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how would you classify the Wyrd setting?


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I've recently been pulled into Wyrd, and I've been trying to figure out how to classify the miniatures and setting the characters come from. There are a lot of different stylistic influences that seem prevalent, but I'm trying to figure if there is a single dominant style with which to categorize it.

I see a little bit of fantasy/sci-fi/steam punk/horror/western.....it seems as though its all there a little bit at least. I'm kinda under the impression that is why I like the style as much as I do - it doesn't fall neatly into one category for me - its full of variety, yet they somehow all work together in the unusual setting of Malifaux.

Does anyone else have any opinions on this subject?

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I see a little bit of fantasy/sci-fi/steam punk/horror/western.....it seems as though its all there a little bit at least. I'm kinda under the impression that is why I like the style as much as I do - it doesn't fall neatly into one category for me - its full of variety, yet they somehow all work together in the unusual setting of Malifaux.

Does anyone else have any opinions on this subject?

That's pretty much how I've always seen it. The one reason that I like Wyrd so much is because it can't easily be labeled and classified.

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I second what Vike says... I think testament to that fact is the variety of ways I have seen Wyrd Minis painted from dark and moody to wild crazy and fun....each model er go each character has it's own individual charm bt as more of the world unfolds it all falls into a pretty neat and unique world....

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sorry, tough this is definitely not a bad thing imho, but I find wyrd's world malifaux easily classifiable.

its not a bad thing since the genre is heavily underdeveloped anyway, but I always consider *a little bit of everything* a negative point myself, and thats not how I see wyrd.

just Weird west does fine.. or rather wyrd west (as the range is deserving of its own specific name.) the weird west genre by definition allready covers the use of steampunk, fantasy, mythology and horror elements, no need to add these to the name, there are unique elements that are unique to malifaux but it is common to add unique elements to an exsisting genre, this doesnt mean every single theme needs its own name, especially not a name composed of a dozen genre.

but as said Im absolutely anti- "our product is all over the place" nor originality just for the sake of being original, but I dont see malifaux like that, a fresh and unique approach to an excisting but highly underdeveloped theme, thats what I see.

offcourse wyrd in general has other miniatures too besides malifaux. but the them there is just *great miniatures company* ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the wyrd west idea..... It does sort of fall into it's own category .. I think of it as western with a horror twist.....gangs of mercs and bounty hunters running round in a once deserted now repopulated city trying to reclaim from the monsters that have taken over..Each with their own agenda .....

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  • 1 month later...
You know, I had to come up with an answer on the spot at GenCon and I believe it was something like 'Weird-West-Victorian-Gotchic-Steampunk-Horror'.

But yeah, what they said.


When I first saw a couple of the Wyrd minis months back I immediately thought, "This is a dark and comic like miniature range."

The more I looked at the minis, the more my initial thought evolved and it was becoming a atmosphere of its own. The above statement is a great frame for the minis, but in time I think people may start to reference this simply as "Wyrd".

I'm quite impressed with the atmosphere and world that is developing out of these figs. I'm originally from New Mexico and I am very partial the the wild west especially at night and the somewhat frightening loneliness and mysticism of the dessert at night. Mix in a little humour to the darkness of and you get a form of insanity that I am happy to play with. I really think you guys have begun something here that will become dearly beloved.

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