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So my LGS is interested in stocking/ special orders Wyrd mini's for Malifaux but, availability seems to be lean (I had to order direct for my box and cards). The owner supports our interest in the game and understands us getting product direct when it is unavailable via distributor. But, his interest and support is going to be limited if Wyrd doesn't do a restock to distributors soon. I can understand completely! I truly want to give my money to him and support where I play and hang-out. I know also for a fact that if he can get stock our player base will at least double.

So, I ask Wyrd: when are distributors going to get their re-stocks? Already there have been special orders at this LGS that cannot be filled. It seems that Wryd direct has plenty of stock on product but the LGS and distributors seem to need a little more support. I know Gencon was busy and some catching up is necessary, I just hope that we can get some support and more interest. I for one would love to see the rulebook and a great selection of boxes and blisters at my LGS! Thanks!

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I can tell you that we have not been delaying any shipments to distributors or retailers and we can only send to them what they ask for! Pretty much every one of our distributors had a big order shipped to them before Gencon, and another big order shipped to them since Gencon. I believe the issue is simply that demand so far has been above and beyond what was anticipated, and everyone is having trouble now keeping Malifaux in stock. This is something that even we're running into as box sets have gone from fully stocked to completely out in just a few orders in some cases. On the bright side, we have piles of gamebooks and cards, and miniatures are being restocked as quickly as they can be cast up and we don't anticipate any significant delays! :)

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I'd just like to make a comment regarding distribution. I find that store owners tend to shift the blame to distribution sometimes. One of our LGS uses the excuse all the time, but 9 times out of 10 he hasn't even placed the order as he hasn't hit the minimum for free shipping or something along those lines.

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I can't find the Lady Justice + Death marshal box anywhere in the UK at the moment, it seems to have completely sold out. Rather than be miffed tho, I'm actually happy that the game is selling so well. So I'm quite content to wait a bit longer and read through fluff, etc. before I get my starter box. :D

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not "miffed" in any way. I was testing the waters to see what anyone else was thinking. I am in fact happy with the popularity of the game at the moment. I know my LGS in particular tried several different distributors and had little success filling his orders for Malifaux. He did get a few things from a not-local distributor who has at times, not been the most reliable, so I feel he is making the effort on his part. Again I just want to spend my money at my LGS and want the game to succeed, and part of that is making sure that the product is available to a reasonable degree.

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As Eric has said, we are sending out the product as fast as the orders are coming in and several of the distributors have called or e-mailed saying 'we misjudged interest'. There isn't a day that goes by that when we're putting together an order we don't get a call asking if we can add another twenty books or up all the box sets by thirty, or ..

You can see the picture.

Great for us as the interest is there but we've been at it non stop since before Gencon and in the last few days distributors have flat cleared us out of a ton of stock (box sets, individuals, etc). We've got the caster doing a shedload of restock orders for us who has also brought in extra help and working extra hours to do so, just so much we can do to keep up with the demand that has been well above what even we could have hoped for, though we did plan for it believe it or not.

Three of our biggest distributors got huge stocks sent to them earlier this week, though from what I understand, they are already sold out of them in full.

Anyhow, at worst you are looking for a couple week delay for distributors to get additional product (cast, clean, package on our end) and then another few days to a week for LGS to get them from the distributor.

Thanks again for the interest folks, keep the word going on Malifaux and we'll make certain to get it out to everyone as quick as we can.

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The wonderful thing about this game is that it is completely playable right out of the book. Proxy anything and everything - I know some people refuse to do this, and its ok, but the guys at my FLGS pick up new games monthly, so proxying isnt any big deal - and photocopy stats out of the book, and youre golden until Wyrd gets their stuff restocked.

If you cant get the rules, I feel for you, but the models are just icing on the cake, really...

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Rules are one thing we ordered a TON of because we absolutely did not want to run out of those, and we are very lucky to have a VERY fast and reliable printer in case we need a fast reorder...that said, we're starting to low even on books, so it's probably time to make that next order, but there should not be any stocking issues with them :)

But on the bright side, the larger the demand, the better chance for everyone to find people to play with, tournaments, open gaming, etc...

All that said, we have the best people we could find working as fast as possible to make sure any delays are as small as possible!

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Rules are one thing we ordered a TON of because we absolutely did not want to run out of those, and we are very lucky to have a VERY fast and reliable printer in case we need a fast reorder...that said, we're starting to low even on books, so it's probably time to make that next order, but there should not be any stocking issues with them :)

You know Drew and I are eagerly waiting for this.

Seriously, out of all the things that could have happened during and after Gen Con, I think this is probably the best of the possibilities. Congrats, guys and gals.

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Three of our biggest distributors got huge stocks sent to them earlier this week, though from what I understand, they are already sold out of them in full.

3? I inquired after gencon, and was told that you only distributed through Efigures and Warpath? Which other distributors do you sell through? If Alliance isn't one, are there any plans to start dealing with them? (They're the main one that my LGS uses.)

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