riots and sabotaging and the board room and legal manuevering of the two.

Lady Justice Vs McMourning. Wave on Wave of guild autopsies,finally culminating in a scalpel to greatsword fight in the middle of the Guild's morgue while a flesh construct used the judge as a club to bash around death marshals.

Seamus Vs Colette. For sheer creepyness this one would be perfect, though it might have real difficulty to avoid going too far. Seamus is looking to add to his collection,and Collette's theater is the next stop on the list.

Freikorps vs ...well anything really.Liam neeson as Von Schill,Oscar Jaenada as the Trapper.Terry Crews as the Specialist.Chris Evans as a Korpsman,Zoe Saldana as the Librarian. And Jason Statham as Bishop.

Going against them...hmmm...Lilith and the nephilim.Carrie-ann Moss for Lilith...Because we know she looks amazing in skin tight leather.Julie Benz as Lilitu,Sean Patrick Flanery as Lelu. Rest of the nephilim would likely be just cgi enhanced without many lines. Steve Buscemi as the black blood shaman....just because I think it would be awesome.

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My two votes would be for:

Lady J vs Seamus: Kate Beckinsale to play Lady J (just dye her hair!) as she has shown she can really kick butt (see underworld). Dominic West to play Seamus (the guy from the wire, McNulty) as I think his cheeky expression captures Seamus perfectly!

Perdita Vs Lilith: Obvious choice is Salma Hayek for Perdita, but what about Penelope Cruz or J-Lo? ;)

As for Lilith. Hmmm, not swung on Carrie-ann moss. Lucy Lawless for the win!! :)

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Lucy Lawless could do a good job I admit,but Carrie ann moss looks much better in leather.Both would certainly work however... But yeah totally kate beckinsale for Lady J.

Michelle Rodriguez to play perdita. Danny Trejo to play...well whoever in the family he damn well wants lol. Though I think he would make an awesome Santiago. Francisco too for that matter. Oscar Jaenada would also make a great nino.

Edited by Dark Alleycat
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If we're working from established cannon, I'd go with Victoria's story. It puts her in contact with most of the important characters in the setting.

Same, probably the best option to introduce people to Malifaux

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lilith vs Rasputina, the pair have lot of hate between them and a subplot about lilith and Nikama

Others, would have to be Sonnia Criid, she is my favourite character fluff wise (don't tell Hayzel)

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If we were trying to be hollywood, Lillith vs Lucius... He's the best current example of the corrupt Guild govt. and she's the embodiment of why Malifaux is dangerous.

I'd prefer Lillith vs. Ramos as he showcases the M&SU underground aspect and the common folk (as seen through his agenda) but I tihnk for a first movie you'd really want the guild in there... though you could always have them in the background as elements both main story facitons are dodging.

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Lady J blind wouldn't be that much of a problem. Anyone seen Blind Fury with Rutger Hauer?

A truly awesome movie!

For narrative reasons I would probably riff off the story in rising powers about Hoffman and ryle coming through the breach.

Could culminate in a whole 'I created you' moment with ramos at the end of the trilogy.

It would have to be a trilogy...

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Perdita Vs Lilith: Could be a great wild-west Cowboys vs Vampire style moving with all sorts of amazing visuals and the compelling struggle of the Ortegas to hold back the Nephilim constantly testing their metal.

Either that or..

Sonniia Criid vs Pandora. Sonniia is investigating all the the strange hauntings going on and eventually finds out it is Pandora. At that moment it can turn into a fantastic chiller movie with Sonniia now being hunted by Pandora and she has to escape from the soul crushing forces of Pandora's Woes.

Or if you want just a match made in heaven...

Dreamer vs Som'er: I could see the Dreamer wandering up to Som'er and starting to have a nice little chat with him and just awesomeness ensues from there. Nightmares and Gremlins everywhere!

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I have given this a lot of thought, not only because it would be awesome, but because I'd realistically want to execute it. Though in my mind the film would likely be stop-motion tying into the puppet theme.

Anyway my votes would be as follows:

1) Perdita vs Dreamer: She is hunting Neverborn as usual and finds clues (including reports of Coppelius) leading to Collodi who is like an observer of the whole situation. Having confronted Nightmares as well as LCB she finally finds out that the Dreamer is behind the chaos. Perdita is forced to chose her allies carfully, question what is real and what is not, all the while overcoming her own family politics and that of the Guild. Could work just as well with Lady Justice or Sonnia, but they'd have to recruit the Ortegas to help hunt the Neverborn.

2) Hoffman/Lucius vs Leveticus: Hoffman is the hero hunting down a man he thinks to be evil but eventually finds Leveticus to be less b&w. Lucius is the real antagonist, who is corrupted, ruthless and a puppet master for his own designs. It would be like Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn Trilogy where the real enemy is from within, but also HBOs the Wire with no easy outcome. I mean Hoffman can't simply slap Lucius one, but he can learn a few tricks from the man he's hunting...

3) Seamus vs Colette: Mentioned before, this could be very nasty, but I think it'd be better played as a anti-romantic story where Seamus and Colette are engaged in a waltz of wits and willpower as they try and get there way all under the watchful gaze of the Guild. Molly and Cassandra can have an epic bitch fight.

4) Victoria vs Kirai: two characters that have a good "arrival" story to introduce us to the different sides of Malifaux. Also I imagine a cool showdown between the two crews in a location similar to the snowy garden in Kill Bill or with cherry blossoms gently raining down like a scene from Hero or House of Flying Daggers. Plus Victoria could talk to a lot of characters (Sonnia, Ramos, Leveticus, Nicodem) in an effort to find her target. Plus she could easily have been given the job by Guild Officials only to learn the tragic truth behind Kirai's fall.

5) Perdita vs Ophelia: One a hot babe the other a Guild servant. This would be more a comedy short rather than a full feature, or a sequence within another film, etc.

6) Puppet Wars the Movie: Tim Burton eat your heart out.

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Colette vs Ramos: "You are Not the Boss of Me!"

It would be the story of a young woman wanting to be independent from an unloving father figure and lead her own group of Showgirls in performances, smuggling through the Breach, and walks through the vermin-infested sewers.

But will the old man allow the young woman he nurtured and raised to help him acquire his own goals go free? Probably not, otherwise there won't be much of a conflict or much of a story.

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