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New Masters?


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I was reading one of the threads that talk about expanding the line, and it was said that new masters may be on the way when new expansion books come out. I was just wondering what type of new masters would others like to see coming? It's always fun to guess, dream, speculate, etc. I would personally like to see the Krampus from the christmas scenarios added as a permanent master with hulking mutant reindeer and evil elves. Any other ideas?

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Well, there was an (very) old thread somewhere that had a discussion about a female Resurrectionist similar to the art on the 12 Crows card... That would always be pretty cool. Also, I would love to see some more Neverborn minions... maybe some monsters, etc... which don't necessarily theme with any one master. And of course, more steam constructs are always a plus. :D

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Personally, I would like to see a judge Master for Guild. Not The Judge, but a judge. Maybe one of the circuit judges that the Executioners follow around, which would make for a good henchmen (whenever we learn how that works). I'm thinking someone looking a bit like the picture at the beginning of the Guild chapter in the book. Maybe he could bring Hanged models in his crew. Hm...

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Seems lots of people want more Gremlin options between this thread and a few others I've looked at. I don't play Gremlins, but I'd definitely be interested in seeing more.

I'm going to link a thread that saw a lot of action a few months before the game was released that is along these lines. I had been thinking about posting a round 2 version of that thread now that the game is released and people have a lot better idea of how things went.


Looking back, I see the thread was made in Sept, 2008....so its quite old, relatively speaking. However, its pretty fun to see the ideas people had then vs. what has been released now. There were lots of good ideas in there....possibly even something that might have been utilized for the expansion ideas.

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I got the impression somewhere the second book is pretty much already written...

...no reason not to speculate wildly, though!

Hamelin is a great model as he is, maybe his theme can be expanded with another dark fairytale related model?

Rumplestilskin probably has a darker previous incarnation...was he from the brothers Grimm?

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I'm not so concerned about masters. I would like to see more gremlins though. A piglet swarm, a model with Graverobber and/or Scavenger, maybe a momma pig.

Definitely. And more mercenaries. For the two most limited crews in the game.

But, for gremlins, I just want something that either lowers defense, or has an attack higher than 4. Preferably that lowers defense...

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I liked my idea of Miss Clara Lindypose, and her crew of train-robbers. Lots of soulstones gets transported back and forth between the breach on the steam engine, and her crew is there to steal as much of it as they can. Soulstones have a HUGE value on the black market, afterall.

She is an alluring Debutant (sorta looking like a fancy belle), and she controls a group of thugs, akin to the Wheelers from "Return to Oz" (gotta catch up to the train after all). They would be fast on the gametable with their Wheeler rigs, and it would look more steampunk than the Return to Oz Wheelers.

I like the idea of her being a control-style master. Doing things such as being able to remove suits from a models stats and weapons, making it harder (and sometimes impossible) to hit the suit requirement for a trigger or spell/ability. Since they are thieves, maybe they could even steal a suit from someone else and add it to their own stats/weapons...providing them an easier chance to hit their own requirements.

Could also play with debuffing movement of enemy models. This would allow the Wheelers to get in and out for quick hits easier.

I have been planning a campaign/rpg story arch for some time, and this crew will most likely make appearances throughout the campaign as a distraction from the main plot.

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I liked my idea of Miss Clara Lindypose, and her crew of train-robbers. Lots of soulstones gets transported back and forth between the breach on the steam engine, and her crew is there to steal as much of it as they can. Soulstones have a HUGE value on the black market, afterall.

She is an alluring Debutant (sorta looking like a fancy belle), and she controls a group of thugs, akin to the Wheelers from "Return to Oz" (gotta catch up to the train after all). They would be fast on the gametable with their Wheeler rigs, and it would look more steampunk than the Return to Oz Wheelers.

I like the idea of her being a control-style master. Doing things such as being able to remove suits from a models stats and weapons, making it harder (and sometimes impossible) to hit the suit requirement for a trigger or spell/ability. Since they are thieves, maybe they could even steal a suit from someone else and add it to their own stats/weapons...providing them an easier chance to hit their own requirements.

Could also play with debuffing movement of enemy models. This would allow the Wheelers to get in and out for quick hits easier.

I have been planning a campaign/rpg story arch for some time, and this crew will most likely make appearances throughout the campaign as a distraction from the main plot.

Thieves, you say?


:tomes:rams Pick pocket: after damaging defending opposing master with a wondering hands strike, the target must make a Df-->14 check that may not be cheated or subtract one soul stone from their pool. This may not drop their pool below zero. If a soul stone is subtracted in this way, you may add one soul stone to your pool.

Edited by Justin
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I have several insane suggestions. I have drawn up art for all of them, which I can post if there is enough encouragement. I was thinking, solely for Neverborn: The Jester: a penguin type master with tricksy rules and abilities. Blackmore: My username, a male master with hooded head, kinda like a ringqwraith and Brimstone: in honour of a man who passed away recently. I hope the penguin goes into production, cause ive even designed Jack in the boses as his retinue.

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