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Sheen or Gaddafi

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That was fun. Got quite a few correct - that's worried me a lot

Yeah, I'm not sure if scoring high is a good thing, either.

lol, my girlfriend and I did that the other morning. Such classic lines.

"I beat down the earthworms with my words. just imagine what I can do with my fire-breathing fists!"

I wish I could come up with things half as crazy.

nice one! I ended up getting 8/10 by basically guessing the crazier ones for Sheen, and the slightly less crazy sounding ones for Gaddafi...

I think some of the Gaddafi lines became a lot crazier once you understand the context. Like the one about, "I get up at 11 or 4 and it's day time" or whatever the hell it was...he said that to the U.N. The man actually went into a session of the United Nations and rambled at length about what time he got up and whether or not the sun was up.

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"I beat down the earthworms with my words. just imagine what I can do with my fire-breathing fists!"

and apparently Babelfish can do them one better:

"I beat down the earthworms with my words. just imagine what I can do with my fire-breathing fists"


"나는 나의 낱말을 가진 지렁이의 아래 쳤다. 나가 나의 불 호흡 주먹으로 해 좋은 무슨을 다만 상상하십시오"


"I hit lower part of the earthworm which has my word. Go out and do and only imagine with the non breath fist and"

"I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body." ("20/20.")

나는 약에 이다. It' s는 찰리 쉰을 불렀다. It' 유효하지 않음 s. 당신이 그것을 한 번 시도하는 경우에, 당신은 죽을 것이다. 당신의 얼굴은 떨어져 녹고 당신의 아이들은 당신의 폭발한 몸에 흐느껴 울 것이다

<babelfish>"Am I about. It' s called fifty which will kick. It' Without being effective and s not being. One time attempt this it of you in case, you the gruel are the thing. Your face will fall and will melt and your children the [hu] to feel in the body which you explodes and cry"

Speaking of which...

So EricJ's signature on crack (or Babelfish...)

Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250


성숙한 인간 두뇌에 의해 매일에 사용되는 포도당 추정된 양, M&로 표현해; Ms: 250


In compliance with the human brain which matures the dextrose which is used everyday the sheep which is presumed, M& With expresses; Ms: 250

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