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Gencon Malifaux Demos


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Doing a little work to help get ready for all the Gencon goodness Wyrd is planning. If you know folks that are going to Gencon but haven't tried this great game yet - send them to this page and they can get an idea what crews they might be able to try out!

I know they're planning at least ten crews and I'm doing four - maybe whomever else is painting could also throw them up on this thread? (hint, hint, wink, wink)

I'll post more as I complete them but here's the first set!

Lady J box set:



Edited by dgraz
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hey graz i think your painting is getting better :) nice job on those

Heh. Well that's the idea isn't it.

Thanks for the nice comments. With models as cool as these, they scream for a good paintjob. Eric Johns I'm not, so my only hope is that they're good enough to help get some new people excited about the game at Gencon. Nice to know you guys think I might be pulling that part off.

Thanks a lot!!!


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If tickets are sold out for all the demos, is there any likelihood that someone w/ a general ticket would be able to participate? (This is my first year at GenCon, I'm not sure how everything works)

In my experience, game demos at the booths are usually walk up affairs. I am pretty sure if you want a demo of Malifaux, you'll have no problem finding someone to do it!

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We're running several different types of "demos". At the booth you'll see the standard overview type of demo that should be less than 10 minutes long. Just a discussion and kind of a "this is what the game looks like!". Then there's one of the Developers (most likely Keltheos) that'll be in the miniature hall giving bigger "teaching the game" kind of demo where you'll sit longer and get a much better understanding of the game. Finally, there's the EricJ buy tickets to get a demo of Book II where he'll have a good discussion of the new book, new forces, and get everyone up to speed fast!

We're leaving no one behind!

Oh, and the demos at the booth won't be with the studio pieces so far as I know (I know because some of the crews are mine and I'm no studio painter....)

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