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Lucius’ Madhouse; bringing Asylum vs Corrupted Ley Lines


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Playing around with the crew builder, I noticed a couple of things on Asylum.

A - they like to hand out Staggered. Neutering peoples movement seems like a good way to stop them from scoring this one. 

B - they’ve got restraints, and this could potentially be devastating as well. Are you even able to pass a lodestone if you’re restrained?

C - Movement sheananigans.

Maybe a crew could look somewhat like this :

New Lucius Mattheson Crew (Guild)
Size: 50 - Pool: 4
  Lucius Mattheson
  The Scribe
  Dr. Grimwell
  Alan Reid
  Doppleganger / Agent 46
  Nurse Heartsbane
  Investigator 2

Reid, Grimwell and Heartsbane can throw the Staggered condition around to where it hurt the most and drain your opponents hand, then bring in Lucius, Doppleganger and Investigators to further bring the pain - I’d go with Doppleganger over 46, as her Lure allows for more movement disruption. You’ve even got abundant access to handing out slow to further hobble your opponent.


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3 hours ago, eddy said:

I think raider could be good lodestone carrier. He is fast and has bonus movement action. He can stagger at long range and he can bring someone to follow him

I don’t think, you should think so much of dedicated carriers. I think more of this like a game of basket or soccer, where you pass the ball around - which is another argument for Doppleganger over 46. 

BTW : Which ‘raider’ are you referring to?

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3 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

I'd be tempted to bring judge for that sweet sweet long range stagger.  

I’d be too, but besides long range Staggered I don’t see what other synergy, the judge offers. A min3 Henchman is great, but the list already offers three min(3) beaters in Reid and his Investigators, whom Lucius can boss around.

Compare to Heartsbane’s Straitjacket, that can be mimic’ed, forces discard or Slow and comes with two amazing triggers.

Judge is very much herself, whereas I’d look more to models, that can chain effects like with Coordinated Attack, or compound the misery an opponents is caught in, like when you reduce his hand and Reid strikes up a truly Boring Conversation. 


Caveat, I’ve got much more experience playing Neverborn and particularly Pandora, and I like that overly convoluted playstyle. My Guild experience is back in M2E.

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3 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

I’d be too, but besides long range Staggered I don’t see what other synergy, the judge offers. A min3 Henchman is great, but the list already offers three min(3) beaters in Reid and his Investigators, whom Lucius can boss around.

Compare to Heartsbane’s Straitjacket, that can be mimic’ed, forces discard or Slow and comes with two amazing triggers.

Judge is very much herself, whereas I’d look more to models, that can chain effects like with Coordinated Attack, or compound the misery an opponents is caught in, like when you reduce his hand and Reid strikes up a truly Boring Conversation. 


Caveat, I’ve got much more experience playing Neverborn and particularly Pandora, and I like that overly convoluted playstyle. My Guild experience is back in M2E.

Maybe other people like them, but I struggle with all those 0" attacks.  I suspect you are going to want someone with some reach.

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1 hour ago, 4thstringer said:

Maybe other people like them, but I struggle with all those 0" attacks.  I suspect you are going to want someone with some reach.

I won’t disagree that having longer reach is preferable, but let’s look at, what it does :

Facing a longer reach forces you to spend an activation to close the distance - which is a bummer. However, this is dependent on your opponent getting the charge and position himself advantageously. This is somewhat mitigated by Staggered, as you will have the longer charge range. And also mitigated by the number of pushes and out-of-activation moves in the crew.

A longer reach allows you to threaten an area and counter Interact - and coming from Pandora, where the two most important models have no engagement range whatsoever, I know how crucial this can be. However there is so much anti-scheming tech in the crew already that I’m willing to let that slide. With that in mind, I might go for something like the Peacekeeper, with its raw damage potential, 2” reach and the luxury of armor - and I like the model much more :D

Then again, this is all theory. So get it on the table and try it out, and report when this turns out to be the new Shenlong ;)

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56 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

Interesting list. Makes me want to try something like that. I would perhaps swap an investigator and a stone for two changelings. I would allow to spread the AP:s around more easily, but it would lessen the theme...

I see it more of a concept to be refined. And thematically... Lucius sendes out his little ones to scare off his targets, calls in the Asylums to deal with the obviously deranged, who run around screaming about ‘creepy kids’, then have Reid and his Investigator interrogate them in ze dungeon ;)

Personally, I’d rather try to fit in a False Witness or two.

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Looking at upgrades, I was warming up to the new No Prisoners, I think, it looks great for the Investigators.

On The Prowl after killing, they’ll love the 2” push to make contact with a new enemy.

Riot Gear more situational, but wading through hazardous terrain seems nice. And when you face a crew like Von Schill, or a model like Papa Loco, it’ll make your life so much easier.

Catch Them looks to be really powerful, use Interrogate to teleport a model, means it’ll be hard to escape the long arms of the law - or whatever Lucius would call it.

Maybe dumping the Doppleganger for a list like this :

Lucius’ Madhouse - No Prisoners (Guild)
Size: 50 - Pool: 3
  Lucius Mattheson
  The Scribe
  Dr. Grimwell
  Nurse Heartsbane
  Alan Reid
    No Prisoners
  Investigator 2
    No Prisoners
  False Witness

Which also gave me room for a False Witness - I really look forward to those models, they seem like real force multipliers.

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