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About adamr

  • Birthday 03/09/1990

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  1. Wow - i wasn't too keen on him at first but I'm really liking the card shenanigans he can get up to... Plus the HD sounds nasty!
  2. Hey welcome! Malifaux was my first introduction to miniatures games as well - I found that the best thing to do is to just go out, find a group of gamers and jump right in. Seems a bit daunting at first but I've found that most people are keen on giving the new guy a game, and you'll be cheating fate like a pro in no time!
  3. Hey welcome to the forums! Great to see you've seen the light early on and started your Neverborn collection already... give it a few weeks and Guild will be the furthest thing from your mind - Just the way us 'born players like it!
  4. For me I've always seen Summer Glau as Molly (think River Tam from Firefly - doesn't speak much, but when she does she's always cryptic and gets the best lines)
  5. that would be awesome if they weren't immune to their own shafted markers... doesn't stop you from throwing their master down one though...
  6. Welcome to the game! Gotta say you picked a great crew to start with - full of firepower and fun as well. The ophelia threads are out there, but everyone does seem to love those mercenaries. The Pull my Finger wiki has some great information on our little gremlinette, if you go to... http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Ophelia+Lacroix Hope that helps, adam.
  7. if it's a wp resist then i don't think you can because of immune to influence
  8. This guy is a legend and he's still gigging at 86! He came to melbourne a few months ago and he really does still have it. That's pretty amazing... Keep on rocking BB!
  9. I'm a big fan of the zoraida/ophelia combo so hopefully i can offer some of my thoughts... All your options could work well, though I probably wouldn't go with papa loco, i find that pere fills that spot nicely enough and if they both blow themselves up, while they do a whole lot of damage, you're left with a big hole in your crew. The terror tots make great objective grabbers as they're fast and they can also hit pretty hard if you get that flay trigger off (min 3 damage on a 3ss model? sounds good to me). bayou gremlins work great with ophelia for some cheap ranged power, or you might like to try her totem the young lacroix for the same price. While not significant and thus not good at objective grabbing if you need firepower, using magical extension to cast 'right between the eyes' is always a good choice. Of course, don't forget about all the neverborn stuff you can take too... While you can't take wicked dolls or other special forces stuff, one model that almost always appears in my lists are the silurids - very fast and if you've got something like deliver a message, almost too good not to take. ((0) 9" leap in, (2) deliver the message, (0) 6" self preservation out) And don't forget the classics, lilitu and lelu. Hope that helps in some way, look forward to hearing what works for you!
  10. If you buy the zoraida box then the silurids could be useful if you wish to start a marcus crew. So you could buy a shikome for marcus and that would work well also in a kirai crew. If you're looking for versatile masters, anyone that can hire out of faction will give you plenty of options (ie leveticus can use any construct or undead, marcus can use any beast, zoraida anything with wp 4 or less...) just something to think about...
  11. really really awesome...
  12. Saw it the other day and for some reason made me really want to play Viktorias... Loved the clockwork nazi zombies too!
  13. Awesome... I'll be keeping a watch on this thread - thinking of Marcus as my next master too. You did wonders for Zoraida who was my first... Love to know if you can get the lawyer to work with him - could be lethal.
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