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9...or how Stitchpunk rocks


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I couldn't wait for the weekend, went and caught a showing of 9 on the way home from work.

I'm still not sure how to classify this movie (or the story). It's very much not for little kids (it's PG-13 for a reason) and was almost 100% action all the way through. Amazing visuals, amazing sound, a blast of a ride for 1 hour 19 minutes.

Story-wise...don't want to ruin anything for folks who won't have figured it out 5 minutes in, but what story there is does a passable job of holding the short film together. I wish there had been more of the world and the goings on of the homunculi, but it was enough for an action movie, which to me this was.

There's bits of magic, steampunkery, the 'stitchpunk' thing and so forth. It's like Trent Reznor made a children's book that wasn't for kids (the good Trent Reznor, not what he's become in the past decade). Remember the infamous 'chair video?' clean that up for edgy kids and you have some of the visuals in 9. I'm sure someone will sit there and point to the 'video game' sequences, but that's the way of things go.

Would I go again? Yeah, it was a fun ride.

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According to the IMDB.com Parental Guide (Which is generally really good at laying it all out), but may have some spoilers so here is a small recap.

Sex & Nudity: None

Violence: A LOT of violence and intense fighting

Profanity: None

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: One mild scene with a robot getting "high" from a magnet

Frightening/Intense Scenes: Looks to be several scenes

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