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Some love for the UK please Wyrd...


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I have to say I am a little frustrated at the moment reading about Rising Powers, the new miniatures and rules second-hand from our friends in America..

Whilst here in the UK we are left firmly beating our heads against the wall waiting for their release. Whether you all realise it or not Malifaux is taking off in a massive way over here on our insignificant little island and I have been personally responsible for getting at least 10 people playing the game. Lord knows how much money I have spent myself..

My point?

Well, I am a Neverborn fanatic and a die-hard Malifaux fan and I really would have liked the opportunity to buy the limited edition Lord Chompy Bits box set over here in cloudy England.. I would also give anything if next time there was a major Malifaux release we here in the UK didnt have to sit on the bench for weeks before we got a sniff of everything.

Congratulations on all your success Wyrd, and whilst I realise that essentially the UK is a small market for your company we are no less fanatical about this awesome and truly addictive game..

Please tell me there is a way I can still get the limited edition dreamer box.. Because short of travelling to America during Gencon I think its a total bummer we dont have the chance over this side of the great big atlantic pond..

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Please tell me there is a way I can still get the limited edition dreamer box.. Because short of travelling to America during Gencon I think its a total bummer we dont have the chance over this side of the great big atlantic pond..

You do know it was for sale online during the con as well right. Thats how the rest of us who did not go to Gencon got ours.

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Yeah I guess my post was a little whinier than I wanted it to be. I guess its availability just wasnt circulated well enough. We are just getting our Rising Powers books now in the UK though and it seems like forever I have been reading about how great its been in the US.

Lamentations born of frustration and impatience I guess.

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yep, we did everything we could to include everyone in the new stuff the very best we could, which included making everything available at gencon available in the Online store at the same time, including the Con specials. We've also been sending out product to England as quickly as we possibly can. Due to the overwhelming demand for new stuff, there has been some short delays here and there, but generally nothing longer than a few days.

But thank you so much for the support over there, we really do appreciate it, it's that support which helps small growing companies grow!

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I'm in the uk, i ordered LCB, book 2, and the puppet deck, i got the nurse for free and they all arrived at my door with no customs charge the same day the uk LGS's got their stock of book 2's.

So i'd hardly say the uk is hard done by, we got exactly the same deal everyone else got.

As far as i'm aware no LGS's got LCB models to stock unless they ordered them as a customer during the 4 day window.

Sorry but its one of those things, you need to pay attention to the forums (where the LCB offer was discussed weeks before gencon) or Twitter where Eric posted several times during gencon.

Alot of people missed out, but it was meant to be a limited edition thing, and remember, they are doing a normal dreamer box set with a smaller LCB in it.

BTW at time of posting maelstrom have 43 copies of book 2 in stock (http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk)

Edited by Kaine
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Yeah I understand all of that but as you can see by my join date. I didnt even know about the forum or website until August 2010. I guess I crapped out. If there is anyone in the UK willing to part with their special edition Dreamer Box I would be willing to pay well for it.

I guess I have to scour ebay now but I am sorely disappointed I will never see that model again for purchase. I have something of an OCD collector and I really wanted to have everything Neverborn that I possibly could.

Thanks for all your efforts to reply and I apologise for my initial whiney post...

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I have to say I am a little frustrated at the moment reading about Rising Powers, the new miniatures and rules second-hand from our friends in America.

I was lucky enough to have a mate get in early for me.

But I feel your pain.

We have some really keen enthusiasts here in Australia doing Henchmen work, etc. and building a strong community.

The tourneys run in Brisbane and brilliant fun, with people really enjoying the minis and each other's company, very big contrast to GW or PP tourneys.

The truth is Wyrd is small and need to focus on their biggest market - the U.S. so even things like T-shirts for Gencon and so on are probably a bit much to ask...for now.

I reckon if we keep promoting Wyrd they will be big enough someday, they have a solid niche that is slowly expanding into traditional territory.

Also, sign up for beta testing, you get to see a lot of the workings behind the scenes, its quite cool.

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Yeah I guess my post was a little whinier than I wanted it to be. I guess its availability just wasnt circulated well enough. We are just getting our Rising Powers books now in the UK though and it seems like forever I have been reading about how great its been in the US.

Lamentations born of frustration and impatience I guess.

I'm in the US and I just got mine yesterday.

If yours are starting to arrive, seems like you're on about the same time table.

All the people with the book before that were probably at the con.

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I assume it will be same as last time, if Eric requires beta testers he will post asking people to apply by signing an NDA and sending it in.

I'm sure Eric will post if he requires any more when he starts beta testing book 3.

Wyrd have a team of playtesters as well and they bounce the stuff around alot before it ever reaches beta.

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Coming in a bit late her but my Rising Powers arrived Thursday, and probably would have been slightly earlier if it hadn't taken till the evening of the 5th to place my order on the Wyrd store.

The option to buy Nightmare LCB and receive a Miss Pack on large orders placed during Gen Con week I thought was excellent as it gave us worldwide people a chance.

I agree that the game seems to be taking off very quickly here in the UK, the trouble I see is that it doesn't seem to be supported very well in the LGS's. Of the 3 that I can get too (within an hour) 2 have token efforts (2 to 3 starter boxes), the third stocks more but has no gaming area.

Until the gaming stores see increased custom I see things staying as they are.

A bit of a viscious circle - that I admit I contribute to by ordering from the Wyrd site.

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I still have not recieved any of my order from maelstrom games which I am rather dissappointed with them about. COnsidering they have had some of the items for the last week now. I know there was problems with the Kirai boxed set which they wil be getting next week apparently. I`m more desperate for book 2 though to be fair as I have heard good things!

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I ordered my Leveticus crew and some extra bits on Friday from Maelstrom and paid the extra for 1st class delivery, they arrived Saturday morning!

While the game seems to have taken off quite nicely in old blighty, perhaps smaller LGS are just testing the waters at the moment and waiting to see how well the game will be supported before stocking more of the range. My gaming club got into the system after seeing it demoed at a games fair and it was stocked by a number of traders there, also Maelstrom seem to have had a lot of response to their proposed Malifaux tournament.

Malifaux is a up & coming system and from what I've seen here in the uk, it'll continue to grow and the support will get stronger.

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