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Sabol vs Battlefoam

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Hey all,

I have recently outgrown my 2 Reaper mini bags and have thought about upgrading to either a Sabol or Battlefoam bag. I have no experience on either, and was wondering what some of the pros and cons of each are.

I'm looking for efficiency, protection, ease of transport, and something that's not going to subject me to a strip search at baggage check in.

Thanks in advance!

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i picked up the march deal from sabol. the price was right.

that being said, i probably wont be going with them in the future.

their showing at adepticon was unbelievably meh

they didnt open the booth at all on saturday because they were playing 40k. when i asked when they would be open on sunday, i got attitude. something to the tune of 'itll be open when it's open'

i went back on sunday and they had crap for stock. bush league.

the malifaux bag from battlefoam looks nice. 2.5 and 3 inch tray is just about perfect for me. they said the price will be near 70$ and will release at gencon

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I have a little carry box, 1 sheet deep with about 16 places, but i cant remember who made it. it didnt cost too much and is perfect for transporting small forces, i use it for when my blood bowl team goes on the road, but thinking about it it would be perfect for malifaux. i will have to try and remember what it was called.

edit: its box 4 on this link, holds 14 figures, might be good enough for a crew or 2


Edited by Iron Man
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I didn't tell you this, but if you're looking for a good bag for Malifaux, keep an eye out, soon there will be a good one, and something that I think will fit your criteria :)

Check out the video here:


I can't wait. I was actually getting ready to buy a Hordes bag, but now I'll probably wait.

Consider it purchased! =) I purchased my Hordes bag back when they were first letting people reserve them, it quickley became my favorite carrying case of all time, and I've used Sabol, Crystal Caste and Kaiser Rushforth. I'm quite a big fan of Battle Foam now so I look forward to this release.

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I'm using a KR case and I'm really happy with it, I can carry about 5 armies in it at once and it's light weight enough not to be a burden to carry.

I wouldn't buy from Battlefoam if people paid me. I find Romero to be extremely suspicious, the way he acts is very slimy and I've spoken to people who know him who say he's only into wargaming to make profit. In all his videos he's claimed he's been wargaming for years and was a tournament player, but the people who know him said this isn't true and he only started to push into wargaming when he started to sell battlefoam.

The whole thing just makes me suspicious of giving this guy money. It's rather sad that except for GW he's infiltrating the entire wargaming market and he's doing it purely for profit while claiming otherwise.

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Normally I don't bother jumping in these sorts of conversations but figured I would wade in on this one.

First off, anyone that is 'in this industry' is doing it for money. Yes there is an artistic or hobby outlet but when its all said and done about anyone seriously doing anything in this industry, or others, is for profit. It is not a rock star lifestyle by any means, but no profit means no pay, means no development which means .. no product. Bringing a product to market costs a staggering amount at times.

Whether you purchase Sabol, Battle Foam, GW or any of the other products is up to the individual and I myself own one from each of the three named above as well as some random one that I haven't a clue who made. Lets not make personal attacks against either Matt Sabol or Romeo Flip, or hell, whomever is doing whatever at GW.


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I wouldn't buy from Battlefoam if people paid me. I find Romero to be extremely suspicious, the way he acts is very slimy and I've spoken to people who know him who say he's only into wargaming to make profit. In all his videos he's claimed he's been wargaming for years and was a tournament player, but the people who know him said this isn't true and he only started to push into wargaming when he started to sell battlefoam.

The whole thing just makes me suspicious of giving this guy money. It's rather sad that except for GW he's infiltrating the entire wargaming market and he's doing it purely for profit while claiming otherwise.

If someone got into Wargaming only to make a profit, they they really got into the wrong business to make money, so I find that a bit hard to believe. And NO ONE gets into business to lose money, so why is it such a bad thing for him to make a profit? Infiltrating the market like he's some kind of spy at war? That's just crazy talk.

Either way it doesn't make any difference why he got into the market. He's here, and he sells a fantastic product. Who cares, as long as he produces quality product?

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So my post needs clearing up..

It's not bad to want to make money, I haven't said that. What I did say was he's being suspicious and lying to make money. Now it maybe amazing to hear but I don't like supporting dishonest people and I feel he is dishonest and I don't want to give him cash.

His marketing tactics are "I'm one of the guys", and yet the evidence says he isn't and that bothers me. It's like an ultra conservative claiming to be liberal, it just gives the liberals a bad name.

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If you're looking for something big, then a friend of mine got the Feldherr backpack and it's awsome. Reinforced back, loads of pockets, holds loads, is very inconspicuous. I'm always worried my case looks like a laptop bag and may gather unwarranted attention while walking home through dark streets of Glasgow. It's a bit out of my price range unfortunately, but I have been dropping massive hints to my family for my birthday :D


Not sure about shipping to the US though.

I've not heard great things about battlefoam, a friend of mine has some and he says it's a bit rough on the ol' paintjob.

Edited by DangerousBeans
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But where's this supposed evidence? You heard from a couple guys that he's not a gamer? Yet as supported above, he plays games.

Either way he's not lying about his product is he? It's everything he says it is.

Even if he's exaggerating his claims of geekdom, which seems to be your main issue, he's not lying about the product, nor is he the first shill to exaggerate something to pique your interest. He's said in videos before he's a bit of a self-promoter and marketer.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything. I just don't get the "He's not one of us" mind-set.

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I didn't tell you this, but if you're looking for a good bag for Malifaux, keep an eye out, soon there will be a good one, and something that I think will fit your criteria :)

Oh, fer Crissakes! Do you guys really need more of my money? Half of what I know is coming will already chew up all the excess money I can afford to throw at you! You need to offer me things that I actually need, too? Srsly?

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Oh, fer Crissakes! Do you guys really need more of my money? Half of what I know is coming will already chew up all the excess money I can afford to throw at you! You need to offer me things that I actually need, too? Srsly?

Come'on, do I need to change the line under my name here in the forums back to "it's my job to temp"


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Who cares if the Battlefoam guys are in it for the money or the love of the games. They make great stuff. A little pricey, but I've bought the GW stuff and Battlefoam is a million times better in all respects. I just ordered two of the minis from them for Malifaux and I'm dying to get my hands on the new Malifaux case when it's released.

I don't own an Sabol, so I can't comment on them though.

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If you're looking for something big, then a friend of mine got the Feldherr backpack and it's awsome. Reinforced back, loads of pockets, holds loads, is very inconspicuous. I'm always worried my case looks like a laptop bag and may gather unwarranted attention while walking home through dark streets of Glasgow. It's a bit out of my price range unfortunately, but I have been dropping massive hints to my family for my birthday :D


Not sure about shipping to the US though.

I've not heard great things about battlefoam, a friend of mine has some and he says it's a bit rough on the ol' paintjob.

Thanks for the suggestion, but the shipping is pretty nasty at 60 euros ($80 US)! Even though the Sabol seems more efficient, I'll probably go with multiples of the Malifaux Battlefoam case. I'm nothing if not a loyal hobbyist; gotta support the brand!

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