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Our new fungus friends (Batsch and Amalie)

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What do people think of our new Fungal Versatile model? I'm excited. Should have places in a lot of crews, especially with a Pulse 3", Heal 2 action with good triggers. I'm a little worried that may be too good in Ressers (want to avoid more Burns overtuning), but I guess we'll see. Endless Waltz is an interesting take on Butterfly Jump. That seems to be their main defense (well, HtW too). Regen +1 is nice, but really nice with GST for +3.  Spore Spurt seems nice to get rid of enemy cards. Can't wait to see who 'Oskar' is :) 

Really, with that heal, they will be good for just about any crew I think. 

I'm thinking they work best with:

Seamus2 - gives some Distracted, offers healing which the KW is missing, and can get up to a 4/5/5 ranged attack. Cordyceps with Scarlet Temptation to trigger more Seamus attacks and more Distracted/pings from Sybelle.

McM2 - can move markers and make some Severe corpses/schemes. Healing isn't as needed here, but certainly helpful so as not to have to wait until the end phase or rely on Blood Poisoning. If desperate McM2 can staple it onto another model for more healing. 

What other tricks am I missing?

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There's some synergy with Kastore, esp awakened. Obvious one is the heal. The crew also has a lot of incidental scheme marker drops which can be moved by batsch or made into severe terrain to get + flips on the mushroom cloud. It's also resisted by mv so good synergy with dominate (staggered) and with the enthrall trigger kastore can clump up enemy models to hit more models with mushroom clouds blast. 

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Tormented uses Staggered, but B&A don't help with that, they hand out Distracted. Auguste is the only one who relies on that condition, but not on enemy models. The heal is neat for Tormented, but often you need a supporter that can both heal damage and conditions, so they aren't always a good pick for that. With Jaakuna, Crooked, Drowned and B&A you can generetate A LOT of severe/hazardous terrain though. Not necessarily a strong build, but maybe a fun one?


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On 5/27/2023 at 12:42 PM, Graf said:

Tormented uses Staggered, but B&A don't help with that, they hand out Distracted.

Oh, I was thinking more about their ranged attack against Mv. In a crew with staggered, that attack becomes particularly nasty. Add in some Severe terrain somewhere and it's going to be hard to miss. 

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