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dgraz's painting thread


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Thanks folks.

@mechaace - the bases are bought from Microart studios.

I must admit I've had lots of experience. I have a 2-yr degree in Commercial Illustration so I know all about color theory and what-not. I've been playing and painting for about 10 years now and really only in the last couple of years have my skills moved to that 'next' level where I feel confident doing all that crazy little stuff.

If anyone has any questions I'm happy to field them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are these pictures popping up larger when you click on them? They don't seem to be doing that for me and I don't know if that's me or the image setting I chose from photobucket. Please let me know since you can't see shit with these little pictures and that's a real waste.

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Are these pictures popping up larger when you click on them? They don't seem to be doing that for me and I don't know if that's me or the image setting I chose from photobucket. Please let me know since you can't see shit with these little pictures and that's a real waste.

I seem to be getting 2 windows.

One is the small image the other is the photobucket page

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Are these pictures popping up larger when you click on them? They don't seem to be doing that for me and I don't know if that's me or the image setting I chose from photobucket. Please let me know since you can't see shit with these little pictures and that's a real waste.

Allow pop ups on this site and you will get a second window open showing you the picture properly on photobucket site.

Great work. Those last ones have a very bold painting style. I bet they look fantastic on the table as it would catch the eye easily from distance. Great free hand. You make me weep... I think I need to practice, practice, practice!



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Thanks for the comments. I knew it had to be me with the sizes-I'm uhh computer-dumb.

@swordofjustice - that's what it is, practice. It took me a long time to get to this point. Keep trying new techniques.

I've been putting off trying NMM because it intimidates me for some reason. I tried it for the first time on Misaki and I don't think it looks terrible. Some more practice and I'll get it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey dgraz love ur stuff ( especially those ships). You definitly have the skills for nmm. Just look at light reflecting off of real metal and you'll get a sense of the coloring. Highlights usually follow along the line of the forged edges instead of across the flat areas like on your miasaki. And you can adjust the dark or light of the metal midtone based on what's around it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arrrrrrgh! You just serve to rub in how awful my painting skills are!

Seriously though, amazing work. It reminds me of an old White Dwarf article, "You May Have Won, But My Army Looks Better". Not to cast aspersions on your generalship, but you'll ALWAYS have that to fall back on!:thumb:

...Now to get back to painting terribly... :bawling:

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