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Any Rezzer Critiques of Book 2?


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I'm not clear as to whether I'm still in NDA.

So I'll be as oblique as possible.

Seamus' lady friend MAY or may not be FREAKING AWESOME. There COULD be a big, giant summonable beasty. Everyone COULD get new toys. The new resser section MIGHT be a bit spirit heavy, however, so there MIGHT only be a handful of new undead.

it COULD be an awesome handful.

that said, the spirits MIGHT be really cool.

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I'm not clear as to whether I'm still in NDA.

So I'll be as oblique as possible.

Seamus' lady friend MAY or may not be FREAKING AWESOME. There COULD be a big, giant summonable beasty. Everyone COULD get new toys. The new resser section MIGHT be a bit spirit heavy, however, so there MIGHT only be a handful of new undead.

it COULD be an awesome handful.

that said, the spirits MIGHT be really cool.

Ha. And some of those spirits might still be useful even if you're not Kirai.

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I won't lie, I was a bit disappointed with the relative lack of "traditional" undead (ie: zombies and such) but the new stuff adds a whole new edge to the Ressers (as does the new stuff for most factions - see Colette Du Bois teaser for differences with current Arcanists) but after a few games I was really happy. The new toys rock. That's not to say there aren't some new "traditional" undead, McMourning's been busy......... :D

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If there's one thing that rezzers got in book w it's cheap expendable ranged units. Most of the models I see are aimed towards McMourning to give him a wee bit more versatility than just the rocket dogs.

But as stated above, most of what we get is aimed at our newest lovely lady...and my my my does it make me tingle a wee bit. Swarms of spirits everywhere and she's nearly invincible. And there is absolutely no reason at all you should not field her with her totem.

I think my favorite new model out of the whole thing is datsue-ba. She's got battlefield versatility that helps other troops move around, she's got healing capability, and if you're lucky with flips she's a summoner too. Yes please!

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You hear correctly!

Still digesting her stats a wee bit...but not exactly sure how to describe her.

She is definitely a caster, as she lacks a melee attack, and many of her spells are utility based, I guess....hard to say. In a Seamus crew...oh my...you will have belles rocketing around the table.

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Originally Posted by redstripe viewpost.gif

A few requests about Molly, and some of that information is:

She grants access to the Reconstructed Dead Special Forces. She has Slow to Die and Hard to Wound and she's also Pitiful (she's a very sick girl.)

Her actions are: Impossible Knowledge, The Gorgoneion, Uncontrolled Crying, and Reveal Phillip.

Her Spells are: Whispered Secret, Terrible Secret, The Philosophy of Uncertainty, and The Shocking Truth.

She has a talent that allows her to take a particular totem with her, as if she were a Master. It is called "The Necrotic Machine" and it is an artifact of Old Malifaux that seems to identify her as an agent of The Gorgon and follows her because of that connection.

Her picture in the book shows her holding Phillip's Head against her chest. She has a few abilities that modify fate flips, cause terror, and a spell that kills the target outright.

She spits up blood when you hit her too...

not my spoilers, but from another thread in the main Malifaux Matters section.

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Slow to Die on soulstone users is just so mean... I died, now I healed. Yay!

She sounds interesting.. The Ressurectionist 'master' I currently consider myself most likely to buy. Depending on her model of course, but I expect to be pleasently surprised as I've been so many times before :)

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Warning: she cannot, with the models available, be fielded as a master. She can only use superior undead (at least the final beta version, maybe they changed it) and there's only one superior undead model in the new book. He's rare 1, too.

However, she makes a great henchman for Seamus!

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Eww.. Although I guess it makes more sense that way.. Guess I won't be getting her anytime soon then.. Other Book2 things are more interesting x_x and Douglas' definetly cooler than Seamus (my opinion anyway..), maybe Kirai Ankoku is aswell - haven't decided.. Needs to read fluff on that one first. XD

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Something for McMourning then?

Well he is now running with some guild guards, they are a surprise.

It has been also hinted Marcus also had his favorite 3 headed kitty cat taken into the doctor to get a check up, the cat is all better now.

Both of these troops have a trait added to them that allows them to be summoned by McMourning. The Guild guys are little better then the dogs but not by much they have easy to wound 1 and do not drop corpse counters nor can they be used as a source for body parts. They do have a range gun that is decent but they are fairly light on the triggers and spells. The big cat has been made into an undead chimera, it looks very cool and is now on my most wanted list of models to come out. It is a nasty piece of work that can be part of molly's special forces unit It costs a metric ton of body parts to put into play and is among the most high priced models in the game. It is a beast, which means that Marcus can still take it, but it makes other beasts upset.

I was not real keen on the Kirai theme at first, part of me says that the asian theme has been done to death.... but after reading her troops and fluff she is now my number two Resser, the good doctor will always be #1.

Edited by gregdorf
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Warning: she cannot, with the models available, be fielded as a master. She can only use superior undead (at least the final beta version, maybe they changed it) and there's only one superior undead model in the new book. He's rare 1, too.

However, she makes a great henchman for Seamus!

Sweet, she will be nice and snug in my Seamus list.

"Molly, though, she really listens to me. You understand."

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They're a little better than dogs?

Do dogs have 12" range? A summonable ranged attack! Who cares if they get ripped up? And they're great for anti guild ops. Mistaken identity for the win.

Also, who says it's all kitty? Ol' piecey is a pure bred mutt, in a literal sense.

Also, giant fireballs is totally worth 7 bp's.

(or three corpses in Nick's case!)

also, FYI, Molly works for all ressers except possibly kirai. She's fairly self sufficient. So if you're a doc fan, she's still viable. She just works best with Seamus because she's a morale killer and Seamus compliments that. She's especially nasty with a hanged buddy.

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