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Yin the penengalan seems pretty great!


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Caveat: was playing a game with less big models on each side, no more than one model with a cost greater than 8 on either side (miscommunication and actually the opponent was playing no more than 7).

That said, just tested out Yin on Turf War, Breakthrough (standard), and Take Prisoner. He seems super great!

Between terrifying, hard to wound, and Grave Spirit's touch, he is pretty tanky.

Due to his constriction ability, he can essentially disengage at will. EDIT: coupled with his built in trigger to move enemy models, and he can virtually guarantee Take Prisoner.

His bonus action of getting a model within 6 to interact is super handy (and GST helps mitigate the self damage). I think I used it 3 times over the course of the game. Also means he can interact via an ally even after disengaging!

Flight (coupled with constriction) means he is always where he wants to be. He was behind probably 3 of my 6 points during the game.

I was playing Forgotten where he seems particularly good (Molly can force activation control, and then Yin can end the turn doing something like Take Prisoner).

But overall I'm stoked. Pretty much every model in Eternal Servitude seems incredibly useful in some scenarios.

How has everyone else found the model. Any success stories, or fail stories?

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6 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

I’ve used her quite a bit. I hire her fairly(?) frequently in Red Chapel. I don’t tend to hire as much in Yan Lo.

Her reliquary is nice, and she makes a decent scheme runner.  But it can be hard to fit her in to Yan Lo.

I'm surprised to hear she makes it into Red Chapel.  Do you use her the same way as you would in a Yan Lo crew?

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  • 3 months later...

In M2E I hire Yin in Seamus crew pretty often. In M3E there are still a place for Yin in Red Chapel.
But i would like to ask you, how are you using Yin in Yan Lo crew this days? I'm not familiar with Yan Lo at all, but it seems his keyword have lot of good and expencive models and I'm simply have no stones for Yin ...

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On 5/27/2020 at 12:10 AM, Sagrit said:

In M2E I hire Yin in Seamus crew pretty often. In M3E there are still a place for Yin in Red Chapel.
But i would like to ask you, how are you using Yin in Yan Lo crew this days? I'm not familiar with Yan Lo at all, but it seems his keyword have lot of good and expencive models and I'm simply have no stones for Yin ...

I've only played HH with that crew and theory crafted regular games, but some thoughts:

Manos+ Yin is such an insane mobility team, really worth taking (potentially even OOK).

BUT the pools you're looking to take Yan Lo into aren't necessarily high mobility pools.

So you probably won't see Yin very often in a Yan Lo crew (I could be wrong).

If Yan Lo is forced into a mobility pool (for instance, fixed master or list tournament), then Yin seems like an excellent choice.

I could also see snagging Yin in a Yan Lo pool if it happened to have Take Prisoner. She makes that so easy to accomplish.

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Hmm... that's an interesting point. I must admit that i lack experience with Yan Lo both in M2E and M3E, but yesterday I played him for the first time and Retainer crew looks extremely mobile. So much pulls and moves outside of activation. Yan Lo, Chiaki, Soul Porter, Gokudo, Yi, Manos, Izamu - all of them have some movement shenanigans. Yin died 2 times in yesterday game and still came back on the last turn and scored. It was done on porpouse - she soaked lot of resources, lot of cards because of Terrifying, lot of activations because of 9 Wounds and self heal.

As for Take Prisoner you are absolutely right. Yin score it easely. 

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