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Post your workspace!!!!!


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I'm in Copperas Cove TX, just outside of Fort Hood... The nerd-cave is my garage.

I love having my own 6x4 gaming table.

I don't know how the gaming is up where you are, but Austin is the nearest place that has Malifaux that I have. There are three game stores in the area and none carry Malifaux as a regular item. They will order it, but none actually have it in stock. As soon as i get my second crew painted up I already have permission to do some demoing at Battlefield games in Killeen Tx.

Which is better for Demo against a Lilith box set: Seamus or Vicktoria?

Edited by Brandubh
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Personally I'd go Seamus, nothing says 'Buy this game' like undead hookers. Plus it's nice having a little bit of firepower to blow some neverborn away. I haven't used or played against the Viks so I can't say if they are good but Seamus is nice against Lillith.

OT: Moving house this week so once I have it set up I'll take a pic of my painting space.


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I am currently packing to move to a new apartment. I am also obviously putting off the packing. Usually my workspace is covered with projects, keys, change and cigarette butts.


Well I am drinking and avoiding packing.


I do love the fact that my table is a cherry red porcelain top with white flowers circa 1940s.

The set up at my new place is going to be pretty nerdtacular if all goes well.

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  • 9 months later...

I would post pics of mine, but sadly lack that all important camera (grr). But, I do all of my work either on my bed or at the pc deck opposite it. I used to work on my old computer desk up there, but that's since been dominated by bits boxes (which have since expanded into a 4 foot tall stack of boxes by the desk!), tools, WIP models, terrain and dvds. Oh, and a very old, broken pc, heh. Thankfully where I now do all my modeling and painting has better light being closer to the window. Presently it has some 40 zombies, assorted knights and hounds, 3 Penal Legion squads (for my Imperial Guard), a Lilith crew, Gov's Proxy, Ayu Beat, assorted pirate miniatures, Steampunk Dorothy and a WIP Ork Transformer (Ultra Waaagh! Gunz who's been WIP for over a year) dominating it, some Space Marines and other models I've been working on for ages dominating it. Oh, and some 400 or so paints, pens, inks etc. plus the tv, dvd, xbox and whatever else is crammed into the area :D

I am very suspicious of these very clean and well organised painting areas and doubt they're ever used, I bet they're just there to look impressive while the real painting area (which is far messier, like mine) is secretly stashed away in some secret room, lol :privateey

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I live in a loft style apartment and didn't want to leave the mess always visible. So I made these giant trays. Basically put each pet projects/mess on each one and when you want to work on it, move it to the coffee table or dinner table to work on, When done just move it back. Took me a day to build them in my brother in laws wood shop.

FYI: don't bother looking for any place to buy them, no one makes anything like it. If you are going to try to make them Make only 3 and a stand with storage in the stand. Getting to the bottom tray is a pain. Also you might want to get a small blanket/tarp to use as a cover when not used, or a cover for the coffee table to avoid scratches when using them.


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hmmm i don't think i have gotten into this yet but since it was brought back from the dead here is my workspace.


We live in a small house/apartment thingy and the roll top desk lets me keep this in the living room while being able to close it when we entertain or ( gasp ) don't want to think about miniatures.

The GW paint station was a godsend, can't tell youhow many desks i have ruined before it came out... plus its portable :). I keep things my wife gave me posted around the staion, hence the snoopy valentines and colored pictures.

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Here is where my assembly happens


Here is the toolbox


Here is model storage and models in que to be assembled and painted





The strange thing is for being such a mess I know where everything is. If I clean I lose stuff. Its organized chaos. It works for me.... I dont know why.....

Edited by ChrisM
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I don't know if link will work, i work for myself and have two young kids so it a while back I set up the tray of paints and too my stuff to work, I paint my Mali stuff in my lunch break in my van at work!

That's dedication!

I too do not have a permanent setup any more... the cyclone took mine with it.

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