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So, Predators.....

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....... was a bit crap. I was looking forward to it seeing as the script was supposedly written 15 years ago fairly hot off the heels of the original. Sadly I thought it was a bit pants, I have to admit I think I preferred AvP, as shameful as that may be.

I was also pondering how the Predators managed to become such iconic figures despite the fact that 4 of the 5 films they feature in are less-than-good. Curious. They are damn cool though :D

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I'm a lot less than that :D

I know 6 people who have seen it, not including myself, and only one of them thought it was "good" the others ranged from "meh" to "rubbish".

It's predictable, by the numbers and on occasion just plain boring and I HATE comic relief characters in films as this. Hudson could get away with it because he's cool (and could act). There's very little tension, which is something that was done so well in the original and one of the key aspects of the Predators hunting style. It was a no-brainer actioner as oppossed to a tense sci-fi thriller. Hell, Aliens was an action film as oppossed to Alien, but it still managed to keep it scary. (and I know Alien doesn't equal Predator btw)

They should have made more of Lawrence Fishburne as he was easily the best thing in it.

It was just a wasted oppertunity.


Thought I'd better write this seperately.

I thought it started really well, but could have developed the humans further. The claustrophobic setting of the forest and the introduction of the other aliens captured could have led to much more interesting interactions between the humans. (I would have expected a lot more mistrust). I would have liked to see more of the other aliens too, adding a spanner in the works so to speak.

I will admit the Yakuza/Predator showdown was really cool, as was the "wall of fire" technique at the end. Even though the film just inexplicably changed how the Predator sees to counter it. Meh.

Edited by DangerousBeans
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I'm also planning to rent it. Have to agree with Sturm, too - I've heard it's a ton of fun and a great summer action flick. Nothing to win acting or directing awards, but neither was the first and I loved that thing. AVP? My god. Let's just try to push it out of our minds.....

I bounce around on various forums (including a film critic forum - I teach a film study class....) and they're all more or less in agreement along these lines. Wonder why it didn't work so well for you Beans.

I think there's a lot about expectation that paints a person's enjoyment factor. I took my 6 yr old to see the Last Air Bender, expecting to take a nap through it (less than 5% on Rotten Tomatoes!?) and thought it was actually a bit fun - mind you I was watching it with a six year old and expected it to be unwatchable so I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe your hopes for this Predator tainted your view some?

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I thought the first Predator was a masterpiece! It had a bit of everything (except hot chicks). The director (can't remember his name) made great use of the forested surroundings, the film was fantastically paced, planned, executed - just perfect. Plus Stan "the man" Winston's Predator was AWSOME for the time. The effects even hold up now! The sets were used brilliantly, the way the forest would change to reflect the state of mind of the characters and the scene where Arnie's legging it and just explodes into that free-fall into the water, just awsome! Perfect transitional set piece that really grabs your attention after an hour of insulated forest into big fresh space. There's a lot of artistry in the first Predator.

Probably my own fault in expecting the same perfection from this sequel. Still, I'm irked. All the best films were made 20 years ago!

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I'm a lot less than that :D

I know 6 people who have seen it, not including myself, and only one of them thought it was "good" the others ranged from "meh" to "rubbish".

It's predictable, by the numbers and on occasion just plain boring and I HATE comic relief characters in films as this. Hudson could get away with it because he's cool (and could act). There's very little tension, which is something that was done so well in the original and one of the key aspects of the Predators hunting style. It was a no-brainer actioner as oppossed to a tense sci-fi thriller. Hell, Aliens was an action film as oppossed to Alien, but it still managed to keep it scary. (and I know Alien doesn't equal Predator btw)

They should have made more of Lawrence Fishburne as he was easily the best thing in it.

It was just a wasted oppertunity.


Thought I'd better write this seperately.

I thought it started really well, but could have developed the humans further. The claustrophobic setting of the forest and the introduction of the other aliens captured could have led to much more interesting interactions between the humans. (I would have expected a lot more mistrust). I would have liked to see more of the other aliens too, adding a spanner in the works so to speak.

I will admit the Yakuza/Predator showdown was really cool, as was the "wall of fire" technique at the end. Even though the film just inexplicably changed how the Predator sees to counter it. Meh.

I don't know how multiquote works so please excuse the format of this response.

"It's predictable, by the numbers"

Absolutely agree.

"They should have made more of Lawrence Fishburne as he was easily the best thing in it."

Absolutely agree.


"I will admit the Yakuza/Predator showdown was really cool"

Yes it was but it was the most predictable thing about a very predictable film. They clearly only put him in the film so they could have that scene.

In my opinion the film is better than the AvP films but not as good as Pred 1 & 2.

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I saw it. and I would have to say I was dissapointed. I actually fell asleep at one point. It almost was trying a bit too hard to be good. I was hoping it would be a bit less serious and have some zinging one liners in there.

I also felt that it took a bit of an Aliens route in the movie and the name. IDK it wasn't bad good, just sort of decent meh for me. Adrian Brody s a tough guy was a bit hard to swallow as well. Cmon, this chain started with Arnold the Govenator. I would have preffered some big dumb ofe like Vin Deisel or something...

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Don't forget, probably the best comic relief moment in any action film came from a cousin of this movie, Aliens..."Game over man!"

so we can't hate ALL comic moments...but then again, I don't think they really meant that line to be comic relief...

As for this movie...I haven't seen it yet, but I've gotten pretty disenfranchised from the last several Predator Films.

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I loved it. Good action, the running curiosity of why a dctor is amongst the warriors, though predictable, was still well delivered I thought. Obviously it didn't break any new ground, but I don't expect and action/sci-fi movie in this day and age to be that original.

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Ohh the reasons predators are so Iconic is they are super bad@$$. Now I understand this movie probly has reverse ninja law. One predator = ultimate killing machine, but add more and the kill power drops.

But I mean the idea of this movie from what I've read is all the people on the planet are "Arnolds" for lack of a better description. They are the John Rambos, The Dutch, The Sly Marbo, The Keanu Reeves. So I still wanna see the movie.

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Obviously it didn't break any new ground, but I don't expect and action/sci-fi movie in this day and age to be that original.

I agree. By this point and time everything that's culturally accepted has been done. As For the movie I heard it was good but not see at a cinema good. I was told just rent it

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I loved it. Good action, the running curiosity of why a dctor is amongst the warriors, though predictable, was still well delivered I thought. Obviously it didn't break any new ground, but I don't expect and action/sci-fi movie in this day and age to be that original.

While I agree with you to a point, i will say... i saw inception last night, and it was the most original sci-fi movie i've seen in a long time. Unless you dig down to the very core of the story... but when you do that... what IS original?

anywhoo back on topic... I'm a big fan of Predator... and i plan on seeing this one at some point. My only requirement is the predator being a badass at some point. cause honestly... he's the only reason i've watched the sequels. Needless to say, i have low expectations and expect to be surprised. haha

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