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Scratch Built Teddy Blog

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I've been quite taken with Leveticus of late and been considering all his options. Thought I should add a Teddy to the ranks and thought it'd fun to attempt and build my own! Here's the bare bones of that project, so to speak.....


I know, it looks rediculous! In fact I'm half tempted to use him as is out of sheer nonsense value (well he "is" a construct)

GW artillery dice lower body, d10 upper body/shoulder, 3mm copper wire for the limbs, a decapitated toy bear-head for the, um, head and a metric ton of superglue.

I plan on making him fat, really fat. His head will be modelled around the bear head for the top half but his mouth is going to be HUGE, with his chin resting on his massive belly. Planning some seriously crude claws which will (hopefully) look like shards of metal that have been thrust into bloody stumps. I've also been experimenting mixing static grass with paint to try and get a "mangy fur" look. Anyway, I'm going to go knead me some milliput to bulk him out tonight!

Teddy - ho!

Update 28/07

Started porking him out a bit, but ran out of putty :(

Going to town on Monday for more milliput, green stuff, tools and styrene for the claws/teeth.


Need to make his belly bigger, and his jaw will sit between the belly and head - can't wait to get more supplies!

Tried the mixing static grass with paint and it actually looks really good - very matted/mangy finish. Here:


changed to B&W with the contrast up to give you an idea of the texture

It's a bit much for the whole body, but I figure I'll sculpt on fur with a layer of greenstuff and could maybe use this for tufts at the top of his back. I want him to look really %£&$ed up!

Update 01/08

Wahey, got more milliput and some GS (a lot more expensive than I remember!) as well as some styrene sheets. Was *this* close to buying the Pandora box but thought I'd better wait 'til I finish this!

Bulked him out some more.



Straightened out his legs a bit and re-bent the arms so his joints are less pronounced to keep that "teddy bear" feel. The face is ready to start adding his "muscles" to make him look really angry! GRRRR!!!!! The wire jaw is just there to show where his jaw might be, I should really have planned better. If I get too confused I'll just shut his mouth though :D

Update, um, 02/03?



Finally, he has a face! Well most of one anyway, still got his jaw/teeth to do but should probably wait until all this is dry first. I bulked him out more but this time added some texture to his love handles. Mmmmm. The claw-stumps aren't attached to make it easier to get at the rest of the model and I imagine they'll be the last bit I do, shame because I'm really looking forward to it! The claws are plasticard btw.

Here's a close up of the face as I'm finding it quite hard to photograph with detail.


I decided, last minute, to give him organic eyes (well one anyway) and thought it'd be cool to make it a really big eye since the rest of him's huge anyway. The empty socket will be filled with gore and have a spring poking out of it which may or may not have the other eye attached. Also bought some steel string to use for stitching around the wounds and his joints.

Update 04/08

He has a jaw! ?And a MASSIVE HEID! ("head" to our non Scottish friends). The jaw/teeth aren't quite as big as I'd hoped to make them but that's what I get for not planning ahead.



What a pain in the arse this was, fiddly wee plasticard teeth and I spent ages doing the lips/gums only to smudge them later :(

He's turning out to be a hell of a lot bigger than anticipated, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Still got to plump out his cheecks a wee bit, finish texturing the torso and then it's the limbs. A ways to go yet but should have him ready for painting by the end of next week I hope (have a to take a few days off from gaming-related activities - stupid women. Pah.

Update 09/08

Not much done today, combination of up-all-night-afer-presumably-evil-pizza-wrought-it's-wrath-on-me and trying to paint 9 Satyxis before tomorrow!

I bulked out his face a bit more, made it more furry as well as roughing over some of the smoother areas, and finished texturing the torso. Only legs, arms/claws, stitching and details to go!


And this here's a size comparison shot, he's really big. Possibly too big for my liking. Still, should be a nice display piece if he's too big to game with!


Update 13/08

Nearly there. Not going to get a chance to do any more until next week now, but just one arm to go! Then a few wee details, stitching etc which I expect will probably be pretty time consuming. Nice to see him take shape though!



Update 16/08

Finished! (almost! So very almost!) The eye isn't attached yet, this is just a prototype but I think I like it! A few wee bits here and there that need touching up and I may attempt to redo the nose but - here he is!




The pics ain't great, but you should just be able to make out the steel wire stitching (which took bloody ages to do!) and that's a spine popping out his back. Currently got him under a heat lamp to try and harden him enough to finish tonight! Woohoo!

There won't be another post until he's painted. Speaking of which I'm thinking about colours. Part of me wants to paint him white as my teddy was white, but I'm also thinking of a more jaunty colour such as orange or pink. Painting him white would match my crews better though. Maybe white with pink patches and LOTS of BLOOD!

Also I've no idea what to do for a base. My Malifaux stuff's all on wooden planks but I'm not sure it would be fitting for this guy. Maybe wooden planks covered in gore!

Edited by DangerousBeans
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I think I probably will have to sculpt the fur for the most part, otherwise he might get lost in a haze of fur!

My flatmate just gave me an idea to have one of the eyes sticking out on a spring, I think I may have to do that. Now, where does one find tiny buttons?

Edited by DangerousBeans
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To be honest the whole thing started with me watching something on the computer while idly drilling holes into things with a pin vice. I drilled into the dice and stuck some wire in so I could twirl it about, then the inspiration particle hit!

Not used the actual dice in a long time, been years since I needed an artillery dice and I can't even remember the last time I used a D10!

This is so much fun though, really hope this last stage dries quickly enough so I can get him prepped to start actually putting some detail on him tomorrow. That's where it'll all go horribly wrong of course!

Oh, initial post was updated btw.

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Oh, this is simply awesome. I'm definitely interested in the idea of "Leveticus-izing" some of the game's constructs and undead. I've already corrupted a peacekeeper myself, though I did more twisting and painting than your awesome scratch build. Coming out fantastic, good luck!

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