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Kaeris crew debate


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Hello all, I have been trying to wrack my brain with this one. I have been running Kaeris with GG2 and I keep running into the same dilemma. I’d like to use a Firebranded in my crew, but I don’t see a spot for them nor much use for them. Any suggestions as to when to put in the Firebranded and what role they would play? Thanks

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Firebranded are just good healers and carriers for magical training. So if you want to add some healing to your crew they are a good pick to stand 6" from the Action. Other than that, they arent a super significant damage threat and they aren't going to really score you points. They are probably valuable in a Turf War pool as a cheap Interact model for the first turn, and they are probably pretty good in Let Them Bleed. The can also be Hidden Martyr targets which is very nice. 

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Agree with everything @Mycellanious said. They are fine and get me an extra card until they die. Have flipped a couple points in turf war. And the healing can be clutch. Often worth removing enemy burning to heal Elijah. Or take it off the eternal flame if for some reason the opponent didn’t kill your totem first thing as the high priority it should be!

I guess I just like that, compared to everything else on the table, they aren’t singled out as hard with their pseudo armor and shielded from MT. Maybe get a shot off now and then. Keep in mind they can finish off a target decently too with enough injured stacked. I just save them to late activation and squeeze something from them.

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I think more competitive lists might drop them for a Silent One, but they still work with that role even if they aren't quite as efficient. Maybe the alt Title for Kaeris will encourage her to play with her team and support these guys a bit more rather than rushing ahead (at least in my experience that's how she plays best.)

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Firebranded are good if your willing to invest in them. They don't really work strait out of the box, which is mainly the issue I have with them. They basically need their own private pyre marker to farm burning from, which will usually end up hurting them, and keeping them immobile. 

However if you think of them as a turret, they aren't all that bad. Getting positives to attack and defence is solid and at the very least can chew up the opponents hand pretty quickly. 

I rarely regret hiring a single one, but it gets to be a tougher sell with two. Three is pretty much out of the question. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/3/2021 at 6:30 PM, Ravencroft said:

Hello all, I have been trying to wrack my brain with this one. I have been running Kaeris with GG2 and I keep running into the same dilemma. I’d like to use a Firebranded in my crew, but I don’t see a spot for them nor much use for them. Any suggestions as to when to put in the Firebranded and what role they would play? Thanks

firebranded are useless, better take other models

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