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Everything posted by pae

  1. If you're interested in the painting side of things, there's a group that meets on the 4th Saturday of every month at Gamer's Haven from about noon until 4pm. They also meet on the 2nd saturday of every month at Attactix in Denver (Aurora).
  2. I'm a big fan of the Calgary Flames, even though they stress me out every spring. I just stay pessimistic and assume they are going to miss the playoffs, or get swept in the first round. Only in the year before the lockout did I actually start getting optimistic. Of course, they shattered my hopes. Again. Stupid Martin Gelinas goal that wasn't in game 6 of the finals. :-( On a national level, I've never been able to get behind the US team (aside from 1980), mostly because I've usually hated several players on the team. Instead, I get behind Canada.
  3. My original name on painting forums was 'flynn', which was part of a name I made up for myself quite some time ago--Flynn McKerrow. Flynn was just a name I liked, and McKerrow was a small town in western Ontario that I saw on a map, and liked the sound of it. I'm still flynnmckerrow in a few different places (including ebay). Last year I decided to drop the 'flynn' moniker, and just stick with my initials, since it's what I sign just about any correspondence with anyway. Amusingly, people seem to think my name is 'Pae', and wonder how to pronounce it. I should just tell them that "it sounds just like Philip".
  4. Pics are a bit small but this looks pretty sweet. I have this miniature, but I'm not sure I'll ever be brave enough to take it out of the box.
  5. I'm pretty sure that the Kraken stuff is resin, and not plastic. Maybe Jeremie can swing by and answer.
  6. my memory doesn't go back that far. Vague recollections of having just moved to Colorado and working for the same company (albeit 2 acquisitions and one Chapter-11 filing) that I'm working for today. Honestly, 1999 is a blur to me now.
  7. Should I consider myself lucky that I don't know who Lady Gaga is? Or is this kinda like Günther in the respect that a lot of people can't stand him, but I think he's teh awesomes.
  8. I think he meant 'now' instead of 'not'.
  9. Well, the title of this thread is "liitle used primer", which indicates to me that it's a primer. It's not. Calling it a primer doesn't make it a primer, nor does it make it act as one. Sure, you can use it for an undercoat. But don't expect it to hold up like a primer does. http://www.maximusinminimis.com/Primer%20Test.html is a study that one of the painters local to me did of various primers. He even included Krylon black spray paint (since people seem to use that as a primer). Note the results of using paint for primer. If your main concern with your primers is cost, remember this -- you get what you pay for -- unless we're talking about GW, because apparently their logo will at least double the actual price of a product.
  10. These were all released the week of March 16th. The new price structure took effect on the 30th.
  11. paint is not primer. There are plenty of other primers you can use that are cheaper than GW.
  12. Is this actually primer, or is it just paint?
  13. I suppose you *could* drybrush OSL, but you'd have to do a very light drybrush. That is, don't go for very much coverage at all.
  14. Did anyone ever make miniatures of the East German women's olympic teams?
  15. Hopefully it doesn't involve combining FF and TT into Femme Testosterone.
  16. Are we talking Reaper Soon ™? Or Blizzard Soon ™? Or is this a slightly different Wyrd Soon ™?
  17. http://www.animaq.net/modelmaq/
  18. About the only thing in this batch that I'd be interested in is Julie's elf. Regarding the statue that Sophie has, that's a mini version of the Sophie trophy that is awared in the ReaperCon painting contest (the real trophies are about 12 inches tall).
  19. Not anywhere publicly visible. One of the bigger reasons for the change is because people keep calling me by my real name on the forums so much anyway. I use my initials (pae) for everything else, and even switched over to using that on the bottom of my minis instead of 'flynn' some time ago.
  20. post a picture from above, and I can try as well. Hard to see mold lines from this angle. Lili would find mold lines on a green if I was painting it.
  21. I wouldn't call 10-12 hours a speed-paint, really. Just alot of time with the butt in the painting chair lately.
  22. I had to give you the Lili critique on that one Michael. :-)
  23. What color are you going to paint the floor tiles? :-D
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