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go vote for malifaux at TGN.


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Malifaux is a great game, but compared to how smooth warmachine/hordes MK2 rolled out Privateer really deserves to win.

The rules are solid, the book wasn't covered in typos, (the small) errata was posted quickly, Mk2 versions of released models were shown for free on their website and new models are being released really fast.

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Malifaux is a great game, but compared to how smooth warmachine/hordes MK2 rolled out Privateer really deserves to win.

The rules are solid, the book wasn't covered in typos, (the small) errata was posted quickly, Mk2 versions of released models were shown for free on their website and new models are being released really fast.

Whilst that is true - certainly in terms of WM, I didn't read the mkII Hordes - I would contend that the PP release lacks a certain amount of character on the fluff front.

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Whilst that is true - certainly in terms of WM, I didn't read the mkII Hordes - I would contend that the PP release lacks a certain amount of character on the fluff front.

I at first really agreed with that. When I got my Legion book I was extremely disappointed on the lack of new fluff. I than realized if there was serious fluff advancement in the forces books I would be very broke collecting all the books :D. Will wait for the new MK2 books (like wrath) to start advancing the story again.

edit: hmmm TGN probaly should have put warmachine/hordes Mk2 together instead of as separate categories.

Edited by wizuriel
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I love my warmachine, but i havent played it in like 6 months, to buzy playing malifaux. and I still believe Infinity is lame. most of the gamers in my area wont touch it because the rules suck. and alot of them have sold there armies.. but the minis are great looking if you want to pay GW like prices..

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and I still believe Infinity is lame.

And you're free to do so. But, as much as I like Wyrd and Malifaux, Human Sphere walks all over the Rising Powers in terms of production quality and rules-writing. It's shocking especially since the game was noted for the often muddled style of the rules, but the supplement is a massive step up, and I can think of perhaps three or four things that really needed to be FAQ'd in it.

But then again, I never hid that I am a fan of it, with the massive freedom the ruleset gives the player in deciding what to do with his models on the board.

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Just as reminder to vote.. Some how infinity is beating Warmachine and Malifaux by 60 votes, even though the first round was very close.. I smell a conspiracy!!!!!

It is surprising how much the vote has changed between rounds. Collette swept all before her in the first round but is now down at number 4. Them's the breaks I suppose.

I also agree about goatboy, how it can finish above the likes of uncle meat is beyond me.

Pretty sure the votes are now closed.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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The games are not lame.

But attaching any significance at all to a popularity contest where 'supporters' are clearly attempting to corral votes is as lame as it gets.

I'm voting with my wallet today & buying yet another crew. And at the end of the day, that is the only sort of vote that truly counts.


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The Goat Boy mini was not too my liking at all and was really suprised to see it end up so highly rated. Personally I think their was way better in the list but I do suspect that some forum has tried to promote members to vote for that model giving it such a high placing. Oozeboss hit the nail on the head though with voting with your wallet and at a guess Goat Boy will not be anywhere near the second best selling model on that list.

As for other games rules and their placings I can not really coment on I am sure that all the games have their own fan bases and I personally like variety in my games and minis. This year though it will all be about Malifaux and Warhammer Fantasy for me. I think if I try and get my gaming freinds to get any other game for a year after buying into Malifaux will result in me being stoned to death (after getting them to buy all the WH games)

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The TGN rules/supplement contest really had a weird outcome. I think the tightness of WM Mk2 trumps Rising Powers (which sadly made me opt out of Malifaux for the time being - have no fear, though, it is not a permanent disillusionment) but what is the deal with Human Sphere? It got a massive amount of votes compared to the others (as did the Anathemathic, which I really don't get, but when it comes to miniatures appreciation, subjectivity rules, so that is entirely reasonable). Is Human Sphere really that good? I don't really have any experience with the game (due to the background - that entire theme isn't my thing) but I hear it is really good as long as you play on tables with lots and lots of terrain.

[edit] Heh. First post, and I've been registered here ever since I bought the core rulebook :)

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