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It’s been just over a year now…


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I started painting miniatures in September of 2006 and it’s been a pretty interesting year so far. My one year “anniversary” passed pretty quietly and without notice, even by me. It just didn’t seem like a big deal. However, as I was tossing and turning last night in a vain attempt to get some sleep, I started thinking about things. Nothing earth-shaking or deeply insightful; just thinking about a mini that I’m painting and a writing project that I’m currently working on (which is now three days overdue; fortunately the person that I’m doing it for is a really nice guy that isn’t yelling at me about it. Yet.). As I so often seem to do, my thoughts jumped from one thing to another and I started thinking about the past year, especially in regards to the hobby.

I (almost literally) stumbled across miniature painting over a year ago. I’ll spare you the details, but I found the hobby and it looked interesting. Reaper was the first company that I came across that sold miniatures for painting, so I picked up a couple of “easy” ones and bought some cheap brushes and some craft paint from my local craft store. After reading several articles on how to paint minis, I started in. It wasn’t easy, but I found that I really liked it. After some encouragement, I started posting my work online, although my painting and the pictures weren’t all that great. But people were kind and helpful, offering advice and pointers, and I tried to learn.

Since those first meager attempts, I’ve upgraded my tools. I now have better quality brushes and paints, an area devoted to painting miniatures and various tools and implements for working on the little pieces of pewter. I’d like to think that my skills have also been upgraded. I now have a better understanding of highlighting, shading, blending, glazing and washes. I’m learning which colors go together and which ones don’t (although I still “break the rules” and paint what I like). I have a half-way decent camera and an actual lighting studio instead of the cheap camera and two end table lamps that I used to have, so my pictures are starting to come out a bit better. I’ve entered competitions, both online and off, and have yet to actually place in the top three; but I’ll keep trying because it’s fun.

The first forum I joined was Reaper. It was the company that I started with and I really wasn’t aware of just how many forums and websites were out there devoted to this odd little hobby. After a month or so, though, I did become aware of them and began joining them. Most weren’t all that active and I didn’t stick around for very long. Others, like Coldsteal, were small, but fun. I, like many others, joined Cool Mini or Not, put some pictures in my gallery and tried to be social. Some forums I joined, posted once or twice and then forgot that I was a member there. Some I joined and was fairly active in, then, for unknown reasons, just tapered off with posting. There have been a couple of places that I joined, and still frequent, but don’t post at either because of things that have happened or because I really have nothing to add.

Through it all, Wyrd has been the one place that I have stayed active. I’m probably jinxing myself by saying this (just watch – something will happen and I’ll stop posting all of a sudden), but this forum has consistently been the one where I have felt welcome, even when I was new to the hobby (frankly, I still feel “new”) and it’s all because of the people here.

Some of you I know only here on the forums; others I chat with online occasionally; some I’ve met in person, even if it was only for a moment; some of you I’ve actually had the chance to sit down with and have a conversation over a meal or a drink; a couple extended their hospitality to me during a tiny crisis and graciously opened their doors for me (again, thank you).

With all honesty and sincerity, all of you are really great people and I consider it a privilege and an honor to be a member here. Thank you to all of you that have made the past year both fun and interesting. I certainly hope that there are many more years ahead, along with more – better painted – minis, more conversations, more laughs and as few tears as possible.

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Glad to have you around! And look at that, nearly 1000 posts here now too, you'll be super-wyrd in a few more weeks at this rate! I remember my first year of "actively" miniature painting (ie involved in forum, and painting for more than to get 3 colors on a game piece), and it was a fun ride...but the bright side is that it stays fun! I've dropped off forums and started in new ones as well, but like you, as long as wyrd has been around, I've stayed active. I think we have a great group of genuinely nice and fun people around here.

Group hug! :inlove: :vb_cheers:knuddel:

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Okay, who grabbed my butt? No .. really, you don't have to stop ...

Seriously though, congratulations on the anniversary and I'm pleased as pickles (never did understand that saying actually) that Wyrd has played a role in that and unless the apocalypse comes any time soon, I hope that Wyrd is able to be around for everyone a good deal down the road. Actually, making plans on that and some private discussions actually involve that.

As for that guy you are writing for, I'm willing to bet he must be a saint. Best on that!

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To be completely honest, mini painting and all of it's charm would have most likely found its way to the back of my closet if it weren't for places like Wyrd and Cool Mini.

Don't get me wrong, I love to collect and paint, but its that 'human' touch that has made this such an appealling hobby to me. That 'belonging' that permeates this site is very important. Not only to me, but to our community. I feel part of something here. I'm not sure 'what' it is, i just know it feels right. I seriously rank some of the relationships I have on the various sites as just as important as any have in my real life.

I echo Hinton's sentiments here, I love being a part of this place.

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That review of your first year in mini painting is an interesting and thoughtful read - make sure you keep a copy so you can reread it in an anniversary or two and see how your feelings about the hobby have evolved. I've watched your progress and striving with a fair amount of interest. I think you've made amazing strides in the time, and I really wish that I had jumped more into the community side of things early on as you have done.

I guess I've had the opposite experience of 'vike in some respects. I've perservered with my hobby despite several years of feeling alienated from the rest of the community most of the time. I've felt a little less so this past year or so, and a big part of that is feeling like I'm a part of things here. It's sort of funny that this is the place that's ended up my mini 'home', as I think the majority of people here don't especially enjoy my style of painting or even more so a lot of the minis I choose to paint, but I guess life's funny like that sometimes. :->

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cool congrats....and might I say you are painting a lot better than I wa after a year..

I think forums and the internet in general have done more for this hobby tha any other tool..

I painted my first model 22 years ago...Then took the inevitable break while I discovered women and alcohol as well as lifes various other little pleasures.. I returned back to painting in 2000 with an aim to paint some serious display pieces.. Through my local GW store and club I slowly gained my skills an got a silver Demon in uk that year...I then worked for GW and became more involved in painting quickly and doing armies in the most ridiculous of time frames.. I was high up in management for them and involved in a lot of behind the scenes stuff but was slowly losing interest in the whole army thing and wanting to do some nice display painting..

The problem at GW was A) the workload was ridiculous at times..B) you had to actively play and C) the companies problems started getting handed down to staff....This almost killed my enjoyment..

Then one day I was browsing the web mainly looking for demon winning entries and stumbled on CMON ...hesitantly signed up as I was new to Internet and forums and was a bit worried over the kind of people I would meet...

Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised and The forums were filled with some really great guys..(the odd asshole like every group but you soon learn who they are).

I still find it amazing that I can contact some othe most amazing artists in the world and they are happy to help...A lot of hard work in the last year or so and a lot of input help and insight from people on forums has seen me raise my game expand my repertoire and start getting to a point where I am happy with my painting..even more exciting was the Congrat emails I got after GDUK this year and from some of those guys I have always admired suddenly asking me for tips and pointers..

I came on the Wyrd forums after being pointed to them by Anders when I was looking for online comps and entered the Rotten Harvest and picked up second in category and was hooked..

I didn't spend much time on these oards but have always watched the development of some of the most characterful models I have seen and love the atmosphere on the site.(CMON has become a bit too political a lately).Long may it prosper..I hope in the next year or so to do some travelling to shows and conventions and hope to meet up with more of you guys especially those stateside..

That was a fairly long winded reply but the point in short is without the internet and the community of Forums such as this I would not have developed half as quickly so thanks all..

So thanks all involved along the way and heres to a happy and prosperous future.

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It's sort of funny that this is the place that's ended up my mini 'home', as I think the majority of people here don't especially enjoy my style of painting or even more so a lot of the minis I choose to paint, but I guess life's funny like that sometimes. :->

I'll be the first to say I'm not in the majority I love your style and your works are always an inspiration.....

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I know I feel the same way. I've pretty much been around since Wyrd's inception (I remember Nathan talking about creating his own site as a place for his own mini gallery and the stories he was going to write about them :D) and I've seen this place grow into it's own mini line and now a game in the works. And it's always kept the sense of being a friendly, welcoming community that (I feel) it's never lost. Like others, there's been other forums I've been a member of and maybe posting in for a while, but I always seem to fade out of them, but I keep coming back here, like it's my online home away from home (... or maybe, home within a home since I access it from my home computer :thinking:)

But like what's been said, it's been great being able to meet a lot of you in person and I love all the new friends I've made since I've been here. In fact, I've been able to meet everybody who's posted above me! And you're all wonderful! *EDIT* except demonherald since he just posts faster than me!*

:You_Rock_ :grouphug:

Thanks Nathan, for making this such a great place! :star:

P.S. Wren, I love your style!

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...I think the majority of people here don't especially enjoy my style of painting or even more so a lot of the minis I choose to paint, but I guess life's funny like that sometimes. :->

I'm sort of inbetween there... Love your style, but I think we have rather different taste in miniatures. ;)

I've been here pretty much since the start as well. This place seems more personal than CMON, which is my other big Internet "home". I like CMON too, but this is a very good complement, I feel.

I think this forum is a nice platform for friendly and personal conversation about our hobby. It doesn't get so crowded and the sensible things people say don't get lost in a sea of drivel.

I'm glad that others share my feelings and I'm glad that you stumbled upon this hobby and this site, Hinton!

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To be completely honest, mini painting and all of it's charm would have most likely found its way to the back of my closet if it weren't for places like Wyrd and Cool Mini.

Don't get me wrong, I love to collect and paint, but its that 'human' touch that has made this such an appealling hobby to me. That 'belonging' that permeates this site is very important. Not only to me, but to our community. I feel part of something here. I'm not sure 'what' it is, i just know it feels right. I seriously rank some of the relationships I have on the various sites as just as important as any have in my real life.

I echo Hinton's sentiments here, I love being a part of this place.

Yep, thats how I feel, i'v been painting for just a little longer than Hinton (I started in July last year or something) and the forums are great. I made a ton of mates, some of which i'v had nights out with and some who have put me up for digs, just because we have something in common lol it's mental!

I'm sure you lot were the same with Gencon but for me GD and Paris were fantastic, I could freely talk to ANYBODY, even if they didn't speak the same language. I would normaly be the type who shy's out and sits at the back watching, but mini painting makes me feel part of something bigger.

And thus is the reason I will be travelling to Gerona for the World Expo and probably sharing a hotel room with somebody I have never met before lol

(God, I sound like right babbling twat!)

So congrats Hinton for sticking out the first year! And hope to see more stuff from you!

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Y I could freely talk to ANYBODY, even if they didn't speak the same language. I would normaly be the type who shy's out and sits at the back watching, but mini painting makes me feel part of something bigger.

Exactly! What a weird predicament to be in. I am not what you would call a social butterfly, but with 'mini' folks, I just feel right. Tis odd!

@Wren...I sorta see what you are saying. I often find myself the odd man out in lots of occasions as well...my miniature tastes are not of the norm either...but I like that folks here respect what I like, even if they aren't too enthused about it (Alpha Forge anyone?) But, I DON"T understand when you feel that people don't enjoy your style or choice of minis. Your art is amazing, and I couldn't imagine you painting any other 'sort' than what you do....Plus you are a freaking IRON PAINTER! You get to do as you please, and the throngs will adore you! (and well deserved I might add!)

I also have always really enjoyed how new folks become part of the fold, always increasing and adding to the core group, yet always changing the dynamics of it. Hinton is a perfect example of that, as is Matty.

Anyhow, enough of me being sentimental, lets get to the boobie talk.

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Our current miniature time-lines aren't too different, I got back into the hobby in 2006, and my on-line hobby time is mostly spent here. The Wyrd contests got my attention initially, and it has been a fun place to visit.

It was very nice to meet you and Duende (and the others) in person. I am glad that I had that chance.


BTW, congratulations on placing second in the Reaper contest, you had a great entry. :)

I'm not sure what you are saying about your painting style. I think that you are a very good miniaturist. I'm not sure what you are refering to when you say that people do not enjoy some of the miniatures that you choose to paint, as for myself, I know that I have painted a few that were met with that reaction. :D

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I'm sort of inbetween there... Love your style, but I think we have rather different taste in miniatures. ;)

I've been here pretty much since the start as well. This place seems more personal than CMON, which is my other big Internet "home". I like CMON too, but this is a very good complement, I feel.

I think this forum is a nice platform for friendly and personal conversation about our hobby. It doesn't get so crowded and the sensible things people say don't get lost in a sea of drivel.

I'm glad that others share my feelings and I'm glad that you stumbled upon this hobby and this site, Hinton!

Pretty much agree with all that (except being here from the beginning).

I have had a couple of PM's out of the blue from Nathan at times when they REALLY meant a lot and I think his influence in the making and running of this site really shows.

@wren - I like your styl but some of the figures aren't models I find interesting. But some of your work really stand out for me (like your skeleton with back to front canon)

@Hinton - Your improvement over the year has been excellent.

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Hey all. Thanks very much for the kind comments! I didn't mean to imply I thought anyone hated my stuff, more just I know a lot of people prefer things a bit bloodier, darker, zombiefied and/or action-oriented than the way I often choose to go. :-> One of the things I love about IP is that it pushes me to think outside my own personal box sometimes. And I don't think I've felt odd man out for the painting side of things per se, just more like I was never really felt like I was part of the mini community socially speaking until I got active here.

Sorry for hijacking your anniversary thread a bit Hinton, I didn't mean to. Can't wait to see how you progress through your second year of painting!

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No worries, Wren. I'm one of those that enjoys seeing your work; you're an excellent painter. And, as Thryth mentioned, congrats on getting second place in the Reaper contest. Well done!

As for that guy you are writing for, I'm willing to bet he must be a saint. Best on that!

Oh, he is. Truly a gentleman and a scholar; a wonderful person; a god among men (laying it on too thick?).

Thanks Nathan, for making this such a great place!

I say thanks to you as well, Nathan. I honestly believe that if it wasn't for Wyrd, I wouldn't be nearly as active in the mini community. In fact, I probably wouldn't have stayed in the hobby for very long if it wasn't for this place and all of the great people here.

I'm sort of inbetween there... Love your style, but I think we have rather different taste in miniatures. ;)

I've been here pretty much since the start as well. This place seems more personal than CMON, which is my other big Internet "home". I like CMON too, but this is a very good complement, I feel.

I think this forum is a nice platform for friendly and personal conversation about our hobby. It doesn't get so crowded and the sensible things people say don't get lost in a sea of drivel.

We do have different tastes and different approaches to painting (you lick brushes and I won't), but I really like your painting style as well.

As far as CMoN (and no, I'm not starting a "Bash CoolMiniorNot" thread here), I often felt like I was just lost amongst so many other, much better, painters. I've just always felt more comfortable here.

It was very nice to meet you and Duende (and the others) in person. I am glad that I had that chance.

Likewise, Thyrth. It was great getting to hang out you (and others) at the convention and the pub. Really hoping you get the chance to make it there next year.

Thank you all for not only welcoming me last year, but making me feel welcome. Here's to many more years of painting and the Wyrd community!

Now, as Vike said, let's get to the boobie talk!

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Now, as Vike said, let's get to the boobie talk!

OK, I have a boobie pet peeve...

It's when some painter will get a mini with naked boobies yet fails to paint them like naked boobies (usually seen in those of adolescent age). i.e. They just paint them in flesh tones and ignore the nipples. Grrr, ... if your going to buy/own a mini with naked boobies, then paint it like naked boobies! Stop ignoring the nipples!!

(Speaking on behalf of all women, I'll say we hate that.) ;)

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OK, I have a boobie pet peeve...

It's when some painter will get a mini with naked boobies yet fails to paint them like naked boobies (usually seen in those of adolescent age). i.e. They just paint them in flesh tones and ignore the nipples. Grrr, ... if your going to buy/own a mini with naked boobies, then paint it like naked boobies! Stop ignoring the nipples!!

(Speaking on behalf of all women, I'll say we hate that.) ;)

I would have to agree, again on behalf of women!!

One should never ignore the nipple, it is the most important part of the boobie, and thus deserves your attention. That said, the other parts should be seen to as well, just not to the detrimient of the nipple.

Make this your mantra!!!

And pewter nipples around the globe cheer!!:cheer2:


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