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NEWS : Ilyad does the wild thing

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OK I give up. Right girl's left hand. What's she holding?

Nothing. She's giving the universal "come-get-some" gesture. Which is kinda funny coming from a virgin. ;)

That minotaur looks awesome! Who cares about filigree, barbarians probably don't even make their own, just loot it off of all the paladins they kill.

I just got the Barbarian Champion dude. He's awesome, now just gotta get one of that barbarian chick with the severed head for a matching set.

*sigh* Must go sell my soul again!

:thumb: :thumb:

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Yeah! I'm with Ritual on this one! :tongue1:

Resin is pretty easy to file so you can file down the darn filigree if it bugs you so much.

Filigree or no, my new barbarian is still pretty damn cool!

@ Eric - Aren't you forgetting it's a fantasy world? Not all paladins have to necessarily be human or of a "normal" stature. :bootyshak

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I like the minotaur : it is actually better done than the recent releases from Rackham (Minotaur of the plains and Drune minotaur) and would blend in perfectly in the Confrontation game.

Also, the filigree has a distinct Rackham flair...did Illyad borrow some sculptors from Big R ?

The virgins (what a name !) look alright but I wouldn't know where to place them : for historical games or dioramas, they could be Native American girls, since the haircut and loincloth would fit but the swords look out of place. For Fantasy gaming, they look too much like historical figures IMHO.

Anyway, those resin figures are probably very expensive like the rest of their ranges, so they won't fit my budget...

Cheers !

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Hmm...those girls - with some minor conversion that'd make sweet Necromunda Escher extras. Prolly too big for Juves though. I love 'em because they look the role of Berserkers.

That minotaur - just awesome. Had the same effect on me as the first time I saw Rackham's amazing dual-sworded Minotaur. Only better. As for the filigree'd gauntlet...my first thought was that it was the breastplate of a slain foe that he just twisted round his wrist...pretty pretty. ;)

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