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Seamus & His Living Impaired Ladies of Negotiable Affection


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Hi all - this is my first substantive post, but hopefully the start of many more. I'm a long time Warhammer Fantasy and Blood Bowl player. My gaming club and I have recently discovered Malifaux, and I have to say I', enjoying the heck out of it. Fun, characterful game with some very clever game mechanics.

I recently finished my first Malifaux crew - the Seamus boxed set (aka, Shameless Seamus and His Living Impaired Ladies of Negotiable Affection). They were really satisfying to paint - it's fun to paint an entire army in a couple of weeks. I'll be adding a Copycat Killer and a Convict Gunslinger once they get in to our FLGS. I also have plans on an all-female Viktoria crew.

I made the bases from Magic Sculp (love that stuff for making terrain!). My one issue with the models is that they were a bear to assemble - many of the joins were so small that I couldn't fit a pin in (here's hoping the superglue and epoxy joins hold!). The handle on the folded umbrella also broke off in the package, so I had to replace it with a piece of bent brass wire. Probably for the best. With the exception of fiddly assembly (and the caution with which I'll have to treat them while playing), I really love the models. Very characterful and unique.

Without further ado ...


The full crew:


Shameless Seamus, the Scourge of Malifaux:


Madame Sybelle:


The Rotten Belles:




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Thanks for the kind words, all. The deep shadows are a stylistic thing for me. I like the vivid, cartoonish look that comes from extreme shading. However, not everyone feels the same - it tends to be a painting style that divides folks into folks who love it or hate it.

I was worried about how Seamus was going to come out for a while. I'm glad folks think it turned out well! In order to keep my color palette limited I gave him the same pale green flesh as the zombies (I'll likely do the same with my gunslinger once he comes in).

@chucklemonkey - I hope you feel inspired rather than inadequate! There's really not much "talent" at work in my miniature painting, just lots of practice and continually trying new new things to challenge myself. The internet is full always of folks who are way better at painting than we are, but it just gives us something to work towards!


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  • 2 months later...

Got some new Malifaux stuff painted up that I thought I'd share. First off, I added a Copycat Killer and a Convict Gunslinger to my Seamus crew, along with a corpse counter and a couple of "Shafted" markers for the Crooked Men. Next up for Seamus I have a trio of Crooked Men and some more Corpse Counters.




I also finished up the 25 SS version of my second crew, the Viktorias. I'm particularly proud of the bases on these - I'm planning on doing a small display base for them with a waterfall, rocks, and a stream.

Viktoria Sword Mistress


Viktoria Bounty Hunter


This is an Iron Kingdoms model from Privateer Press that I'm using as a Convict Gunslinger:


And the obligatory 3 Ronin




My next crew will be The Dreamer - I'm still trying to figure out the color palette, but I've settled on a suitably "Nightmarish" basing scheme. It might be a bit before I work on more Malifaux, though - I still have to update one of my Warhammer armies for 8th edition.


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I'm not sure if I like it or not lol, I love the way you limit your colour schemes within your crews, it makes them look very coherent. The comic book style is very good and divides the way I feel about the models.

Let me expand on that, I really like the overall effect of the style, it gives a very aesthetically pleasing crew which look lovely on the tabletop, however the single miniature painter in me/purist and perfectionist makes me want to not like them because of the stark highlights and large jumps between tonal layers. This is because I'm used to trying to get the smoothest blends if possible (within reason depending on the standard I'm trying to paint to) however the fact yours don't have that and almost looks cell shaded still looks lovely.

So after that essay in short I'm not quite sure what I think about them, I think they are good and brilliant within their own style however I personally don't paint that way, something to try in the future though methinks....


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Thanks for the kind words, all! My style is definitely different, and it's actually gotten more and more stylized and extreme over the years. It doesn't always suit everyone's taste, but it does stand out. IMNSHO, it looks particularly marvelous when playing at a table-top distance. Everything can look quite harsh up close, but from a reasonable distance, the hyper-highlights really pop and let you see more detail at a distance than you would be able to otherwise see.

Glad folks like the limited palette. As someone who usually paints large armies, I've always tried to use a limited palette in order to create a sense of coherence without needing for everyone to wear a standard uniform.

Re: tutorials, there's not much I could say. I (obviously) use black primer, and generally pick one color (a little darker than what I want the main color to be) to use per area, and then add white to each successive layer, ending with pure white when possible. I don't mix a lot of colors, and keep good notes of all my recipes when I do. One exception to this is the pale green. I'm pretty sure that it's GW's Camo Green, green ink, and then blended from camo green through rotting flesh to white (I'd have to check at home to be certain).

I'm looking forward to working on some more Malifaux minis, but will likely be suidetracked with updating my Warhammer armies for 8th edition for a bit. I do, however, have plans for expanding my Vik and Seamus crews, and adding the Dreamer to the mix when the new book comes out.


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those are brilliant

i have put that crew together and it was a serious undertaking

really looking forward to painting them

i like what you have done with the flesh on the rotten belles

still not too sure whether i'm going for the freshly dead look or the rotting flesh look yet

loving your seamus colour scheme


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