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What Terrain Do You Use?


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This game obviously has a great Western feel to it, and most of the terrain I own simply doesn't work for that genre. The trees designed for fantasy games are usually kind of forest-y, and while the buildings I own kinda sorta work, there's still definitely medieval-themed. I really am looking for something that fits an arrid or open-plains type feel. Anyone have any suggestions for places online I can look?

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Well if you look at the description of the city, Malifaux terrain is a sort of hodgepodge of buildings and architecture. While yes there is some of a western feel to it, there are also a vast array of other architectural influences and styles and would not be above having a victorian-style house, next to something like the Grand Hotel, next to a ruined castle.

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While My Board uses alot of Antenociti's stuff, i found some more links;

Stone House Miniatures

CT Scenery

Wargamers HQ

Miniatures Scenery

ESLO Terrain

and i've just ordered from Foundations Of War ; they're cheap, good quality, but made of Plaster :(

the Frothers Showcase maybe of help too...

Edited by greenstuff_gav
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We use a box of building someone made for Mordheim aeons ago, they look ramshackle enough to be a convincing "ex - town" somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Sometimes we even get hold of the golden Big Bird statue. (Clearly the idol of some ancient Neverborn who slinked into our reality to convince young children it's wise to want to hug ostriches.)

When someone else has pilfered that first we generally go for a sort of "wasteland" approach which works pretty well too. Dunes, dead forests, rocks etc.

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Guest Stagecoach

I'm using cardboard terrain...Whitewash city which is a western town. They come with floorplans for inside the building and don't really use that much paper and ink. They have a free pdf saloon to try out before ordering other buildings.

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I have solved two of my gaming issues in one!

I play Warmachine as well, and I find that since the town of Malifaux has a distinct steampunk feel to it as well as western, I can use my Warmachine buildings quite nicely.

I do not have any Warmachine faction markings on any of my buildings...that helps in not making them look out of place. All I have really had to do is make sure I throw in the odd western building or victorian building to make it more Malifauxy ... ( Malifauxey?? )

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Armorcast makes some excellent terrain. I can't recommend their ruined buildings highly enough. Also' date= their stuff is surprisingly cheap for resin.

I bought two packs of the " Armorcast " gravestones and crypt covers and I think I know why their price point is low for resin pieces. two problems with them;

1) the resin casts were awful! a lot of bubbles that came to the surface and popped before drying, thus little round holes all over them.

2) a few of the stones have names engraved on them that i don't necessarily want making their appearances in the town of Malifaux. one is " John Doe "...that's just cheesy! The other is " Samuel Clemens "...why the *$@! would Mark Twain end up spending his eternal sleep in Malifaux?

ok...the first point explains why they're so cheap, the second is just me ranting ;-)

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Wow, I've only ever had one bubble in all of my terrain from them that was problematic, and a little "green stuff" patching hid it almost instantly. Sorry you got a crappy batch of gravestones.

I'll still stand behind their stuff, but I suppose it's a bit of a "buyer beware" situation.

By the way, did you contact them about the flawed set? I'd be curious as to how their customer service is.

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Wow, I've only ever had one bubble in all of my terrain from them that was problematic, and a little "green stuff" patching hid it almost instantly. Sorry you got a crappy batch of gravestones.

I'll still stand behind their stuff, but I suppose it's a bit of a "buyer beware" situation.

By the way, did you contact them about the flawed set? I'd be curious as to how their customer service is.

no, i didn't bother because I can jam a small screwdriver into the bubble holes to irregularily chip them and make it like pieces of rock have broken off of the gravestones; it will make for more edges to catch dry brushing for details.

I tend to try to make silk purses out of sows ears! :-)

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I'm using cardboard terrain...Whitewash city which is a western town. They come with floorplans for inside the building and don't really use that much paper and ink. They have a free pdf saloon to try out before ordering other buildings.

Exactly what I would recommend for those looking for good kit bashing materials. White wash city is a phenomenal deal. I can repost a link if anyone wants it.

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I like the idea of wooden grave markers, goes with the wild west feel. I'm working on several 2x1" plots for a freshly dug graveyard. That way I can put them out on a couple of different tables and it would look fine.

Just finished a gallows and Sybelle's house, next step is a church with interiors. Will post pics once I get photos later this week.

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With my introduction into Malifaux (and skirmish gaming in general) I've decided to look for more elaborate terrain I could take advantage of. Since I only have to move a handful of models and not entire armies it's possible to take advantage of more elaborate terrain with multiple layers and fully detailed interiors. So I've decided to try my hand at card stock terrain, more specifically World Works Games card stock terrain.

Started off simple enough with the Village Works set:



But I plan to eventually try my hand at the insidiously detailed Cathedrae Noctis set:



And then of course all the TerrainlinX stuff, the amount of complexity you can pull out of your play area is simply amazing with card stock, and best of all no painting required! =P

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I like the idea of wooden grave markers, goes with the wild west feel. I'm working on several 2x1" plots for a freshly dug graveyard. That way I can put them out on a couple of different tables and it would look fine.

Just finished a gallows and Sybelle's house, next step is a church with interiors. Will post pics once I get photos later this week.

I grab cheap little cross charms from craft stores, snip off the loop up top, and sink them into some "green stuff" to make my grave markers. After a bit of primer and paint, they look like lovingly carved wood. I'll see if I can post some images of my corpse markers (made using this system) at some point, probably around the time I finish my "total package" (universally usable) board gets finished in a week or two...

I may not be able to paint toy soldiers, but terrain on the other hand, I know kung-fu.

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