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My painting would be better if...

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...humans didn't need to sleep to function properly

...I didn't have a serious relationship

...my fingers didn't resemble pork sausages

...i had Eric Johns hands

...Monopoly wasn't so damn addictive (i just can't stop playing at the minute! Im a financial genius!)

...I didn't have so many effin family problems to sort out (a new HUGE one has just arrived, though im determined to enter the IP this time!)

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I would want to be able to focus completely on projects every now and then. It's not that I would need more time for painting all of the time, but when I really have inspiration for something I find that real life gets in the way and sort of take the edge of my creative energy. I would want to have the ability to sort of "disappear" for a couple of days occasionally. Have my own studio and forget about work for a day or two.

But, I got to eat and pay for my appartment so I simply have to be satisfied with what I get. :) It's not bad, really.

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Anders, yeah, I've thought about that a lot, all the avenues of creativity I could pursue if only I didn't get distracted by life 100 times a day. If only someone would pay me enough to paint full time...doing what I wanted ;)

Ohhh, I know Nathan's answer...he'd paint better if he accidentally spilled paint on one...since that's better than painting nothing at all...like now! :D

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Maybe if I actually planned a mini rather than just do things haphazardly. :dizzy:

More brush control would be nice too, I really don't know how people do those intricate freehands you see all over CMON, I can't make a straight, even line to save my life. :(

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... If I turned off the computer.

... If I didn't have to have a full time job so I could go to conventions.

... If I didn't have two adorable kittens who need to play with me.

... If I didn't have such a tiny little span of attention.

... If we played less D&D.

... If they'd stop releasing Magnum PI on DVD.

... If they'd release more good fantasy and sci-fi on audiobook.

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... if I were more courageous.

... if I didn't have to stop every five minutes to kick a cat off my desk.

... if I weren't a slave to my TiVo (or it had a bigger HD).

... if I could figure out how to get higher contrast while still painting smoothly enough for my tastes.

... if I could paint base coats faster!

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Actually, I also have the same problem that SC mentioned in the 3rd line. Sometimes I just want to get a certain part done that I rush and then it ends up looking crappy. I could show a prime example of this but I have to wait until Femme Fatale entries are able to be made public. ;)

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If I could highlight better.

If I a better grasp of non-conventional color theory (purple to shade human skin tone? Huh? Oh...that does look good when done by someone that knows what they are doing...)

If I had the patience to actually figure out a gunk that I like and get rid of those darn water marks as my paint dries.

If I spent more time painting and less time commenting on others' work, reading about another technique, or being shown another mini I need to have (curse you Wyrd news monkeys! :).

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If I had more artistic talent. (I can´t draw anything more intricate than a smilie. I feel that hurts when doing placing highlights for example.)

If I was more patient. Sometimes I just want to get it done. Doesn´t help I´m painting mostly BB teams these days, 16+ minis with the same colourscheme ...

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Actually, I also have the same problem that SC mentioned in the 3rd line. Sometimes I just want to get a certain part done that I rush and then it ends up looking crappy. I could show a prime example of this but I have to wait until Femme Fatale entries are able to be made public. ;)

I swear, I think everyone has a little bit of this

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- I had less creative hobbies (writing, drawing, sculpting too) to take off time from the paintingtime I have.

- I wouldn't take commisions. They take time too and can be inspiration killing. (can be a bit discouraging to do other things if you have a commision that needs to be done breathing in your neck)

- I wouldn't be distracted at about 70-90% done. When a mini gets to that stage I have to keep myself from rushing and keep my mind on that one instead of thinking about the next.

- I turn the computer off and actually spend THAT time painting.

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How about having a paint conversion chart? Like x inches = x cm only for the major paint brands. Sometimes tutorials are frustrating to read when they're describing their painting method using a brand you don't have any of. I'd like to see a X GW = X VMC = X RMS chart or something like that.

- If I could paint whenever I want to.

Me too! I was just thinking the other day I wish I could paint at work during the times I don't have much to do. Instead I end up surfing the forums becoming an internet junkie!


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... if I could figure out how to get higher contrast while still painting smoothly enough for my tastes.

The key is to know where to paint smooth transitions and where to paint sharp transitions! Typically, an area often have a sharp transition to a deeply shaded area but be smooth in the other directions. This will still give the impression of smoothness when it's done, but it will look more life-like.

To be able to decide correctly where transitions should be smooth and where they should be sharp it's very important to have a coherent lighting direction. The shape of the mini and the direction of lighting is what governs this.

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Thanks for the tips Ritual. I'm going to have to ponder that for a while, it seems very zen early in the morning on first reading... I suspect I haven't been paying enough attention to light direction, just doing a general 'overhead'. I did try to get a little more specific with it on my Femme Fatale entry.

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There is truth to what anders says! There is a big part of painting which is getting the eye of the viewer to trust the painting. So if you have nicely blended areas, the eye then trusts that your intentially painting sharp transitions when you do in a different place.

Similarly, as Anders mentions, you can pull of convincing looking sharp transitions, if you're blended smoothly up to that transition. Just look at this random photo I found on an image search


If you notice there are really a mix of both very abrupt tranitions, but made real by the more subtle flowing transitions leading up to them. :)

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