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In memory of Greebo

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My first cat, nay my first true pet died today g.gifg.gifg.gif. He was hit by a car, and I can only be happy that it was a responsible person who brought the cat to the police so they could find out who owned it. He was my little kitten, and noone can ever replace him. I also feel almost as if it were my fault since I was the one who let him out today, but I know it isn't. He was a wonderfull moggy, even though he used to wake us up in the night, so that w could feed him or let him out. I was the last person to stroke him, my mother and father didn't even get to see him this morning excempt when they let him in icon_tears.gif He was the finest cat anyone could own, and although I'm not really religious I hope he's up there in Kitty heaven chasing mice made out of raw salmon and catnip. icon_cwy.gif So pay your last respects to Greebo, we only had him for (roughly) a year, but it was one of the best years of my life.





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Thanks guys. Me and my dad have started making his gravestone from a piec o volcanic rock we had in the living room next to the sofa where he used to sleep. He will be wrapped in the cover of the Ikea sofa he loved being on (It was comletely his domain, he got terribly offended if someone he didn't know sat on it) And he will lso be bured with some of his more "biodegradable" toys in the areas Animal graveyard (Basically a big field, quite pricy but I want this done right. There isn't a priest so it's really a DIY funeral lol) As I said, unfortunatly we can't get another cat untill we have moved to England, due to the time it would take to have to have a new cat vaxxinated and do on. thank you all for you're support in this ;)


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