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GenCon Indy 2007

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Duende and I have been talking quite a bit recently about this year's GenCon and whether or not we were going to make it there. I know it's still a few months away, but I was curious: anyone else planning on going? Hoping to go? Thinking about it? Definitely going? Selling body parts to make it there?

Speaking for myself, I know I'm doing everything I can to get there (I'm not selling parts of my body :tongue2: ). It'll be my first real convention, so it could BE an interesting and fun time. It would also be great to meet some of you in person.

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I'm going to be at GenCon again this year. I will spent much of my time volunteering in the paint & take area, and teaching a beginning class. Otherwise, I may be working and/or hanging out around the Dark Sword booth (when I'm not busy drooling over the Cool Things in the dealer's hall..) ;)


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I'm planning on getting there as well. I've printed out a map of the show area, but it's all just numbers on booth areas. Is the GenCon site going to post a list of who is where eventually?

I hope we all can get together and do lunch or something!

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Yep, GenCon posts a list of the exhibitors and their booth numbers at some point, and then updates it if any changes to the layout are made. It's not infallible, I think sometimes smaller companies who are sharing spaces don't mention it to the organizers and aren't added, but even most of the booth sharing folks make it in.

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I hope we all can get together and do lunch or something!

I picture it as all the 'Wyrd'ers wearing leather jackets and having slicked back hair....then they could cruise the manufacturer's hall, tipping over all the others display cases....

Yeah...that'll teach em!

Don't be a square, daddy-o!

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Hiya guys and gals....

My wife and I are going in a limited sense this year....Darthfoley will be joining us for the trip.

Basically, we are driving up for the contest. I'll be entering my stuff on Friday, and then spending Saturday hanging in the dealer hall---and driving back Saturday evening.



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I had originally intended to go and even teach there. Then I decided to quit painting. Now I'm kinda painting again, but not going to do contests anymore. There's really not much point to me going out to Indy other than just to hang out with folks.

Also, with both my sister and brother getting married this year, I really can't spare the vacation days.

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Rumor has it that Duende will be performing some Anime Karaoke at GenCon (Friday, 8/17, 3 - 4:30 PM).

Just because one of the voices in your head sounds like mine doesn't mean what they say is the truth. :smokin: What are you smoking?

@ flynn - Sorry you can't make it, it's going to be my first GenCon and I was hoping to meet as many people as possible, active painters or not, just as long as they're Wyrdos!

@ thewartoad - Sound like an idea! My camera also has a limited video function so maybe get some Wyrd in action! :laugh:

@ Everyone else planning to go - I figure we could all meet at the Wyrd Booth on ..possibly Saturday, so we can include Rodnik and company, and all go for lunch or something? Just an idea.

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