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Well rounded Master?


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Hello, is there a few "well rounded" Masters, by that I mean Masters that can be at least decent/good no matter the strategies played and the other Master they face?

Note that i am NOT looking for any overpowered Master (because the nerf hammer will hit them one day or another anyway), just one that can do well against anything and everything.

The reason why I am looking for a Master like this is that I don't have enough budget to invest in a full faction and multiple masters, I don't have enough free time to paint too much models, and I like sticking to one thing to know it by heart instead of playing multiple things and forgot half of their rules everytime I play.

I don't mind the faction, because I guess there is at least one Master like this by faction (well, I hope there is at least severals, so I can have a choice).

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There's a surprising number of masters you can solo, but usually they want a wide range of tech picks.

However,  there are some generalist masters with a keyword that can handle pretty much anything, like Von Schtook, Yan Lo, Von Schill.

But by their very nature, a master that is good in every situation without needing to change its list is ripe for nerfs.

Still, there's a step below where you can handle basically anything at the casual level but not top tier competitive. There's probably 10-20 keywords like this, so you'd have lots of options.

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16 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

There's a surprising number of masters you can solo, but usually they want a wide range of tech picks.

However,  there are some generalist masters with a keyword that can handle pretty much anything, like Von Schtook, Yan Lo, Von Schill.

But by their very nature, a master that is good in every situation without needing to change its list is ripe for nerfs.

Still, there's a step below where you can handle basically anything at the casual level but not top tier competitive. There's probably 10-20 keywords like this, so you'd have lots of options.

Hello, thanks for your answer, what are you talking about exactly when you say "top tier competitive"? Because I plan to attend to tournaments myself in my area.

By the way, i am a big fan of Guts from the manga Berserk (who would have guessed with my name and profile picture), so if there is a Master that has a big sword, or a Master that is a melee murder machine, that would be a plus for me.

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5 minutes ago, Guts said:

Hello, thanks for your answer, what are you talking about exactly when you say "top tier competitive"? Because I plan to attend to tournaments myself in my area.

By the way, i am a big fan of Guts from the manga Berserk (who would have guessed with my name and profile picture), so if there is a Master that has a big sword, or a Master that is a melee murder machine, that would be a plus for me.

I play tournaments locally and in the world series.

In a local tournament I can use basically any keyword, and if I'm good with it can place pretty okay.

In the World Series, the competition is fiercer and I need to do a bit more fanciness. But you're unlikely to compete at that level unless you can easily access National tournaments (like in the UK, Russia, or some parts of the US).

For big sword user, Nekima might be appealing?  Also Jedzas Mikhail?  Dashel 2 uses axes?

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5 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

I play tournaments locally and in the world series.

In a local tournament I can use basically any keyword, and if I'm good with it can place pretty okay.

In the World Series, the competition is fiercer and I need to do a bit more fanciness. But you're unlikely to compete at that level unless you can easily access National tournaments (like in the UK, Russia, or some parts of the US).

For big sword user, Nekima might be appealing?  Also Jedzas Mikhail?  Dashel 2 uses axes?

Ok I see, I live in France, but will live in the UK next year, for good (my wife is English and live there). That said, i don't think I will have time to attend to world series tournaments, just local ones, maybe a big one once a year but that is it. So I guess I have more choices now.


I am going to look at all the Masters you just mentionned, thank you !

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Each faction has its own all-rounder keyword, with 2 master titles and the help from OOK hiring. I don't play all factions, but the following list should give you a brief idea:


  • Augment
    • Very tanky with Armor +2 and the amount of support within keyword.
  • Guard
    • Have access to some decent beaters, shooters and scheme runners.


  • Augment
  • Performer
    • A.k.a Colette and her super friends.


  • Freikorps
    • Armor, adaptable upgrades and vary range of models.


  • Tricksy
    • Good gunline and speedy model, plus support and card draw from Mah1.


  • EVS
    • Improved card value and a collection of good models.
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For a generalist, I'd say Anya is pretty good. She can scheme well, put out good damage and has some nice tricks up close and at range. Has some great models in keyword but they can be a but fragile. Syndicate aren't the strongest but are a very flexible keyword. Her title gives a very different playstyle with more of a denial strategy.

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Mah Tucket is basically Guts but with a huge spoon instead of a sword (also she's a chubby green yelling lady gremlins but who care, she'll do the killing).

She has a really versatile keyword and is probably one of the more beginner friendly master that can still scale up as you grow as a player.

Give her some love (but not too much if you don't want to find yourself with a dozen of little green monsters of your own).

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