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GenCon: a few pics


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I didn't take as many pics as I wanted to since I spent a lot of time just wandering around and trying to take everything in. This was my first real "Con", so it was all a bit overwhelming.

However, I did get some pics. These are only a few of them since I haven't included any pics of the miniatures that I took. Mostly, these are just the people I met (or saw). I'll post pics of the minis and other things once I get some things straightened out.

Duende & Wren:


Wren is an absolutely wonderful person and didn't seem to mind standing around talking to the lot of us.

Group Picture:


Here are a few of us outside the Claddagh Irish Pub after dinner. The flash on my camera wasn't working properly, so the pic didn't turn out like I wanted. Great, great group of people; I really enjoyed dinner with all of you, especially the lively conversation (what was said at the pub stays at the pub ;) ). (From left to right: Vicki (FF's wife), Casey (EricJ's girlfriend; hope I spelled it right), Frustrated Father, Xenon_Wulf, Duende, Hinton, EricJ, Thryth)

Phil Foglio:


Super-cool gentleman. I've been reading his stuff for years and it was great to finally meet him in person. He didn't seem to mind me taking a picture at all.

Phil and Kaja Foglio:


Kaja stood up and let me get a picture of them both without me even asking.

Tom Meier and Marike Reimer:


Tom is the gentleman to the left and Marike is the dark-haired lady to the right. Very nice people, both of them. I did get a chance to say hi to Tom and tell him how much I liked his work, even though I felt like a bit of a heel for bothering him. Still, he did take a moment to listen to me; very, very cool individual. I didn't get a chance to talk to Marike, though.

Tom Meier and Marike Reimer talk shop:


This is the reason I didn't get a chance to talk to Marike. She and Tom were discussing some different poses on a mini and I didn't want to interrupt.



Finally got to meet this incredibly strange individual. :) He's a great guy and very friendly. Sorry we didn't get a chance to have lunch with you, Uber; we'll try to get together next year!

Wyrd Booth Banner:


The banner from the Wyrd booth.

Wyrd Booth #1:


FF and EricJ working at the Wyrd booth.

Wyrd Booth #2:


FF being a bit strange - and this was only the first day; you should have seen him by Sunday. Poor, poor man. Thanks for putting up with what probably seemed like my endless visits to the booth, Nathan!

I thought I had a picture of supervike, but I can't seem to find it. I know Uber has one, so maybe he'll post it.

I had a great time overall, even though there were a few bumps in the road and one catastrophe. I'll definitely be heading back to GenCon next year.

As soon as I get something working out for putting up all the photos (and my thoughts on several things), I'll let you all know.

Hope the pics come through.

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Ha, thanks for the pics! It is so cool to be at GenCon and meet up with a great guy Nathan and no-less great EricJ (not to forget about WyrdMother and the rest of the crew). I had a blast talking to you guys and seeing the new releases. Zombie Damsels (ehhh...) are wonderful!

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Funny enough, first miniature I painted in almost two years, and also the first Wyrd mini I've ever painted. Had a good time though meeting everyone and having a good laugh or two, particularly as I stole most of Eric (Xenon's) paint in order to actually make the deadline for the speed painting .... (me, mix paint, surely you jest!).

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