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NEWS : Natali

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I honestly don't dislike the idea of this contest, however I probably won't take part. I'm working on wyrd minis and GD entries.

I think I could have a shot at breaking a 9.0 with her and pick up a few dollars IF I wasn't 99.9% sure that sniping will make it near impossible for me to do it...and I'm not eager to subject myself to that, lol.

Oh, and Twinkies are on me!

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I think it looks too top-heavy, but yet, the head is still way too small for an accurate representation of Natali. ;)

*sprays tea over the monitor*... hahaha... no comment ;)

I like the figure. I'm getting copies of it as I helped Ian clean some figures for casting. I probably would have bought one though if I hadn't gotten it this way. It hasn't arrived yet though. I will probably paint it when I have the time. Not for the competition though, though I guess I will automatically compete when posting it on cmon (unless it turned out crap... then I'm not posting it ;) )

First I need to think of something to make it stand out. It's not a fig with lots of room for variation like freehand... and conversions aren't allowed.

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Yeah, I agree with Ritual. The mini is not bad, but not something that gets my juices flowing.

It's a bit bizarre, the whole feeding the ego aspect of it, but different strokes for different folks I guess.

I also agree with Duende's statement. The head is not big enough at all, it needs to have proportions like this:


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Ive got a couple and its actually a lot nicer than I judged from the painted and green versions. I dont mean that as a dig at Natalya either.

I will paint one and enter the online "contest/popularity" thing. Mainly becuase it will be a larff when you see what I plan.

Lets just say Im practicing my transparent clothing technique.:thumb:

BTW guys and girls.....talking about her will only attract her. Remember Mr Costner.....build it and they will come.

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Oh, she's great... if you like narcissistic, self-centered, egomanicial, spiteful women. Oh, she'll be perfectly nice to you as long as you never disagree with her, critique her, or happen to be another attractive female living in the same country as her.

Always good for a laugh, our Natalya.

Here's some good reading:

CMON-ers in miniatures at page 8 where it gets interesting

Rant on dutch Identification law... for a "polite" discussion of Russian law

Thumbs up, or thank you Astonia

There were a couple more interesting threads where Nat's true personality shone through (including one I was also involved in), but they were deleted by moderators.

So, suffice to say I'm not really enthralled by her, and don't really want anything to do with her, and would not want her mini even if it came with a free case of Twinkies.

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Well, that was pretty much the worst post I ever want to write here, but he did ask, and I just get tired of the fanboys running around saying stuff like, "She's such a great painter and,... and,.... she's got HUGE... tracts of land." ;)

Let her come here if she wants... as long as she stays civil, so will I. :vb_devil:

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Wow, I had no intention of starting a row on this forum (or on any other forum for that matter) :umbrella:

I just came accross the figure, liked it, bought it and thought I should let you guys and gals know.

I like Alexi-Z's painting style, but that doesn't mean I have to like her personality, and no, haven't seen her knockers anywhere :tongue2:

So, relax, no harm was done, and let's get on with our life and painting !


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