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more questions about Malifaux


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I totally dig the Wyrd West theme, and have been planning out my own little township complete with gallos, wagons and possibly an OK Corral! But I also dig the Victorian side also. There's soooo much to both time periods that you can really get some crazy things going into the fluff.

As Malifaux continues to unfold I'm really looking forward to seeing more.


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Consider this though, even in say ... oh the late 1800's, early 1900's, you had your cities, your major thoroughfares such as New York, Chicago .. hell even London with cobblestones and gas lamp lighting. At that same time, head out west, mining towns, railroad company camps ... etc. Very, very different situations, same times.

So, there will most certainly be an overlap so that folks know we're not bouncing around just to be doing it.

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I totally dig the Wyrd West theme, and have been planning out my own little township complete with gallos, wagons and possibly an OK Corral! But I also dig the Victorian side also. There's soooo much to both time periods that you can really get some crazy things going into the fluff.

As Malifaux continues to unfold I'm really looking forward to seeing more.


The Shoot Out at the Ok Corral took place on October 26, 1881.

Queen Victoria (for whom the Victorian Age is named) is Queen from 1837 till 1901.

They're not different time periods.

The Wild West and the Victorian settings are the same when. The only difference that might distinguish them is that the Wild West describes the frontier and the Victorian Era describes an empowered urban middle class.

Just sayin'.

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The Shoot Out at the Ok Corral took place on October 26, 1881.

Queen Victoria (for whom the Victorian Age is named) is Queen from 1837 till 1901.

They're not different time periods.

The Wild West and the Victorian settings are the same when. The only difference that might distinguish them is that the Wild West describes the frontier and the Victorian Era describes an empowered urban middle class.

Just sayin'.

You're absolutely correct, my choice of words was um...not exactly perfect. :P

I should have said both settings vs time periods. BAD OZ! :banghead:


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I am totally loving this thread, gangs of new york has been one of my favorite period movies, since braveheart.

When i think of the word malifaux and I see the mini line and art work as it currently stands I am drawn to it for the same reasons as the previously mentioned movie, however I also see an area that has yet to be mentioned, that the name malifaux creates the image of an ornate victorian mansion sitting off of the edge of town, out in the woods half in a swamp, I mean this literally the first story is water logged as all hell, gators and snakes crawling out of the front door. Its real humid, i mean dank you just get that sent of the moss permeating every breath, aside from that lovely aroma mix in a little bourbon, chartreuse, and absinthe.

You hear chanting coming out across the swamp, see wipperwills in the distance, and just then you hear a rustle in the bushes to the left of the path and out steps a girl in a white slip of a dress. Well, maybe it was at some time long ago, but now its just caked with mud and filth around the edges, and blood deep dark red blood. In her hand shes carrying a blood soaked machete and a heart. shes singing a nonsense song but only to herself. She sees you and her eyes light up, just then two more little girls of about the same image clear the bushes wisperin songs for the queen, they all pickup the tune and sing this dirge that just runs a bit of ice cold sweat down your spine.

It's eerie, this image in front of ya, so off putin' you don't notice the one behind you. She drapes one blood covered arm around your neck and whispers honey laden passages into your ear. You're a bit shocked and cant seem to turn and look at her and she keeps grilling ya with that voice , the scent of her breath is bourbon and candy. Shes definitely older, but not old maybe 18 maybe 33 all you can see is her little blood covered hand and hear her voice in your head.

Something catches your eye on her hand beneath the blood and gore and mud theres a ring not really outstanding, just a ring with a cameo carved into the stone. She just keeps singing to you and you couldn't care bout anythin cept that shes singing to you. The younger girls have started to dance around you, darting in and out of you field of view singin bout the queen. Her voice is smooth, warm , and sweet its deep in your head now, your startin to taste the bourboun and candy. Not just smell it but taste it. you feel that quick burn in the mouth and then the mellow sugar mixed with wood rolls down your throat, and the warmth washes back up.

Now her ring is startin to glow and her hand has even more blood on it fresh blood. the last thing you register as your head folds back on you almost completely truncated neck is this beautiful upside down vision of a dark skinned woman in a southern belles dress, shes smiling and looking at you most comforting , with those glowing eyes as green as chartreuse, and her face painted like a skull.

its a bit rough but thats what i think of when i think of malifaux, the cards, the zombies, the voodoo queen mary laveau she would fit there something fiercely.

sorry if i ramble i just got off of a long day waiting tables

oi oi io


Edited for readability -ericj

Edited by EricJ
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i am totally loving this thread, gangs of new york has been one of my favorite period movies , since braveheart. when i think of the word malifaux and i see the mini line and art work as it currently stands i am drawn to it for the same reasons as the previously mentioned movie, however i also see an area that has yet to be mentioned. the name malifaux creates the image of an ornate victorian mansion sitting off of the edge of town. out in the woods half in a swamp, i mean this literally the first story is water logged as all hell , gators and snakes crawling out of the front door. its real humid , i mean dank you just get that sent of the moss permeating every breath , aside from that lovely aroma mix in a little bourbon, chartreuse, and absinthe. you hear chanting coming out across the swamp , see wipperwills in the distance. and just then you hear a rustle in the bushes to the left of the path and out steps a girl in a white slip of a dress, well maybe it was at some time long ago now its just caked with mud and filth around the edges, and blood deep dark red blood. in her hand shes carrying a blood soaked machete and a heart. shes singing a nonsense song but only to herself, she sees you and her eyes light up, just then two more little girls of about the same image clear the bushes wisperin songs for the queen, they all pickup the tune and sing this dirge that just runs a bit of ice cold sweat down your spine, its eerie this image in front of ya, so off putin' you dont notice the one behind you. she drapes one blood covered arm around your neck and wispers honey laden passages into your ear. your a bit shocked and cant seem to turn and look at her and she keeps grilling ya with that voice , the scent of her breath is bourbon and candy. shes definatley older, but not old maybe 18 maybe 33 all you can see is her little blood coverd hand and hear her voice in your head. somethin catches your eye on her hand beneath the blood and gore and mud theres a ring not realy out standing just a ring with a cameo carved into the stone. she just keeps singing to you and you couldnt care bout anythin cept that shes singing to you. the younger girls have started to dance arround you darting in and out of you field of view singin bout the queen. her voice is smooth, warm , and sweet its deep in your head now, your startin to taste the bourboun and candy.. not just smell it but taste it. you feel that quick burn in the mouth and then the mellow sugar mixed with wood rolls down your throat, and the warmth washes back up .. now her ring is startin toglow and her hand has even more blood on it fresh blood. the last thing you register as your head folds back on you almost compleatly truncated neck is this beautiful upside down vision of a darkskinned woman in a southern belles dress, shes smiling and looking at you most comforting , with those glowing eyes as green as chartreuse, and her face painted like a skull.

its a bit rough but thas what i think of when i think of malifaux, the cards , the zombies, the voodoo queen mary laveau she would fit there something fiercely.

sorry if i ramble i just got off of a long day waiting tables

oi oi io


2 words: paragraphs and capitalization

This is one of the first threads I tried to read in the morning and my eyes have only become more glazed over at the lack of paragraphs and correct capitalization at the beginning of sentences. I had a problem with paragraphs a little while back when posting only to find out that the forum doesn't recognize the enter button unless you have javascript turned on. However, this doesn't really look like an accident. Please, for the sake of everyone else trying to read the post, at least attempt paragraphs and correct capitalization.

I read about the first 2 sentences and then just scrolled down to the bottom of the post to get your statement wrap up because the big wall of text was hurting my eyes. I don't mean to sound rude, but it would help everyone out if you didn't make your post a big wall of text without proper capitalization.

Otherwise, I'm glad you enjoy the Malifaux genre, it's got a lot of flavor to it!

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The thing of it is - the paragraph is done in the same style as instant messaging and/or text messaging. Those sorts of communication are done without proper structure because they are short cuts for something that is supposed to be quick communication. Anything that is ever written in that style is generally no longer than a sentence or 2, so its easy to read anyway.

Trying to pull that into a huge body of text is just plain wrong. It makes it hard for the viewers to read (and comes off as just being sloppy and/or lazy about your typing in my opinion). We are here on these forums to try and discuss our hobby, so communication is vital. It is appreciated to make your best effort to communicate your ideas in an educated, legible manner.

This is sort of reminiscent of the L337 speak thread from months back:


R.I.P. lolcat, wherever you may be...

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Yes thanks for the edit.

Now going back through the story I find that is some great imagery. A bayou swamp board would be a great thing to play on with zombies galore. :)

Duly noted.


This is actually very easy to do. I think adding the mansion to the mix would be a nice addition too.

In fact the imagery in the story would translate to a playable board seamlessly.

I'll have to do some exploratory sketches when I get back in town. (Forgot my sketch book! Total suck!)

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I actually have a piece of terrain I'm working on for use with Dr. McMourning and Sebastian to be a bit of a mad scientist lab in a sewer. I'll have to take pictures when i make it back home of the pieces. The way i have it figured, even in the Wild west, there were the frontier towns, but in some of the bigger towns it looks more like some of the old Atlanta.

For terrain ideas, I kinda figured a bit like Brisco County, Jr you have the Wild west for a lot of the smaller towns but in San Francisco, its more brick and mortar, more permanent structures.

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Edited for readability -ericj

My many thanks , just started writing last night and i ended up with a lot more than i anticipated. Thanks to all who commented. Again, ended up with a lot more than i anticipated. My next process is to work this story and setting a bit , off of teh computer , and when, if I think it is worth your time. I shall upload more.

oi oi oi


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we actually had been throwing around the idea of making a little Bayou board, I think it very well may happen for next gencon (hopefully at least!)

Hopefully there's a bayou/swamp board, an urban board (Victorian-style, cobblestone streets and all that), a western-style board and possibly a sewers board. Lots of boards for running several demos at once.

Ok, so I'm dreaming, but still....

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