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I am truly addicted


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Just though I'd let you guys know that i am truly addicted to Malifaux. Stopped by my FLGS to pick up some Tallarn Flesh and a new paint brush and walked out with a Viktoria crew. I haven't even got my first crew (lady Justice) built yet.

Maybe we should start a Malifaux Anonymous for addicts like me

Now where did I put that superglue......................

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Just though I'd let you guys know that i am truly addicted to Malifaux. Stopped by my FLGS to pick up some Tallarn Flesh and a new paint brush and walked out with a Viktoria crew. I haven't even got my first crew (lady Justice) built yet.

Maybe we should start a Malifaux Anonymous for addicts like me

Now where did I put that superglue......................

One of us! One of us! One of us!

Seriously though, congrats on your new addiction!

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Well I'm currently at 6 Crews (All the neverborn, Marcus & Levi) and one Henchman (Ophelia), including close to every Neverborn miniature available and a very large chunk of the minions available to Zoraida.

Something like 70% of my models are painted, yet I'm now looking at expanding to McMourning (I don't have a resser crew and, well, with Levi's crew painted I only need a few more models to make a decent McMourning Crew) and the Viktorias (I'm envisioning Powerpuff Girls...). Then there's Von Schill (More minions for Zoraida & the Viks) and hell I might as well grab a Guild faction too... :rolleyes:

The thing is, even without expanding to any more crews I'm still rapidly running out of room in my Malifaux Bag. With only 15 slots and maybe a third of the pluck foam left, I'm going to need another bag just to fit in all my wants from Book 2. :(

Hi, my name's Adrian and I'm a Malifaux addict...

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Fives crews and counting, three Rezzers, one Neverborn and an Outcast. BUT! There's hope for me! I'm in the process of trading my almost NIB Leve for a handful of minions to fill out my existing crews. I even forced myself to cease and desist during a recent spending spree, wherein I almost added Zoraida to my growing list of Masters.

Once Collodi and Molly release, all bets are off. Until then, I intend to behave.

/twitch :684:

'Ello, my name is Dave ... and I'm a Malifoholic.

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I'm not sure if I count as a Malifaux addict yet, but before having even played my first game I already had on order three crews (Lilith, Freikorps, and the Viks), a pack of Ronin, a pack of Young Nephs, Lilitu, and Lelu and I'm already planning on eventually getting Levi, a bunch of other models to work with Levi, the Dreamer, Nekima, Black Blood Shaman, and a bunch of other stuff. The only things holding me back are that half the stuff that I want isn't on the site that I use to order and the fact that I have no money. So far I've only played two games, and I already like it a lot better than Warmachine and possibly more than 40K too.

My name is Chris and I'm on my way to becoming a Maliholic.

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Umm hello everyone. I haven't played much and only own one box at the moment but I can honestly say I'm a Maliholic. I have on my shopping list the rule book expansion, Freikorps, Bad Dreams, Legion of Sorrows, and too many blisters to count. I stay up all night on the forums reading tactica and stayed up till 5 A.M. even though I had an exam the next day.

My name is Dante and I am a Maliholic

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Just though I'd let you guys know that i am truly addicted to Malifaux. Stopped by my FLGS to pick up some Tallarn Flesh and a new paint brush and walked out with a Viktoria crew. I haven't even got my first crew (lady Justice) built yet.

Maybe we should start a Malifaux Anonymous for addicts like me

Now where did I put that superglue......................

Yeahh... i own Raputina's, Lady J's, Ophelia's, Seamus, dreamer, collette and kirais box crew, with a coryphee, alps, gaki, daydreams, Nightmare LCB, doves, lost love, hanged and bases for all of them... and have yet to play a single game.... :S

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I am so much a maliholic!

I am at six masters already, including the full Guild quota to date, and am salivating at the prospect of getting Hoffman soon!

Of course, having all these minis is no good if you are as inept at the game as i am lol! But i'm working on it!

Edit: SS cost (without cache) stands at 153 (Guild only), with Lilith's crew (33) and Colette's (37) to add to that, along with Hoffman etc when they are released, and the remaining Nephelim! Aaaarggh! I really need to stop lol!

Edited by Absolution Black
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I think you qualify as an addict if you add all your non-masters SS cost up and it's over 150.

I am at 136 right now...

268 SS, 62 models, 70.1% painted.

I have an excel file with a record of every Malifaux model I own, whether it's painted, which 'crew' it belongs to and how many SS that crew currently costs. :rolleyes:

I also have a record of the models I plan to buy. Assuming I get everything on that list, it'll bring my total to 427 SS and 103 models.

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268 SS, 62 models, 70.1% painted.

I have an excel file with a record of every Malifaux model I own, whether it's painted, which 'crew' it belongs to and how many SS that crew currently costs. :rolleyes:

I also have a record of the models I plan to buy. Assuming I get everything on that list, it'll bring my total to 427 SS and 103 models.

And all pink?

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