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Under-appreciated models?

Nu Fenix

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So, I was wondering, what models do folks feel don't get the love and attention they deserve?

I am looking at this from a rules perspective, but I am certain there are some who wish they could see certain models being used from an aesthetic perspective.

The reason I ask is like so many of us here, I keep wanting more models, both to increase the faction I play, and to expand into new factions.

But sometimes it is far too easy to get distracted by the same models and not try something new or unusual.

Since I am at work typing from from phone, I can't look at my book to think about what models I feel are under-appreciated right now, but look forward to reading what others think :)

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Guild Guard should be used more, but the Ortega clan has no need, Sonia has Witchlings, and Lady J has Death Marshals ... no one really *needs* Guard.

Necropunks... never seen one on a table. Between a Canine and a Belle in cost but not as handy as either. They're just ... forgotten.

The Hoarcat Pride suffers from being part of Marcus' crew, I suppose, but they're kind of an unknown. Sabretooth Cat's in the box set, Molemen are indestrucatble Scenario machines, but hoarcats ... poor lil' guys.

The Waldgeist isn't used much by Nerverborn, but they're the one faction that has probably the best all-around stack of usefulness.

And then we have mercs. Poor, unloved mercs.

The much-maligned Malifaux Child stands head and shoulders over the rest, easily the worst totem in the game.

Misaki wants to run around with the Viktorias and some Ronin, but never seems to make it in.

Hans eternally lives in Nino's shadow. Less accurate, less able to escape melee, deals less damage ... but at least he costs more! Wait...

Bonus points for Avatar Pandora, around for forever but sans rules. :)

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He is the least loved Ortega in these parts. Sure he needs to get a little hurt to really get going but once he does he is crazy powerful. If Nino is the long range support Ortega, Santiago is the mid range beat stick.

He has paired, he has good damage output up to 10". He has critical strike(with a built in Ram). When he is hurt he adds to his CB, gets a free walk action(great with his Rapid Fire) and a positive flip on damage. Plus he has trigger happy.

I really don't understand why people don't take him more. Also his model is bad ass.

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He is the least loved Ortega in these parts. Sure he needs to get a little hurt to really get going but once he does he is crazy powerful. If Nino is the long range support Ortega, Santiago is the mid range beat stick.

He has paired, he has good damage output up to 10". He has critical strike(with a built in Ram). When he is hurt he adds to his CB, gets a free walk action(great with his Rapid Fire) and a positive flip on damage. Plus he has trigger happy.

I really don't understand why people don't take him more. Also his model is bad ass.

I think it's because if you want to get some cheap models in and are therefore not going to take all the family, he's the one which is perceived worse, along with Papa.

Bishop, never can seem to find a lot of love for this poor guy.

In addition to Karn's, Joss. Just don't see him around much and he has so much potential.

I think both of these suffer from the same thing. They are very good, but it's hard to get them into position to do their damage. They are a touch too much of a glass cannon.

Guild Guard should be used more, but the Ortega clan has no need, Sonia has Witchlings, and Lady J has Death Marshals ... no one really *needs* Guard.

I'm sure Lucius does, they are the only cheap model he can take

Necropunks... never seen one on a table. Between a Canine and a Belle in cost but not as handy as either. They're just ... forgotten.

Fast moving, cheap and have slow to die to summon Killjoy. I use mine all the time. McMourning crews often have a few of them.

The Hoarcat Pride suffers from being part of Marcus' crew, I suppose, but they're kind of an unknown. Sabretooth Cat's in the box set, Molemen are indestrucatble Scenario machines, but hoarcats ... poor lil' guys.

Agreed they are a bit underused.. They do often appear in the Mad Cat Lady list.

The Waldgeist isn't used much by Nerverborn, but they're the one faction that has probably the best all-around stack of usefulness.

Most Lilith players seem to take a single one. other than that not so much. I think it's down to terrain to people not having many woods in their terrain. I know I don't yet, which makes them fairly useless.

And then we have mercs. Poor, unloved mercs.

The much-maligned Malifaux Child stands head and shoulders over the rest, easily the worst totem in the game.

No argument here.

Misaki wants to run around with the Viktorias and some Ronin, but never seems to make it in.

She seems to appear quite a lot against me.. but that's due to me playing Kirai and her having an AOE magical waepon, EEP... She's always the first to die..

Hans eternally lives in Nino's shadow. Less accurate, less able to escape melee, deals less damage ... but at least he costs more! Wait...

He's very situational. Completely pointless for the Guild, but if I was up against Hamelin I think his headshot would be really useful. He can choose to lose a Rat Catcher or Nix or discard 2 cards.. That's a really hard choice for him. Saying that he is much better since he got the damage boost on the v2 card.

Bonus points for Avatar Pandora, around for forever but sans rules. :)

Yeah OK Edited by Ratty
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Guild Guard should be used more, but the Ortega clan has no need, Sonia has Witchlings, and Lady J has Death Marshals ... no one really *needs* Guard.

Necropunks... never seen one on a table. Between a Canine and a Belle in cost but not as handy as either. They're just ... forgotten.

The Hoarcat Pride suffers from being part of Marcus' crew, I suppose, but they're kind of an unknown. Sabretooth Cat's in the box set, Molemen are indestrucatble Scenario machines, but hoarcats ... poor lil' guys.

The Waldgeist isn't used much by Nerverborn, but they're the one faction that has probably the best all-around stack of usefulness.

And then we have mercs. Poor, unloved mercs.

The much-maligned Malifaux Child stands head and shoulders over the rest, easily the worst totem in the game.

Misaki wants to run around with the Viktorias and some Ronin, but never seems to make it in.

Hans eternally lives in Nino's shadow. Less accurate, less able to escape melee, deals less damage ... but at least he costs more! Wait...

Bonus points for Avatar Pandora, around for forever but sans rules. :)

Necropunks are great - fast, tough and cheap. I see them a lot around our way and they will be getting loads of use in my Levi crew as either a Killjoy delivery system or to grab objectives as my steampunk abominations can't.

I think Hoarcats suffer from the fact that you need mutiple units for them to be of any use.... its a relatively large investment in both $ and SS before you can field a decent unit, and even then their effectiveness is debatable. I think if their devour was extended to any Ht1 model rather than just living models, then they would be far more useful. Its a shame, as I love the look of the little fellas.

I can never quite understand Waldgeist don't get more play time... especially in Marcus crews where they are fast enough to keep up with him and perfect for Defend Me.

I agree with the Malifaux Child, I can't see any reason for anyone to take him, ever.

Ever since I had Misaki take out McMourning in a single round of combat I always try to take her. Her versatility is fantastic, and she often takes un-prepared opponents by surprise... some people don't expect her blasts and I once had a Tina player think she was safe behind a wall of ice pillars only for Misaki to tip-toe through it and smack her about with the bisento. She is a bit fragile, but as she isn't prohibitively expensive, I can normally squeeze her in when I want to.

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Ah was just thinking about Bishop being in this situation the other day.

Love the mini, and yes he can be useful, alot of people would argue that if anyone claimed he was useless, but he really just costs too much for me to want to include him regularly - give him instinctual and he'd seriously be rocking :P

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He has paired, he has good damage output up to 10". He has critical strike(with a built in Ram). When he is hurt he adds to his CB, gets a free walk action(great with his Rapid Fire) and a positive flip on damage. Plus he has trigger happy.

And he has a healing flip. I love him. He's definitely part of the Coretegas.

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He is the least loved Ortega in these parts.

Same here, and I don't get it, either.

He also simply looks really fun, but a lot of players don't take him. At least not in smaller games.

Also, Bad Juju. Sure, he's situational, but he's not that kind of terrible model you only call "situational" because you don't want to actually call it terrible only to get into an argument with that one guy who puts it into every single list and will never actually concede a point, ever.

At least I think Zoraida's compost heap really has his uses, but most Neverborn players I know never even seem to consider him.

Poor Juju. :(

Oh, and then there's Misaki. I'm pretty sure I never saw her on the table. In fact, this thread just reminded me of her existence. Huh.

Edited by Ace of Apes
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Same here, and I don't get it, either.

He also simply looks really fun, but a lot of players don't take him. At least not in smaller games.

Also, Bad Juju. Sure, he's situational, but he's not that kind of terrible model you only call "situational" because you don't want to actually call it terrible only to get into an argument with that one guy who puts it into every single list and will never actually concede a point, ever.

At least I think Zoraida's compost heap really has his uses, but most Neverborn players I know never even seem to consider him.

Poor Juju. :(

I so wish Bad Juju didn't have Immune to Influence. He's much better now he's Hard to Wound 2 and only costs 1ss to bring back. But if you have to put a big beat stick into a Zoraida list not being able to obey him makes him less than ideal.

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I so wish Bad Juju didn't have Immune to Influence. He's much better now he's Hard to Wound 2 and only costs 1ss to bring back. But if you have to put a big beat stick into a Zoraida list not being able to obey him makes him less than ideal.

I don't know, I find a lot of love for Juju even with ITI. Sure you can't Obey him, but he is a great mid game crusher. Just bring him up on the end of the 2nd turn when people have generally spread out and start to beat on people. Yeah no Obey is annoying but this also means he doesn't have to worry about a host of other abilities in the game. I personally like the trade off, though then again I obey my enemy a lot more then my own models since I tend to play with lots and lots of dolls >.>

But for this thread, he would definitely fit the bill for under-appreciated model.

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Same here, and I don't get it, either.

He also simply looks really fun, but a lot of players don't take him. At least not in smaller games.

I would argue that in a smaller game he is more worthwhile the Nino honestly. Nino generally sits in one spot and shoots. Which is okay for bigger games but in smaller games you need all your models more activate to complete strategies and schemes.

Maybe I am just blinded by my love for Santiago.

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I don't know, I find a lot of love for Juju even with ITI. Sure you can't Obey him, but he is a great mid game crusher. Just bring him up on the end of the 2nd turn when people have generally spread out and start to beat on people. Yeah no Obey is annoying but this also means he doesn't have to worry about a host of other abilities in the game. I personally like the trade off, though then again I obey my enemy a lot more then my own models since I tend to play with lots and lots of dolls >.>

But for this thread, he would definitely fit the bill for under-appreciated model.

I seem to end up in a lot of match ups where the opponent is either not worth obeying or high WP. having your own beatstick to fall back on is really useful. otherwise you end up with Zoraida running around doing nothing useful. When your opponents master is blasting your force away or summoning more models. If Z is not obeying something useful then your playing at a disadvantage

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I seem to end up in a lot of match ups where the opponent is either not worth obeying or high WP. having your own beatstick to fall back on is really useful. otherwise you end up with Zoraida running around doing nothing useful. When your opponents master is blasting your force away or summoning more models. If Z is not obeying something useful then your playing at a disadvantage

I actually agree that ITI is kind of a big deal considering his price tag. Zoraida usually (always depending on what targets you expect the opponent to have, of course) wants a good Obey target first or the crew on a whole tends to struggle with momentum in my experience. That's why I don't find myself playing Bad Juju that often, actually.

I think he might see more play in the future. Right now it's kind of hard to find a home for him since three of his possible masters are simply pretty restrictive when it comes to model choices and Zoraida doesn't actually synergize with him, although he still offers enough to be worth taking sometimes.

So, when I say he's underappreciated I only mean that a lot of people seem to just dismiss him out of hand, which isn't really deserved.

I would argue that in a smaller game he is more worthwhile the Nino honestly. Nino generally sits in one spot and shoots. Which is okay for bigger games but in smaller games you need all your models more activate to complete strategies and schemes.

Well, I'm no Guild player, so I can't really claim to know what it's like for the Ortegas, but in general, I agree.

Personally, I think at least some players might just take Nino out of habit. I know I tend to do the same with Lilith and the Mature Nephilim.


Crooked men.

Wow, really? Resurrectionist players around here all over them. Like, the first thing I see Nicodem summon is almost invariably either a Belle or a Crooked Man, depending on what I'm bringing.

Edited by Ace of Apes
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yes really...now granted,that might be because all the resser crews here are either mcmourning or Seamus,and have a noted preference for the Belles...but yeah..far as I know im the only resser player in this area with a crooked man at all...let alone that plays them lol. Granted my freikorps have been using up most of my play time,but still lol.

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For me I also think Bad Juju is under-appreciated... He is pretty awesome in melee when he puts his mind to it, but he doesn't fit with a particular master like the other big guys do... Lilith has the mature neph, pandora and the dreamer have teddy, Leveticus could take him, but he's got the desolation engine, and Zoraida players are hesitant to take him because he's immune to influence.

I think that he'll start to feature more this month, from my perspective anyway, because of the fact that with the Insidious Madness you can shoot him with Neverborn Whispers and remove the immunity to Wp duels and Zoraida can obey away. Sounds good to me...

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Remember, Under-appreciated is NOT the same as "Doesn't get playtime". If you agree the model truly is crappy (Malifaux Child), then it's not what asked about. What is asked about is models who don't get the love that they deserve.

Exactly my point!

It is easy to say which models are bad, and another to say who lives in the shadows of other models.

Due my group consisting of myself with the dreamer, and one other with Colette & Ramos we don't see a lot to decide what lacks attention.

As such, this thread is giving me all sorts of insights, as well as changes I was unaware of such as Bad Juju.

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