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Coryphee' basing


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Yeah, I'm thinking about the magnet route too, but most of the small scale magnets for stuff like this are the rare earth magnets, which are stupid strong. I'd be afraid of the magnet sticking and the coryphee coming unglued from said magnet every time you try to switch them. I'm almost thinking that perhaps some form of dual-magnet, where the 2nd half of the magnet goes UNDER the plastic base. Then you pull that part of the magnet loose and the coryphee on top will automatically be free. Then you just move the magnets and such to the 50mm base. However, this could make it tough to do it on the fly during the middle of a game. But it's the best I've been able to come up with yet. Haven't actually tried it though either, so no clue if it will actually work, lol.

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Yeah, I'm thinking about the magnet route too, but most of the small scale magnets for stuff like this are the rare earth magnets, which are stupid strong. I'd be afraid of the magnet sticking and the coryphee coming unglued from said magnet every time you try to switch them.

Hi Lobo,

I've used magnets for models for a few other games, and they're actually fairly standard to put into models around my area. I don't think anyone's had a problem with the magnet coming free and leaving the model behind - or vice versa. Most model and game stores will have small rare earth magnets that are powerful enough to stick, but not powerful enough to overcome the glue bond.

Ask around your FLGS, and see what luck other people in your area have had.

~ SemanticDM

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Haven't got mine yet, but I'm thinking about drilling holes in the bases, putting pins in the minis' feet and then, instead of glueing them in, I'd put a really small rear earth magnet under the base to catch the pin, rather than the mini directly.

Ideally it would mitigate a bit the issues with the strength of the magnet.

Do you think it'll work?

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I accidentally came up with a way that seems to be working. I ordered two sets after seeing they were like the spiders, so while i was drilling their feet, i also drilled my bases i'd made. I put a nice blob of green stuff under the base and set the dancer on her base like i was attaching her for good. then after about five minutes, i pulled her off. The pin came out like it should and the green stuff left a hole for the pin in her base. I let it dry all day yesterday and now it must have shrunk just a tad because it holds her pin just fine but allows her to be removed.

This is just a thought, and i have no idea if the green stuff will hold up to the pins being removed repeatedly. But i'm betting it lasts until you can afford another set of Coryphee. =]

i hope this helped.

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I was planning to magnetize 'em both by putting a small magnet on the bottom of one of their feet and the other under the base.

But after reading Twizz's post, I might just give that a try as I did something very similar for my Trygon in 40k that has worked exceptionally well and stood the test of time.

Once I get a chance to do some work on the girls, I'll post what I'm doing for you all.

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I'm thinking I'm going to try the magnet rout too. I don't really WANT to have to buy another coryphee set. it's more the whole "i already have two, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to use them to form the double". Especially when they're proving to be tricky to get off their bottom sprues, and their arms are fiddly for putting together. and I don't want to have to try to duplicate my paint job accurately enough they look like the same models in a double form.

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I'm going to mount the magnet in a piece of the basing that will be removeable. The Showgirls and coryphees will have a stage theme for the bases. So, I will pin the coryphees to a plank of flooring and sink te magnet into the bottom of the plank to give more to attach it to. Then another magnet in the base. The 50mm base will have the same size plank sections missing. It will take me a while. but, I'll post when done.

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I just did some tests.Glued a 1/8x1/16 magnet to the mini and countersunk one into the wood.Holding like a champ.You can barely see the magnet.

I bet you can drill the magnet's diameter hole in the base, sink it a bit deeper and the mini will settle flush with the surface, won't it?

Perhaps even better approach than drilling the mini itself to put the magnet in. And if it falls off, you can easily repair it too.

Great idea, in other words.

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Haven't got mine yet, but I'm thinking about drilling holes in the bases, putting pins in the minis' feet and then, instead of glueing them in, I'd put a really small rear earth magnet under the base to catch the pin, rather than the mini directly.

Ideally it would mitigate a bit the issues with the strength of the magnet.

Do you think it'll work?

Pinning, without bonding/gluing to the bases would work better and negate any hassles with magnets.

If you were using larger minis, I would recommend magnetic strips and attaching part of each base (as an insert) to the feet of the mini and use this to simply insert into the singular, smaller bases.

All the above could be avoided if you are not cheap and simply buy more minis.

I did this with my Ramos spiders... all up I have 9 or so swarms to represent individuals and swarms.

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All the above could be avoided if you are not cheap and simply buy more minis.

It's easier said than done. I'm ordering minis from Japan. I didn't know I need two boxes. I've ordered one and I'd have to wait 3 weeks or so if I order a second box - given that time, I may as well magnetize them...

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For my Coryphees and Coryphee Duet, I drilled a pin into the kneeling one and using a hobby knife and file, I widdled the base insert tab the size of my hobby drill's pin. Then I drilled a hole into each of the bases (2 in the 50mm base for the Duet) and just swap them when I need form Voltron with them. It works pretty well, as I can store the figures and bases separately to save space in my Malifaux bag.

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If you're using magnets (even rare earth) I would HIGHLY suggest doubling up on each side. aka use two magnets in the base stacked on each other, and two in the model. You'll get a much stronger bond at the contact point.

That said, I've done considerable modeling and wouldn't trust basing metal models with magnets. Perhaps the malifaux ones are light enough, but if there's too much weight the dancers are gonna be twisting and turning whenever you handle them. It'd definitely work with plastic, but I think the metal will be too heavy and they'll end up chipping.

Personally I plan on just buying extras... but good luck with the magnets! double them up, hopefully it'll be strong enough.

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If you're using magnets (even rare earth) I would HIGHLY suggest doubling up on each side. aka use two magnets in the base stacked on each other, and two in the model. You'll get a much stronger bond at the contact point.

That said, I've done considerable modeling and wouldn't trust basing metal models with magnets. Perhaps the malifaux ones are light enough, but if there's too much weight the dancers are gonna be twisting and turning whenever you handle them. It'd definitely work with plastic, but I think the metal will be too heavy and they'll end up chipping.

I can vouch for that! Picking up two models on the same base when both are magnetized is going to require some hefty magnets. Or you are always going to have to very carefully pick up both at the same time. The easiest(and strongest) way to double base two minis is to have each glued onto a small piece of terrain, then magnetize those with larger magnets.

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I will post pictures because I just got my bases bt what I am going to do is mount the standing one to her base. I wll then add an area for a magnet. When I have become a duo I will place a 50mm base, put the 40mm base on it and then take the kneeling/squating mini and stick her on using a magnet. That way I do not need to buy any more models.

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My Coryphees arrived today. The kneeling one will be very easy to magnetize IMO. It has the "foot" big enough to actually put 2 magnets under it, so there will be no risk of the model spinning or anything. The magnet can be sunk into the model, so it won't stick out and won't fall off that easily.

The standing one is a challenge though. I think there's just barely enough space to place a ∅2mm magnet in her shoe. I think if I make a green-stuff stand for her, with slight depression the boot would sink into, she'd stand pretty solidly. It will be quite a lot of work though and if not for the wait, it'd probably be easier to order 2 blisters instead.

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My original plan (before I decided not to pick up the models. Painting lace scares me :P) was to base the Cory's like the were back stage, with some spare boxes or crates laying about. I would glue the models to a crate or what have you and magnetize the bottom of that. This would eliminate both the spinning and the issue with drilling out the tiny feet.

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That said, I've done considerable modeling and wouldn't trust basing metal models with magnets. Perhaps the malifaux ones are light enough, but if there's too much weight the dancers are gonna be twisting and turning whenever you handle them. It'd definitely work with plastic, but I think the metal will be too heavy and they'll end up chipping.

If you scenic base them you can add an element to pick the base up by (in theme e.g. a balance beam or an upright pole) rather than picking it up by the models.

I'll probably do it that way, I reckon RE magnets will hold the models ok.

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