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Everything posted by orkydave

  1. Will try to get down too, would live to be able to buy wyrd minis in my home town!
  2. Heeeeeeeeeeey ! Happy Birthday dude ! ( thats easier to spell and get right than Lavron Yor!) All the best.
  3. Happy Birthday Michelle!!! Have a fantestic day
  4. None at all! Just keep doing what you are doing! looking fantastic! I have a lot of respect for anyone dedicated enough to get an army done to this standard!
  5. Nothing horrible about the paintjob, although I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley! Great work, I especially love the weapons and the tattooed freehand- Jabberwocky hit the nail on the head though, a thin glaze should help tie them into the flesh more. I think the flesh could also possibly be brought up a bit lighter with another highlight or two, to help define the muscley/flab areas a little more, although this may just be my personal preference. Good luck in the competition, and remember to keep us up to date with how you get on and more photo's.
  6. Well he's all finished and in the cabinets now, so here are some photo's for you to enjoy! Thanks for all the input guys, If you are ever in Coventry then please pop into the store to see him for yourself! Another little treat for you all, This beautiful bit of kit is the soulgrinder! This is all Chris's work but I thought you may appreciate it!
  7. The supersoaker kid is awesome! Are these Salute only mini's or will they be available to anyone not going to salute?
  8. Yaaay! A triple whammy of birthdays today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  9. None of those names ring a bell Rob, I am in the midlands region and only been there 6 months or so, but will keep an ear open! I have been off this week, so painting has played second fiddle to spending some quality time with the wife and son. I have managed some progress though... A bit of freehand on the shield.
  10. I love this! I think the skin looks great as is, and the whole scene works really well together.
  11. Looking spot on! A whole army done to this standard would be very impressive indeed!
  12. Sorry mate, caught this one late on. A real big improvement from the first pictures, and some sound advice there from people better than me at this painting malarkey, so nothing more to add other than good luck and let us know how you get on!
  13. In our store, we find 4x4 boards are fine for the majority of games. Larger games (say 2000pts for example) usually a 6x4, and for the really big games we use an 8x4. These are for Warhammer and 40k.
  14. Fantastic work! The colourscheme you have chosen really helps bring them together as a group too
  15. Thanks for the feedback peeps! @ Dancecommander-Harry is released on Saturday 26th April and will be available for two days only. @v22TTC- My manager is really ace! He even gives us input and freedom on colourschemes and themes on store sample mini's and armies rather than just wanting them the same colour as they are in the book. Been there for 6 months now and I love it! @ 350kilotons- If its any consolation I will have to wait until after release day for my own, as we can't take staff ones from store allocation and need to order him. Only allowed the one at discount also, any others will be at full price. @ Stubdog- Thanks mate, I have a gallery up on cool mini you can also check up on (I would put in a link but I am a technophobe). I had a look at your gallery on there after the draw and must admit I was very impressed- you seemed to really roll up your sleeves for the IP entries too! A bit more progress today- apologies for the pics... Was going for a metallic Non metallic look for the metals, where you paint it the same way as you would NMM, but in metallics. Not 100% happy with them, I think they need more contrast, and I also have not completley got my head around how light reflects yet. I think it looks ok, but not great. The golds were done using tinbits, followed by dwarf bronze, then shining gold then Mithril silver. They were then given a light glaze with purple followed by green inks. Chris also has made a start on the base.
  16. Sorry to hear about this, both the crime and the name situation. It might be annoyiong for a while but I am sure it will blow over in a month or so, as soon as the next big story hits the news.
  17. Hiya, I was lucky enough (well, stamped my feet and screamed and screamed and screamed till andy gave in and gave me him to do!) to get asked to paint my stores sample model of Harry the Hammer, the limited edition miniature celebrating 25 years of Warhammer fantasy battle. He's a gorgeous sculpt so I thought I would share my progress with my fellow Wyrdo's! - No coolminiornot for this miniature- you lucky lucky people! and heres how I am doing so far... Model and base (which is awesome!) undercoated The reds were achieved with a basecoat of scorched brown, mixing gradual ammounts of scab red, up to pure scab red, then mixing in incerasing ammounts of dwarf flesh for the highlights. Loads of brown and red glazes inbetween each layer too. more shots showing alternative angles and the cloak and skin. The skin areas were basecoated in Tallarn flesh and then repeadedly glazed with purples. It was then highlighted with tallarn, mixed gradually with bleached bone and received lighter purple, red and brown glazes before a final highlight of pure bleached bone in places. The furs are basecoated Khemri brown then brown inked before drybrushing khemri mixed gradually with bleached bone, concentrating more on the raised edges, with a few brown glazes to pull it all together. We were also sent a display card to put harry on when he is all finished and in the cabinets, but in all truthfulness it looks like something you would cut out of the back of a cereal packet, so Chris, the other full timer made him this display base Chris will be painting the display base, which will leave me with more time to do my Iron painter entry! Was thinking of doing Harry, but I don't think blue is his colour! Will keep you all updated with progress, and would love to hear your thoughts! Cheers, Dave kisses and balloons!
  18. Some absolutley gorgeous stuff there ( is the Dread an older piece of yours? I am sure he looks familiar) We got the new daemon samples and Harry the hammer ltd edition in work this week, and the new plastic bloodletters are gorgeous and should be right up your blood stained street!
  19. Hiya, I had a customer pop into the store yesterday after advice on painting arab skintones, and he totally bamboozled me as I had never done it before! Does anyone have any arab skintone recipies they could share? Cheers, Dave of the orkieness
  20. A couple of the scientists don't really float my boat, but I love the 3rd one, and those little alien guys and gals rock!
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