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Gamer, modeller or painter?

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Mine are all pretty close. If I had to give them up, in the reverse order of what I'd ever lose would be:




Although, truly, without any one of them the others would quickly lose a lot of appeal for me.

This pretty well sums up my thoughts as well, I love all three aspects of the hobby but painting is usually the area I take the longest time in getting around to doing

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Painter and Modeler. Malifaux was the first i really started to branch out into mods and complex base work. I have some 40k stuff, but nothing that compares to my Malifaux minis.

I've yet to play a game with my mini's.

Honestly, I'd even throw terrain in there some where. That's what I do when I'm tired of the other three.

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Painting/Modeling tied for first. Gaming far third. I am always up for a fun game but I prefer to avoid tournaments these days (been there done that). I am always looking for something fun and different to build and paint. Western theme in Malifaux scratched that itch for me.

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Gamer first, and then painter and modeler are probably somewhat interchangeable. If you look at any of my Showcase threads, you see I like spicing up my miniatures and modifying them from time to time. I'm not a great painter, but I really like the relaxation I get from it. I probably do spend more time per week painting than I do gaming, but the game itself is why I first picked up Malifaux, and I've fallen in love with the rules.

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Gamer first and pretty much only.

If I am in the right mood on the right day, the wind is in the right direction and the Moon is aligned with Mars etc, I might think about considering doing some actual painting of miniatures. Usually though I can find something else to do.

Please understand it's not that I am lazy or not very good, quite the contrary but between work, kids, trying to be sociable to my mrs and balancing other life escaping frolics, painting is a very low priority to be entertained very often.

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