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One thing I have personally found helpful is to wash off the mold release agents that adhere to the metal after it leaves the mold. While not absolutely necessary, I have found this to be helpful... I even wash off the bases, but yoiu do not have to do this step.

Just using hot tap water and a mild soap and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes, swirling lightly a few times to gently agitate the parts...

The rinse them off thoroughly, and dry them with a paper towel.

Zap-a-Gap CA+ (green label) is what I have been using for almost 10 years now. THe only problems I ever had were too much glue, or a case of the 'dropsies'... :gurney:

Pinning is damn near a guarantee that you mini will stay together, 'dropsies' aside that is! :vb_tongue

I highly recommend both!!

Oh, and if you have something rediculously small to pin, 10-gauge guitar string (.010) works really well...

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I've used a lot of different super glues and had no trouble...

I think a lot of it is in the technique:

- Clean off mould dust as mentioned above, I rinse them in soapy water

- Rough up the contact edges, slash cross hatches with a hobby knife

- Apply only enough to make the parts meet, that reduces setting time

- If you need to fill space in the joint and take weight, use green stuff, not glue

And pinning is the best choice, brittle glue won't take the weight unless the parts sit naturally together.

Get a pin vice from a hobby store, you'll want to pin everything once you see the control you have over poses, etc.

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I have some of the Gorilla Super Glue as well and it works really well. The only thing I don't like about it is the tip. I think it's too big for working to get glue in places on miniatures. I use it on bigger stuff and use Loctite Precision Max or Loctite Brush On on minatures. I made the mistake of getting some Loctite Goof Proof and Krazy Glue Craft skin-safe super glue. Both of them take way too long to bond to be usable for gluing miniatures. I was holding the minitaure pieces together for well over a minute and still couldn't let go without the parts coming off.

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Generally I use Bob Smith Industries gap filling Insta-Cure, but I picked up the Gorilla Super Glue today, and although the package says 30-60 seconds, it was much quicker to set than that.

The BSI has the same cap, what I usually do is take an old TCG card and put a drop or so of glue on it, then use a tooth pick to put it where I want it.

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I use loc-tite super glue. Works well. Better on skin than metal though.

I second LocTite, I've been using it for roughly 5 years and have only ever had 1 arm fall off in that time. And I don't pin the vast majority of my models, even some of my larger models. The setting time is spectacular as well, I give it two thumbs up. d(^_^)b

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