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NEWS: new Fenryll


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Got these pictures of creafigs. But I don't speak french so sorry, can't give details yet. But these new Fenryll greens are nice.

Necromancer i will very likely get sometime. Love the face.


Love the angel as well. Been added to my wish list too. Unfortunatly the quality of her wings is no match for the rest of her which is infinitly better


Not really that fond off due to the misplaced boobs (I can see sex selling but to almost have all the flesh even present be the boobs... that seems a bit corny to me) and wierd face. But origional enough to like. Good thing Fenryll is resin or I would have no clue how they would cast this... heck even with resin I have no clue)


and a dragon skeleton on pilar


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what the heck were they thinking with putting breasts on a skeleton?! how rediculous is that. Nathan, you should take it, and when people ask if you copied, just point out yours is completely different, it has no rediculous boobs...

none of these cry out to me to paint, the necromancer is closest, but still, not that exciting. It is too bad about the angels wings, the figure itself is probably the best here.

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Thanks for confirming that Green Stuff. I knew the Angel had to be from Dungeon Twister as it had the name of its expansion on it, but I wasn't sure about the others. That'll probably also mean the figures are only available as a boxed set of all of the characters for the game expansion and not individually. (And also probably means that L'Ombre is based on game art and not necessarily someone at Fenryll's idea for the boobs.)

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Regarding "L'ombre," my impression is that it is something coming out of the wall and forming into a humanoid. I do not know anything about the game or the original art, so I may be completely wrong, but that's my impression and the way that I would paint it. For what it is worth.

So the first, and most important, body part to materialize would be the tits?? :hmmmm: Either that, or the tits are the last thing to rot on a female corpse??

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