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Rawr Gremlins!


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Ophelia can either work tag team with some'er (you buy her as a minion) or can lead a crew as a master.

As a master, she gets a soulstone cache she can also use to buy additional minions. A traditional Ophelia crew is her and her family, a la perdita, but there are also other new gremlin models who are tons of fun, that you guys don't even know about yet.

If you take her with some'er, youll want some of the elements of a traditional some'er crew, skeeters, gremlins, plus a few of ophelia's family.

Ophelia and her models solve a lot of the gremlins' troubles (especially dealing with high defense models and dealing lots of damage, while some'er teeth can do his part to top up their defense and provide an endless stream of objective achieving cannon fodder.

So basically, my lists would be:

ophelia(as master)

all of ophelia's family, plus maybe a vanilla gremlin or two.



Ophelia(as henchman)

2-3 gremlins

2 skeeters

2-3 family members.

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I ran the Ophelia box set and a bunch of gremlins. I outshot a Perdita list. Think about that for a moment.

Ophelia helps Gremlins overcome almost all of the obstacles inherent to playing a gremlin heavy force. The Kin have a rule that changes the damage flip on "Whoops" to 0/0/1, She has an aura that Negates(!) "Whoops" all together.

She is, to a hyper-specific extent an easy button as a "master" for Gremlins players. She smooths out the inconsistency by leaps and bounds. Yes, you could run Soh'mer Teeth with her.

But why would you want to?

That said bear in mind: this was the first time out of the gate with her and the rest of the Kin so most people were somewhat surprised at what she was bringing to the table. And the GenCon tables were in no way shape fashion or form what I imagine the standard tables most of us play on to be like.

I like Ophelia, I like her a lot.

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You could run Some'er with her because get this: there are new gremlins other than the kin that are heavy hitters.

The good Baron, the 'pult, the Taxidermist... They add a great dimension to gremlin forces which ophelia doesn't click much with them. So if you wanted a half and half force, you use her in a some'er list, along with one or two kin, then use some'er to support, summon or heal.

It actually works great to have kin provide the fighting power while some'er and his troop work on objectives and schemes. Ophelia's a heavy hitting powerhouse, but the sheer numbers Some'er brings can really make schemes snd strategies easy.

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At present, without proxies I think Ophelia outclasses Soh'mer Teeth Jones by a mile. This may change, but in the current environment, AND based on my experiences, I don't see where he can compete with her.

Yes, Teeth can summon up new Gremlins or pigs... or I can just start with 3 more Gremlins on the table from the go. In terms of objective grabbing it has about the same effect. I don't need my master standing in the back burning cards or stones to try to get more Gremlins on the table. They're already there, so I can have them run forward and try for objectives.

But differences in opinions are what make life interesting.

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To be clear, a crew running ophelia can still use mosquitos, right?

Hells to the no.

And that right there is the reason to take sommer.

Not saying he's better than Ophelia, not saying that at all, but his ability to take mosquitoes is the single thing that will keep him as a viable option.

Edit: Just to be clear, a Sommer crew which hired Ophelia may still take mosquitoes. But a crew led by her can not.

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Ophelia went thru several (major) changes during the play tests, and I cant help but feel that she ended up no longer really fitting as Somers henchman and is listing toward a bit overpowered.

Though she is the "hotness", I still think Somer is a viable master (the play styles are so different).

Also @ Shekbo, :deal:

@ Lalo, as Zombiedood posted, she also cant hire pigs. So she ends up being fairly one dimensional (though she is very good at what she does).

Edited by Omenbringer
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Ophelia went thru several (major) changes during the play tests, and I cant help but feel that she ended up no longer really fitting as Somers henchman and is listing toward a bit overpowered.

Though she is the "hotness", I still think Somer is a viable master (the play styles are so different).

Also @ Shekbo, :deal:

@ Lalo, as Zombiedood posted, she also cant hire pigs. So she ends up being fairly one dimensional (though she is very good at what she does).

I know.

But the mosquitoes are the important one.

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If I remember correctly Ophelia only allows Gremlin models. No Pigs or skeeters.

If I'm wrong, and she can take Skeeters, there's not much point to it since she lacks the spells to really use them properly. Also her own totem, the young 'uns, are better for her and she can take 3 of them.

As far as Ophelia outclassing Som'er, I think the slop Hauler dropping enemy defenses might push our old master back up to even standings. This is probably what zombiedood was referring to when he said "without proxies".

There's one more thing. Ophelia is really easy to kill and the range on her gun isn't that great. She can do a lot of damage but only at tremendous risk to herself. I haven't fielded her yet but I plan to keep a lot of Soulstones handy to keep her from dying.

Also, Shekbo, what do you mean by the "Good Baron"? Does the slop hauler already have a nick name or is my book missing a page?

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If I remember correctly Ophelia only allows Gremlin models. No Pigs or skeeters.

If I'm wrong, and she can take Skeeters, there's not much point to it since she lacks the spells to really use them properly. Also her own totem, the young 'uns, are better for her and she can take 3 of them.

Correct, she can only take Gremlin and Kin herself, but when used as a second master she can only be included with Gremlins, Kin, Pigs, and vermin

As far as Ophelia outclassing Som'er, I think the slop Hauler dropping enemy defenses might push our old master back up to even standings. This is probably what zombiedood was referring to when he said "without proxies".

There's one more thing. Ophelia is really easy to kill and the range on her gun isn't that great. She can do a lot of damage but only at tremendous risk to herself. I haven't fielded her yet but I plan to keep a lot of Soulstones handy to keep her from dying.

The other thing to remember is that Henchman have a soulstone cap that is equal to the value of her Henchman Stat when hired as a master; which in Ophelia's case is 6.

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